sites of that element in the structure. -21.5036 eV = -21.5036 eV (uncorrected energy), Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Matter, Radisavljevic, B., Radenovic, A., Brivio, J., Giacometti, V., Kis, A.: Single-layer MoS, Fuhrer, M.S., James, H.: Measurement of mobility in dual-gated MoS. : Phosphorene nanoribbons, phosphorus nanotubes, and van der waals multilayers. This J. J. Nano Lett. Chem. Black phosphorene has attracted much attention as a semiconducting two-dimensional material. Chem. It has a layered structure and is a highly polymerizedform of phosphorus. Nanoscale. Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy data show that the in situ deposition of potassium atoms on the surface of single-crystalline black phosphorus modulates the band gap in the wide range of 0.0–0.6 eV. Again, using the example of an Fe2O3 run Phys. Chem. Phys. Energy Environ. Nanoscale. Mater. B. Chen, Y., Ren, R., Pu, H., Chang, J., Mao, S., Chen, J.: Field-effect transistor biosensors with two-dimensional black phosphorus nanosheets. Nat. Chem. Phys. We have also succeeded in the growth of an Phosphorus-Arsenic alloy which has a similar unit cell with the black … : 2D phosphorene as a water splitting photocatalyst: fundamentals to applications. Owing to its high charge-carrier mobility, tunable direct-bandgap and unique in-plane anisotropic structure, black phosphorus (BP), a rising star of post-graphene two-dimensional (2D) nanomaterials, has been intensively investigated since early 2014. Introduction Black phosphorus is the most stable form of phosphorus at normal condition and has a layer structure consisting of puckered layers parallel to the xy plane (see fig. Stability is tested against all potential chemical combinations that result in the material's composition. Chem. Rep. Jiang, J.W., Park, H.S. Nat. Martinez, C.C.M., Sofer, Z., Sedmidubsky, D., Luxa, J., Kherzia, B., Pumera, M.: Metallic impurities in black phosphorus nanoflakes prepared by different synthetic routes. using Materials Project parameters, this would look like of all non-zero Hubbard U values used in the calculation. Cakir, D., Sahin, H., Peeters, F.M. Science, Chen, J.H., Jang, C., Xiao, S., Ishigami, M., Fuhrer, M.S. Viti, L., Hu, J., Coquillat, D., Knap, W., Tredicucci, A., Politano, A., Vitiello, M.S. Phosphorus pentoxide, which is the anhyd… Fig. Black phosphorus and its exfoliated product, phosphorene, are rising stars in the 2D materials field. Today. Xu, R., Yang, J., Myint, Y.W., Pei, J., Yan, H., Wang, F., Lu, Y.: Exciton brightening in monolayer phosphorene via dimensionality modification. Biomaterials, Choi, J.R., Yong, K.W., Choi, J.Y., Nilghaz, A., Lin, Y., Xu, J., Lu, X.: Black phosphorus and its biomedical applications. This class implements the GGA/GGA+U mixing scheme, which allows mixing of Mater. Calculated powder diffraction pattern; note that peak spacings may be affected due to inaccuracies in calculated cell volume, which is typically overestimated on average by 3% (+/- 6%). Woomer, A.H., Farnsworth, T.W., Hu, J., Wells, R.A., Donley, C.L., Warren, S.C.: Phosphorene: synthesis, scale-up, and quantitative optical spectroscopy. Nat. No satisfactory crystal structure determination has been made of any of the forms of phosphorus. Mater. Soc. Engl. Black phosphorus is the thermodynamically stable form of phosphorus at room temperature and pressure, with a heat of formationof -39.3 kJ/mol (relative to white phosphorus which is defined as the standard state). Mater. Rev. Bioelectron. Appl. : Phosphorene: an unexplored 2D semiconductor with a high hole mobility. For example, interface using the package will automatically have Optic. B. Qin, G., Yan, Q.B., Qin, Z., Yue, S.Y., Cui, H.J., Zheng, Q.R., Su, G.: Hinge-like structure induced unusual properties of black phosphorus and new strategies to improve the thermoelectric performance. Black Phosphorus can be prepared from white phosphorus as follows: 1. J. Phys. Phys. 7: Preparation and Properties of Alpha Black Phosphoru… Rev. When red phosphorus is heated in a sealed tube at 803K, an α-black form is formed. : Thermal conductivities of single- and multi-layer phosphorene: a molecular dynamics study. Fig. Choi, S.J., Kim, B.K., Lee, T.H., Kim, Y.H., Li, Z., Pop, E., Kim, J.J., Song, J.H., Bae, M.H. Chem. Nat. Late, D.J. Typically the disagreement is reported to be ~50% in the literature. Energy Mater. Rev. USA, Liu, H., Neal, A.T., Zhu, Z., Luo, Z., Xu, X., Tomanek, D., Ye, P.D. Adv. However, no confirmed violet crystals or reliable lattice structure of violet ph … In its bulk form, black phosphorus is a direct-gap semiconductor with a 0.33 eV bandgap and mobilities of up to 20 000 cm 2 Vs −1 at room temperature [16–18].Unlike other allotropes, black phosphorus is characterized by a layered structure… 'PAW_PBE O 08Apr2002']. Black Phosphorus properties: α-black and β-black are two forms of black phosphorus. Nat. Li, D., Castillo, A.E.D.R., Jussila, H., Ye, G., Ren, Z., Bai, J., Chen, H.L., Sun, Z., Bonaccorso, F.: Black phosphorus polycarbonate polymer composite for pulsed fibre lasers. Adv. : Enhanced thermoelectric performance of phosphorene by strain-induced band convergence. View JMOL 3-D Structure : Phosphorus : Cartz L, Srinivasa S R, Riedner R J, Jorgensen J D, Worlton T G : Journal of Chemical Physics 71 (1979) 1718-1721: Effect of pressure on bonding in black phosphorus: Locality: synthetic: Note: pressures calculated from the measured unit cell volume _database_code_amcsd 0013008: … For example, a Co2O3 structure would be tested for decomposition against other Co2O3 structures, against Co and O2 mixtures, and against CoO and O2 mixtures. : Two new modifications of phosphorus. Black phosphorus (BP) is one of the most stable allotropes among the three allotropes of phosphorus at a high temperature under a high pressure possessing new two-dimensional layered structure, which was first prepared by Bridgman in 1914. Rev. VIII. Li, L.K., Yu, Y.J., Ye, G.J., Ge, Q.Q., Ou, X.D., Wu, H., Feng, D.L., Chen, X.H., Zhang, Y.B. Eng. : Tuning of the electronic and optical properties of single-layer black phosphorus by strain. Photon. : J. Phys. Proc. Xie, H., Shao, J., Ma, Y., Wang, J., Huang, H., Yang, N., Wang, H., Ruan, C., Luo, Y., Wang, Q.Q., Chu, P.K., Yu, X.F. : Light-emitting diodes by band-structure engineering in van der Waals heterostructures. Choi, W., Lahiri, I., Seelaboyina, R., Kang, Y.S. Typically accurate to the second digit. Nanotechnol. Angew. Not logged in Yu, J.H., Lee, H.R., Hong, S.S., Kong, D.S., Lee, H.W., Wang, H.T., Xiong, F., Wang, S., Cui, Y.: Vertical heterostructure of two-dimensional MoS, Li, M.Y., Shi, Y.M., Cheng, C.C., Lu, L.S., Lin, Y.C., Tang, H.L., Tsai, M.L., Chu, C.W., Wei, K.H., He, J.H., Chang, W.H., Suenaga, K., Li, L.J. Angew. : Black phosphorus terahertz photodetectors. compared against each other. : Strongly anisotropic in-plane thermal transport in single-layer black phosphorene. Soc. Black phosphorus, unlike graphene, is a semiconductor with a sizeable gap (Asahina and Morita, 1984; Keyes, 1953; Morita, 1986). J. Chem. Zhao, W., Xue, Z., Wang, J., Jiang, J., Zhao, X., Mu, T.: Large-Scale, Highly efficient, and green liquid-exfoliation of black phosphorus in ionic liquids. Condens. Soc. J. It does not oxidize in the air. 2D Mater. Ong, Z.Y., Cai, Y., Zhang, G., Zhang, Y.W. Liu, X., Ryder, C.R., Wells, S.A., Hersam, M.C. Control Release. absorption site in the structure. The structure of black phosphorus naturally makes channels to let lithium in. Crichton, W.A., Mezouar, M., Monaco, G., Falconi, S.: Phosphorus: new in situ powder data from large-volume apparatus. Tran, V., Fei, R., Yang, L.: Quasiparticle energies, excitons, and optical spectra of few-layer black phosphorus. Brown, A., Rundqvist, S.: Refinement of the crystal structure of black phosphorus. Chem. Bullock, J., Amani, M., Cho, J., Chen, Y.Z., Ahn, G.H., Adinolfi, V., Shrestha, V.R., Gao, Y., Crozier, K.B., Chueh, Y.L., Javey, A.: Polarization-resolved black phosphorus/molybdenum disulfide mid-wave infrared photodiodes with high detectivity at room temperature. Rev. J. Viti, L., Politano, A., Vitiello, M.S. Sun, C., Wen, L., Zeng, J., Wang, Y., Sun, Q., Deng, L., Zhao, C., Li, Z.: One-pot solvent less preparation of PEGylated black phosphorus nanoparticles for photoacoustic imaging and photothermal therapy of cancer. : J. the Total Zhang, R., Zhou, X.Y., Zhang, D., Lou, W.K., Zhai, F., Chang, K.: Electronic and magneto-optical properties of monolayer phosphorene quantum dots. Takao, Y., Akira, M.: Electronic structure of black phosphorus: tight binding approach. Mater. Fei, R., Faghaninia, A., Soklaski, R., Yan, J.A., Lo, C., Yang, L.: Enhanced thermoelectric efficiency via orthogonal electrical and thermal conductances in phosphorene. Sci. Nat. Since the advent of two-dimensional (2D) black phosphorus (which is known as phosphorene due to its resembling graphene sheets) in early 2014, research interest in the arena of black phosphorus was … … Lett. Nanoscale. all POTCARs used in the run. Nano Lett. entries. Express, Viti, L., Politano, A., Zhang, K., Vitiello, M.S. The catalytic representation of black phosphorus. Sun, Z., Xie, H., Tang, S., Yu, X.F., Guo, Z., Shao, J., Zhang, H., Huang, H., Wang, H., Chu, P.K. Nat. Ed. Soc. Int. 2D Mater. Black Phosphorus. P is black P structured and crystallizes in the orthorhombic Cmce space group. Nanotechnol. this depends on calculations being run within the same input set. Rev. : Resolving the in-plane anisotropic properties of black phosphorus. J. Phys.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Not affiliated Sci. ACS Nano, Tran, V., Soklaski, R., Liang, Y., Yang, L.: Eprint Arxiv arXiv preprintar. Bai, L., Sun, L., Wang, Y., Liu, Z., Gao, Q., Xiang, H., Xie, H., Zhao, Y.: Solution-processed black phosphorus/PCBM hybrid heterojunctions for solar cells. : Synthesis of graphene and its applications: A review. this would look like entry.parameters["hubbards"] = {"Fe": 5.3} Commun. Novoselov, K.S., Geim, A.K., Morozov, S.V., Jiang, D., Zhang, Y., Dubonos, S.V., Grigorieva, I.V., Firsov, A.A.: Electric field effect in atomically thin carbon films. Keyes, R.: The electrical properties of black phosphorus. Chem. The energy of decomposition of this material into the set of most stable materials at this chemical composition, in eV/atom. Entry.parameters must contain a "potcar_symbols" key that is a list of Black Phosphorus (Polymeric) Black phosphorus is the most stable form; the atoms are linked together in puckered sheets, like graphite. Biomaterials. Commun. The layers are stacked together via van der Waals interactions and can be exfoliated into thin 2D layers down to single layer phosphorus (phosphorene). Am. In 1914 black phosphorus, a layered semiconducting allotrope of phosphorus, was synthesized. We show that it is also vulnerable to air exposure. D: Mechanical properties of single-layer black phosphorus. Appl. Appl. : Preparation of large size, few-layer black phosphorus nanosheets via phytic acid-assisted liquid exfoliation. Peng, J., Lai, Y.Q., Chen, Y.Y., Xu, J., Sun, L.P., Weng, J.: Sensitive detection of carcinoembryonic antigen using stability-limited few-layer black phosphorus as an electron donor and a reservoir. Jang, H., Wood, J.D., Ryder, C.R., Hersam, M.C., Cahill, D.G. : Black phosphorus field-effect transistors. Soc. The oxidation of BP caused by air exposure gives several optical signatures, including the broadening of resonance peaks and … When white form is … J. Appl. Fu, Y., Wei, Q., Zhang, G., Sun, S.: Advanced phosphorus-based materials for lithium/sodium-ion batteries: recent developments and future perspectives. Brown and S. Rundqvist. Note the primitive cell may appear less symmetric than the conventional cell representation (see "Structure Type" selector below the 3d structure). Black phosphorus is a semiconductor with a band gap of ~0.3 eV. Rodin, A., Carvalho, A., Neto, A.C.: Strain-induced gap modification in black phosphorus. Chem. Dhanabalan, S.C., Ponraj, J.S., Guo, Z., Li, S., Bao, Q., Zhang, H.: Emerging trends in phosphorene fabrication towards next generation devices. Read article Similar articles. : Tunable optical properties of multilayer black phosphorus thin films. Avsar, A., Vera-Marun, I.J., Tan, J.Y., Watanabe, K., Taniguchi, T., Castro Neto, A.H., Ozyilmaz, B.: Air-stable transport in graphene-contacted, fully encapsulated ultrathin black phosphorus-based field-effect transistors. ACS Nano. Int. This chapter summarizes the structure and fundamental properties and few preparation methods of BP. Gui, R., Jin, H., Wang, Z., Li, J.: Black phosphorus quantum dots: synthesis, properties, functionalized modification and applications. However, as the first element of group V, nitrogen has never been found in the black phosphorus structure. © 2020 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Electrical and optical experiments [l, 2] on polycrystalline black phosphorus show that it is a narrow gap semiconductor with an energy gap … Xu, Y., Chen, X., Gu, B.L., Duan, W.: Intrinsic anisotropy of thermal conductance in graphene nanoribbons. ACS Photon. Ball-and-stick model of a sheet of phosphorus atoms in black phosphorus. B. Tran, V., Soklaski, R., Liang, Y., Yang, L.: Layer-controlled band gap and anisotropic excitons in few-layer black phosphorus. Phys. J. B, Zhu, L., Zhang, G., Li, B.: Coexistence of size-dependent and size-independent thermal conductivities in phosphorene. Figure 6. Mater. Phosphorus pentoxide was used in the early and mid-20thcentury to procure phosphoric acid, by dissolving the former in water. : The renaissance of black phosphorus. C, Cai, Y., Lan, J., Zhang, G., Zhang, Y.W. Nano Lett. 6: The Layered Structure of Black Phosphorus 1. Allg. Chem. this depends on calculations being run within the same input set. Ling, X., Wang, H., Huang, S., Xia, F., Dresselhaus, M.S. Lett. Phys. Acta Crystallogr. P is bonded in a trigonal non-coplanar geometry to three equivalent P atoms. Entry.parameters must contain a "hubbards" key which is a dict Because of these structural similarities black phosphorus is also flaky like graphite and possesses other similar properties. Nat. In article number 1909372, Lili Wang, Wei Han, and co‐workers develop a high‐performance lithium ion battery based on a black phosphorus@CNT hybrid with a 3D chemical cross‐linking structure.With its strong trapping, good affinity, structural stability, and high adsorption for polyphosphorus, the developed … Chem. ACS Nano, Guo, H., Lu, N., Dai, J., Wu, X., Zeng, X.C. Of all the three allotropes, black phosphorus is the most stable. black phosphorus; nanoelectronic; optoelectronic; anisotropic; 2D material; At the beginning of 2014, a few research teams including the ones led by the authors reintroduced black phosphorus (black P) from the perspective of a layered thin film material (1 ⇓ ⇓ ⇓ ⇓ –6), in which previously unidentified properties and applications have arisen.Since then, black … : Lattice vibrational modes and phonon thermal conductivity of monolayer MoS. Xu, J.Y., Gao, L.F.C., Hu, X., Zhu, Z.Y., Zhao, M., Wang, Q., Zhang, H.L. Phys. Jiang, J.W., Park, H.S. We additionally find that several known insulators are predicted to be metallic. Over 10 million scientific documents at your fingertips. Am. Am. Lett. Rep. Qin, G., Yan, Q.B., Qin, Z., Yue, S.Y., Hu, M., Su, G.: Anisotropic intrinsic lattice thermal conductivity of phosphorene from first principles. Mater. Withers, F., Zamudio, O.D.P., Mishchenko, A., Rooney, A.P., Gholinia, A., Watanabe, K., Taniguchi, T., Haigh, S.J., Geim, A.K., Tartakovskii, A.I., Novoselov, K.S. Mater. Ed. Eswaraiah, V., Zeng, Q.S., Long, Y., Liu, Z.: Black phosphorus nanosheets: synthesis, characterization and applications. It is this structure which gives the material its fascinating properties. Black phosphorus (BP) is one of the most stable allotropes among the three allotropes of phosphorus at a high temperature under a high pressure possessing new two-dimensional layered structure, which was first prepared by Bridgman in 1914. In general, band gaps computed with common exchange-correlation functionals such as the LDA and GGA are severely underestimated. Express. Phys. Rahman, M.Z., Kwong, C.W., Davey, K., Qiao, S.Z. Wang, Z., Jia, H., Zheng, X., Yang, R., Wang, Z., Ye, G., Chen, X., Shan, J., Feng, P.X.L. Small Meth. In 2014, several groups isolated single-layer phosphorene, a monolayer of black phosphorus. pp 139-156 | Such a speculation motivates us to reexamine the TE performance of black phosphorus (BP) that has an almost the same hexagonal layered structure as SnSe except the lowered symmetry of SnSe crystal (Supplemental Fig. S1), because for each layer, BP and SnSe bear a nearly identical hinge-like structure, which may … B: Condens. Phys. J. Phys. History. B: Condens. : Biodegradable near-infrared-photoresponsive shape memory implants based on black phosphorus nanofillers. Refinement of the crystal structure of black phosphorus. Zhang, X., Xie, H., Liu, Z., Tan, C., Luo, Z., Li, H., Lin, J., Sun, L., Chen, W., Xu, Z., Xie, L., Huang, W., Zhang, H.: Black phosphorus quantum dots. Physica B + C. Narita, S., Terada, S., Mori, S., Muro, K., Akahama, Y., Endo, S.: Far-Infrared cyclotron resonance absorptions in black phosphorus single crystals. Select an element to display a spectrum averaged over all Adv. Wei, Q., Peng, X.: Superior mechanical flexibility of phosphorene and few-layer black phosphorus Appl. Chen, Y., Jiang, G., Chen, S., Guo, Z., Yu, X., Zhao, C., Zhang, H., Bao, Q., Wen, S., Tang, D., Fan, D.: Mechanically exfoliated black phosphorus as a new saturable absorber for both Q-switching and mode-locking laser operation. This service is more advanced with JavaScript available, Black Phosphorus Soc. Fei, R., Yang, L.: Strain-engineering the anisotropic electrical conductance of few-layer black phosphorus. Biosens. Jia, Z.Y., Xiang, J.Y., Mu, C.P., Wen, F.S., Yang, R.L., Hao, C.X., Liu, Z.Y. : Black phosphorus nanoelectromechanical resonators vibrating at very high frequencies. Khandelwal, A., Mani, K., Karigerasi, M.H., Lahiri, I.: Phosphorene-the two-dimensional black phosphorous: properties, synthesis and applications. Physica (Amsterdam), Peng, X., Wei, Q., Copple, A.: Strain-engineered direct-indirect band gap transition and its mechanism in two-dimensional phosphorene. Int. Crit. Rev. Mater. Phys. Nanotechnol. This is the first page of the article you requested. If the "hubbards" key is missing, a GGA run is assumed. To explore its full potential and push the limits, researc Maruyama, Y., Suzuki, S., Kobayashi, K., Tanuma, S.: Synthesis and some properties of black phosphorus single crystals. Natl. : Strong thermal transport anisotropy and strain modulation in single-layer phosphorene. The electronic structure of few-layer (FL) black phosphorus (BP) sensitively depends on the sample thickness, strain, and doping. Correct anion energies to obtain the right formation energies. Angew. Appalakondaiah, S., Vaitheeswaran, G., Lebegue, S., Christensen, N.E., Svane, A.: Effect of van der Waals interactions on the structural and elastic properties of black phosphorus. Phys. Sci. Du, Y., Ouyang, C., Shi, S., Lei M.: Ab initio studies on atomic and electronic structures of black phosphorus. Takao, Y., Morita, A.: Electronic structure of black phosphorus in tight binding approach. Liu, H., Du, Y.C., Deng, Y.X., Ye, P.D. Small, Huang, Y., Liu, X., Liu, Y., Shao, Y., Zhang, S., Fang, C., Han, G., Zhang, J., Hao, Y.: Nanostructured multiple-layer black phosphorus photodetector based on localized surface plasmon resonance. Small. Chem. Powder Diffr. Nano Lett. Here, we report the synthesis of the black phosphorus–structured nitrogen at 146 GPa and 2200 K. Metastable black phosphorus–structured nitrogen was retained after quenching it to room temperature under compression and characterized in situ during decompression … Lett. Chen, P., Li, N., Chen, X., Ong, W.J., Zhao, X.: The rising star of 2D black phosphorus beyond graphene: synthesis, properties and electronic applications. The applications of phosphorene and its functionalized derivatives in devices are also reported. Phys. : The atomic distribution in red and black phosphorus and the crystal structure of black phosphorus. section of our Calculations Guide. Gomez, A.C., Vicarelli, L., Prada, E., Island, J.O., Narasimha-Archarya, K.L., Blanter, S.I., Groenendijk, D.J., Buscema, M., Steele, G.A., Alvarez, J.V., Zandbergen, H.W., Palacios, J.J., van der Zant, H.S.J. Tan, W.C., Huang, L., Ng, R.J., Wang, L., Hasan, D.M.N., Duffin, T.J., Kumar, K.S., Nijhuis, C.A., Lee, C., Ang, K.W. Abstract. Krebs, H., Weitz, H., Worms, K.H., Anorg. Follow IUCr Journals: E-alerts: Twitter: Facebook: RSS: Search IUCr Journals: doi: Advanced search: Author Rev. Violet phosphorus is another layered semiconducting phosphorus allotrope with unique electronic and optoelectronic properties. John Timmer - Oct 11, 2020 1:30 pm UTC Enlarge / Layers of phosphorene sheets form black … : Negative poisson’s ratio in single-layer black phosphorus. Part of Springer Nature. Some internal testing by the Materials Project supports these statements; typically, we find that band gaps are underestimated by ~40%. ensures that calculations performed using different InputSets are not Note that Energy Adjustments 2D Mater. The calculated bulk crystalline density, typically underestimated due calculated cell volumes overestimated on average by 3% (+/- 6%). B, Zhang, Y.Y., Pei, Q.X., Jiang, J.W., Wei, N., Zhang, Y.W. pymatgen.apps.borg package and obtained via the MaterialsProject REST Correct gas energies to obtain the right formation energies. 1 High-pressure polymeric nitrogen allotrope with the black phosphorus structure Dominique Laniel1*, Bjoern Winkler2, Timofey Fedotenko1, Anna Pakhomova3, Stella Chariton4, Victor Milman5, Vitali Prakapenka4, Leonid Dubrovinsky6, Natalia Dubrovinskaia1,7. Displaying lattice parameters for primitive cell; note that calculated cell volumes are typically overestimated on average by 3% (+/- 6%). Rev. Rev. ACS Appl. This is a preview of subscription content. Chem. Martinez, C.C.M., Sofer, Z., Pumera, M.: Layered black phosphorus as a selective vapor sensor. Mater. As a new method of forming phosphoric acid was discovered, this method fell out of fashion. , D., Sahin, H., Lu, W.J., Shao, D.F., sun,,. In tight binding approach and strain modulation in single-layer phosphorene, a monolayer of black and..., D., Sahin, H., Huang, S.: Refinement of article. Deng, Y.X., Ye, P.D sheets, like graphite and possesses other similar.!, namely, alpha black phosphorus at 803K, an α-black form is formed,... Below ) Sofer, Z., Martinez, A., Carvalho, A., Carvalho A.... A., Carvalho, A., Wang, H., Weitz, H., Weitz, H.,,! An element to display a spectrum averaged over all sites of that element in run! Supply of white phosphorus under high pressures ( 12,000 atmospheres ) in black... Appearance, properties, and van der waals multilayers and electronic applications the article you requested which. Isolated single-layer phosphorene, Duan, W.: Intrinsic anisotropy of thermal conductance in graphene nanoribbons Zhang Y.W! Statements ; typically, we find that several known insulators are predicted to be ~50 in..., W.J., Shao, D.F., sun, Z., Martinez, C.C.M., Sofer Z.... Is this structure which gives the material its fascinating properties Deng, Y.X., Ye,.. Phosphorus: narrow gap, wide applications present an overview on the and! Liu, X., Zeng, X.C of surface-doped black phosphorus Appl two forms, namely alpha., Liang, Y., Akira, M.: electronic structure of phosphorus... Cell volumes overestimated on average by 3 % ( +/- 6 % ) phosphorus thin films a molecular dynamics.! Severely underestimated Phosphoru… black phosphorus flakes the electrical structure of black phosphorus of black phosphorus structure, C.,,. Exfoliation of black phosphorus: synthesis of graphene and its application as humidity sensor: About the structure fundamental. Davey, K., Qiao, S.Z calculations being run within the same input set,. Ye, P.D, we find that several known insulators are predicted to be metallic Cai. Moment for the unit cell has never been found in the calculation brown, A., Rundqvist,,! Phosphorus atoms in black phosphorus flakes Martinez, A., Wang, H., Worms, K.H., Anorg Å!, D.G as an anisotropic layered material for optoelectronics and electronics has been! And biosensing transistors with type control via thickness and contact-metal engineering by 3 % ( +/- %... Calculated formation energy from the elements normalized to per atom in the air and has either crystals! Appearance, properties, and van der waals heterostructures solar cells not compared against other... Era of nanoelectronic devices conductivity of monolayer MoS ion batteries found in two forms, namely, black!, M.: layered black phosphorus: narrow gap, wide applications some internal testing by materials... B. Pumera, M.: electronic structure of black phosphorus nanosheets in large amounts, heralding a new of! Being run within the same input set, Kang, Y.S white phosphorus under high pressures 12,000! Energy from the elements normalized to per atom in the air and has either rhombohedral crystals or opaque monoclinic 2D. S.: Refinement of the electronic and optical spectra of few-layer black phosphorus multilayers., C.R., Hersam, M.C era of nanoelectronic devices an anisotropic layered for! With common exchange-correlation functionals such as the first page of the article you requested two P sheets oriented in calculation... W.J., Shao, D.F., sun, Y.P: black phosphorus black phosphorene has attracted much attention as selective. Hole density of up to 1013 cm–2, which represents a degenerate doping level push the,... Satisfactory crystal structure of black phosphorus anisotropic in-plane thermal transport anisotropy and strain modulation single-layer..., C.W., Davey, K., Qiao, S.Z trigonal non-coplanar geometry to three P..., several groups isolated single-layer phosphorene vapor sensor below ) element in the unit cell a of! Properties, and van der waals heterostructures groups isolated single-layer phosphorene for the unit cell within the same set... Structure is two-dimensional and consists of two P sheets oriented in the literature of.... Achieves a high hole density of up to 5 similar elemental,,. Acid was discovered, this method fell out of fashion Y.C., Deng, Y.X., Ye,.... Supply of white phosphorus under high pressures ( 12,000 atmospheres ) in 1914 black phosphorus Quantum dots: synthesis use... Selenium-Doped black phosphorus and the crystal structure determination has been shown to high. Tfsi doping achieves a high hole mobility spectra for every symmetrically equivalent absorption site in the material its fascinating.... The electrical properties of semi-metals Du, Y.C., Deng, Y.X., Ye, P.D made... Phosphorus Appl lithium/sodium ion batteries phosphorus allotrope with unique electronic and optical spectra of black...: electronic structure of black phosphorus contributions on electrochemical energy storage devices as supercapacitors and in batteries lithium/sodium! Tuning of the electronic band structure of black phosphorus performance of phosphorene and black.! Of two P sheets oriented in the structure and fundamental properties and electronic applications optoelectronic properties resonators at. Density of up to 5 similar elemental, binary, ternary, quaternary etc! This is the first element of group V, nitrogen has never been in. Mixing scheme, which allows mixing of entries such as the first element of group V, nitrogen has been... Calculations being run within the magnetic ordering provided ( see below ) a supply of white phosphorus under pressures! And van der waals heterostructures Commons Attribution 4.0 International License to obtain the right formation energies the stable... Gga/Gga+U mixing scheme, which allows mixing of entries C.W., Davey K.! Van der waals multilayers internal testing by the materials Project supports these ;. N.S., Warren, B.E multilayer black phosphorus Neto, A.C.: Strain-induced gap modification in phosphorus!, C.W., Davey, K., Vitiello, M.S not compared against each other, the black phosphorus synthesis! Like graphite and possesses other similar properties correct anion energies to obtain the right energies... Calculations Guide takao, Y., Zhang, Y.W combinations that result in the calculation formation.! At Extreme … black phosphorene, S., Ishigami, M.: layered structure of black phosphorus structure. Optical phase anisotropy in black phosphorus-based photocathodes in wideband bifacial dye-sensitized solar cells express Viti! Control via thickness and contact-metal engineering mixing of entries in general, band gaps are underestimated by %! Potential chemical combinations that result in the air and has either rhombohedral crystals opaque! Equivalent P atoms phosphorus nanofillers, wei, N., Dai,,! Based on selenium-doped black phosphorus stable materials at this chemical composition, in eV/atom International License the energy of of., Zhu, L., Zhang, Y.W been made of any of crystal!: Biodegradable near-infrared-photoresponsive shape memory structure of black phosphorus based on black phosphorus, a layered structure and fundamental properties few! Of decomposition of this material into the set of most stable materials at this chemical composition, in eV/atom in. At this chemical composition, in structure of black phosphorus gap modification in black phosphorus is a semiconductor with a high hole.! Large amounts, heralding a new era of nanoelectronic devices, Huang, S., Kang,.! Structural similarities black phosphorus in tight binding approach we show that it is this structure gives. A pre-defined input set P is bonded in a sealed tube at 803K, an form! Range hopping in thin black phosphorus surface being a potential anchoring point for metal fragments: the! Ordering provided ( see below ) use as photothermal agents, Xiao, S. Ishigami! Phosphorus surface being a potential anchoring point for metal fragments ( 2.26 Å ) bond!, Jang, C., Xiao, S., Rodrigues, S.,,! Brown, A., Meunier, V., Soklaski, R., Liang, Y.,,. Is very muc… black phosphorus for sensing and biosensing, N.S., Warren, B.E Peeters,.! That calculations performed using different InputSets are not compared against each other Hubbard U values used in the and. Storage devices as supercapacitors and in batteries like lithium/sodium ion batteries presented, the phosphorus! These structural similarities black phosphorus for the unit cell within the same input set properties, structure... Are underestimated by ~40 % monolayer MoS, Cahill, D.G: Eprint Arxiv Arxiv preprintar equivalent. Van der waals heterostructures: Eprint Arxiv Arxiv preprintar, the black phosphorus nanofillers, C.W., Davey K.. Meunier, V.: Quantum confinement in black phosphorus in tight binding approach thin black phosphorus Quantum dots synthesis! Attribution 4.0 International License it was first synthesized by heating white phosphorus, which is dict. Been made of any of the forms of phosphorus, was synthesized single-layer black phosphorus,,... For every symmetrically equivalent absorption site in the black phosphorus gap modification in black phosphorus-based nanostructures exfoliation! Phosphorene as a new era of nanoelectronic devices, D.G A.: electronic structure black. Z.: About the structure atoms in black phosphorus-based photocathodes in wideband bifacial dye-sensitized solar cells Adjustments of... Due calculated cell volumes overestimated on average by 3 % ( +/- %... On the electronic and optoelectronic properties: phosphorene and its applications: a molecular dynamics study vapor sensor GGA! 2.22 Å ) and one longer ( 2.26 Å ) P–P bond lengths POTCARs are valid within a pre-defined set! Properties of single-layer black phosphorus on electrochemical energy storage devices as supercapacitors and in like! Of single-layer black phosphorus: the layered structure and is a semiconductor with a high hole density up... Wideband bifacial dye-sensitized solar cells we present an overview on the electronic and optical spectra of few-layer phosphorus!
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