Pentax 645D vs Pentax 645Z: Physical Specs and Body features Comparison Size and weight is a big decision factor when you are trying to find the ideal camera for your needs. And roughly how much does it cost? I had no trouble composing and focusing the camera. Image taken with Pentax 67 using Schneider Cinelux … Dont worry I wont be switching to shooting only film lol, but I'll for sure share the journey! If you don't mind optics which prefer to be stopped down a little, the Pentax 645N is a much faster and more fun camera to shoot than the other more manual Hasselblad or rangefinder Mamiya … Pentax' 645 lenses are fine, but not as stellar as the Hasselblad or Mamiya 7 systems if you like to shoot flat landscapes at infinity at full aperture. Trust me, a >645 from Pentax, Mamiya or Bronica is easier to casually use than an RB. Get the best deals on PENTAX 645 Camera Lens Adapters when you shop the largest online selection at Charlene is a great experimenter. I still have my other lenses for situations where I need to stop down for an increased depth of field, like group photos, but I use the Bokeh Factory lens for 99% of my photos. Right away, I started researching the Pentax … Related: mamiya 645 pentax 645n pentax 67 pentax 645 lens medium format camera pentax 645nii pentax 645z mamiya rb67 pentax 6x7 pentax 645d pentax 645 75mm pentax 645 body. They make fifteen 6×4.5 cm images on a 120 roll film . RICOH IMAGING 中判デジタル一眼レフカメラ/645マウントレンズのラインナップ。広角や標準、望遠やマクロ、単焦点とズームなど各種レンズをご紹介いたします。 Pentax 645n vs 645nii James van der Moezel ... Pentax 645 vs Pentax 67 (and Digital ... 9:18. Hi, Get it as soon as Thu, ... Pentax 645N Medium-Format SLR Camera. I shoot trains, buses, streetcars and subways. When I got mine in the mail, I didn’t feel like I had to read the user manual before I could use it. I use it pretty regularly for photographing portraits but not for long events like weddings. The Pentax 645 system was and still is a great entry … With the Contax, I struggled to focus during low light situations. Check out more of Charlene’s work on her website, Instagram, and Facebook, and you can read her other Shoot It With Film Articles here. The Pentax 645 system is versatile and modern, with many of the automated features found in todays fancy DSLR’s, yet offers all the manual features of the old rugged film cameras of days gone by. It is a medium format camera, so it is not lightweight, but it felt comfortable and comparable to the Contax systems. I tried my friends Mamiya 645 af when I wished to try medium format. The viewfinder makes focusing fast and accurate. 12:11. Dont worry I wont be switching to shooting only film lol, but I'll for sure share the journey! The camera has a built-in matrix meter which is rumored to be pretty accurate. I am wanting to purchase a Pentax with a conversion zeiss lens and this was helpful to read. I think as a photographer it is important to find the tools that work for you as an individual artist. Jul 30, 2015 - Explore Joanna Kisielinska's board "Pentax 645" on Pinterest. They couldn’t stop raving about how much they were loving the Pentax system, the lenses and the price. There isn’t a way to switch film stocks mid-shooting. ... mamiya 645 … And the larger the format, the … One of the most exciting reasons I switched systems was the ability to adapt and use lots of different lenses for this camera. Pentax 645 vs Pentax 645n vs Pentax 645nii Up front, let’s go ahead and get this out of the way—spec-wise, all versions of the Pentax 645 are almost identical. The original Pentax 645 was introduced in 1984. I like to move my compositions out of the center, so the confirmation doesn’t work well for how I shoot. I wish it had a system with a few different backs so I could switch between film stocks during sessions. It was introduced in 1984, along with a complementary line of lenses. I loved the results of shooting with the Zeiss lens and was pretty happy with the system. The Pentax goes with me to all of my portrait sessions. I tried my friends Mamiya 645 … I shoot mainly black and white film, so I meter using a handheld light meter. Pentax 645D vs Mamiya ZD Back COMPARISON SELECTION (3 selected items max.) If I was to buy lenses for that camera, I’d be … Free shipping on many items ... Hasselblad V CF lens to Pentax 645 P645 Mount Adapter for 645N 645D. You can find him on Facebook and Instagram. The Pentax 645 is a medium format single-lens reflex system camera manufactured by Pentax. I did lots of research (last 3 months) and found pentax 645n and 67 are right for me. For workshops, coaching, and other resources designed to help grow your skills as a photographer click here (after you read the article, of … Unlike Mamiya's 6×7 SLR cameras, they do not have bellows, but rely on helical focusing in the lenses. Hi Jakub, when focusing, I just use my eye to tell me what is in focus. Get the best deals on Pentax 645n when you shop the largest online selection at As I mentioned before, the biggest surprise was the brightness and clarity of the viewfinder. I While the new digital cameras that Mamiya Leaf sells are out of the price range of many casual photographers, the good news is that all of the film cameras based on the M645 system can still be had for reasonable, hobbyist, prices. $56.70. 東京・日暮里にある寫眞機店(みつばどうしゃしんきてん)のオンラインストアです。中古フィルムカメラの販売と修理を行っております。買取もいたしますので、ご自宅に眠っているカメラはぜひ当店までお申し付けください。 This is my first post in this forum, I landed here to read about 67 and 645 camera and lens reviews. Pentax' 645 lenses are fine, but not as stellar as the Hasselblad or Mamiya 7 systems if you like to shoot flat landscapes at infinity at full aperture. The major differences lies in that the Pentax 645 … 46 x 38mm vs 43.8 x 32.8mm; 3.67x faster shooting at highest resolution with AF as JPEG format? They are the younger brothers of the original 645 (1984-1997). It yields 16 exposures per roll of 120, handles very nicely, and has an excellent TTL exposure system. 今回ご紹介しますのはPENTAX最後の、というより中判フィルムを採用した最後の一眼レフになりそうな「PENTAX 645N II」です。 「645D」 を紹介するか迷ったんですが、私が最近フィルムカメラに目覚めたのと、お値段的に手に入れやすいかなというのもあって今回はコチラで。 I exclusively use the camera in manual mode. PENTAX ペンタックス 67 ii 買取商品一覧 Mamiya マミヤ 645 pro AEファインダー 買取商品一覧 Canon キャノン NEW FD 85mm f1.2 買取商品一覧 Canon キャノン NEW f-1 買取商品一覧 I had the Mamiya 645 system (manual focus) and they are great. Pentax 6x7 - Duration: 12:11. grainydays 114,061 views. ... My next 6x7 may be a Mamiya, though. After I sold my Contax, I was able to pay for the Pentax body and buy two additional lenses for the camera. They couldn’t stop raving about how much they were loving the Pentax system, the lenses and the price. In fact, the Pentax 645 … Unfortunately - except the Pentax 67->645 adaptor - the … Mamiya ZD Back. Hasselblad 503CW Vs. 645N. One question though, where can I get the zeiss lens converted to work with the Pentax 645n? 21.67% larger sensor? Thanks for writing such a great article! Of course opinions are like cameras, … Mamiya 645Pro はマミヤの645判一眼レフカメラ。 マミヤ645シリーズは全体的に安価で、手軽に中古の中判一眼レフが欲しい方に最適なカメラだといえるでしょう。 ゼンザブロニカやペンタックスなど国産中判カメラは数多くありますが、マミヤの中判一眼レフの特徴は、他に比べて現在、と … $554.99. It opens up so many possibilities for experimenting with different lenses. Pentax 645 vs Pentax 67 gkardmw I have the 75 mm prime lens along with the 45 mm wide angle and the 200 mm telephoto and a right angle finder. I bought the lens and sent it to him to get converted. Loading the back with film takes a bit of patience due to the way the film threads through the back, but, after a few times, it became second nature for me. The interchangeable back is not a deal breaker for me because the camera system has more than a few redeeming qualities, such as the battery system. While I've never used the Mamiya 645 cameras I do own a Pentax 645n. The downside of this lens is it is a large and heavy, not much fun to travel with. Pentax 645 vs Pentax 67 gkardmw I have the 75 mm prime lens along with the 45 mm wide angle and the 200 mm telephoto and a right angle finder. 決定從645這塊下手 想選用pentax的645系列 想請問一下645N和645NII只差在反光鏡預鎖嗎?這功能我其實蠻常用到的 尤其拍夜景長時間曝光的時候 但又有爬文道pentax的反光鏡震動其實很小?所以這功能似乎不是非常必要? RICOH IMAGING デジタル一眼カメラ「PENTAX 645Z」製品ページ。ここまでアクティブになったカメラ「645Z」だから撮れる、感動があります。特長やレンズ、仕様、カラーバリエーションについてご紹 … I shoot 35mm with few cameras. Great article, just one question, when you focus on p645 with 105mm 2.8 do you relay on what you see or on what camera tells you, I mean this sound that confirms that photo is in focus ? This site uses cookies to ensure we give you the best experience on our website. The M645 Super, 645 Pro, 645 Pro TL and 645E are medium-format SLR cameras made in Japan by Mamiya from the mid-1980's. It also furnishes TTL flash exposure with units that support Pentax… 645の方が35mm判ライクで使えると思いますよ。120ブローニーで15枚撮れますし。。。645NⅡは、私も興味津々です。中古の645Nも良いですけどね。 書込番号:8750905 0 点 I use the 645 for field use. By continuing to use this site, you agree to our cookie policy. Looking for an alternative to the bulk and weight of the 105mm lens led me to The Bokeh Factory and their wide variety of lenses they modify to fit the Pentax 645 system. Hi guys! Pentax 645Z. Have you experienced anything similar with the 645nii? Leave your questions about the Pentax 645Nii below in the comments, and you can pick one up for yourself at KEH Camera or eBay. I use the 645 for field use. It’s been on snowshoeing trips and family vacations, including hiking in the Grand Canyon and a backpacking trip. I like that I can use it as a manual camera without any issues or problems. With my Contax, I had plenty of out of focus photos, but my “keep rate” for focus with the Pentax is around 95-100%. Contax 645 vs Pentax 67 vs Pentax 645 vs Hasselblad H2 vs Mamiya 645 | Contax 645 Alternatives Note: This post is part of our "Learn Blog" for photographers. 1kg vs 1550g 75% schnellere Blitzsynchronzeit? Thanks . If you click on a link and make a purchase, Shoot It With Film may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. Contax 645 vs Pentax 67 vs Pentax 645 vs Hasselblad H2 vs Mamiya 645 | Contax 645 Alternatives February 6, 2018 by Jeff Armstrong. The following contains my personal experiences and thoughts about the system. 1.3kg vs … Contax 645 medium format film camera system, 5 Awesome Medium Format Film Cameras for Beginners, her other Shoot It With Film Articles here, センサーサイズが645のフルサイズになったデジタルカメラで撮れる世界は夢のようなもので、仮にPENTAXが100万円とかいう値段で出せば新しい革命的出来事となるでしょう。仮にこのカメラを「645X」として、645Xは歴史の1ページに確実に Here my film channel, for more Pentax 645 video series: #pentax645 Pentax 645 Review and … Pentax 645 vs. Pentax 645N Der größte Unterschied ist der Autofokus der 645N. Today I want to share another comparison test using the Mamiya 645af and the Pentax 645n. I currently own the older Pentax 645 with 55, 75, 150MM lens and was considering moving up to the Pentax 645N based on the additional features, but I was also looking at the Bronica ETRSI … On the rare occasion when I do use auto focus, I find that it is nothing like a SLR camera in terms of speed (it is SLOW). Overall, I am very happy with the Pentax system. The Pentax 645 … And if you haven’t already checked out my last two posts, you can do so HERE [Mamiya 645af + 80mm 1.9 vs. Pentax 645n + 75mm 2.8] and HERE [Mamiya 645af + 80 2.8 vs. Pentax 645n + 75 2.8]. I like it very much! 95. The Pentax 645N came out in 1997 and was succeeded by the 645Nii in 2001. Mamiya ZD Back vs Pentax 645Z. This lens is the equivalent to the 50mm on a 35mm camera. The Pentax … このブログでも多数紹介している中判カメラですが、67判の中判カメラや一部の645判カメラは近年かなりの価格上昇を見せています。それに比べると今回のM645シリーズ(Mamiya M645, M645 1000S, M645 Super)は基本的には以前と I found a mint system on eBay with a 75mm lens for around $700 and hoped for the best. I marvel at how she loves to mix and match creating camera combinations that enhance her creativity. 海外でも人気が高い、645判中判一眼レフの元祖 前身機種であるマミヤM645は、645判で初めてのレンズ交換式の中判カメラでした。 その後、M645 1000S、M645スーパーを経て、この645 PROとなりマニュアルフォーカスのマミヤ645は完成形となりました。 2.9 out of 5 stars 4. I purchased the 105mm F/2.4 lens and an adapter to use it on the 645 system. or are there any known issue the 645nii has? A friend suggested I try Pentax and offered to sell me a very nice 645n. With the AF 645 cameras (645N and 645N II) you even get full film-edge data imprinting! PENTAX 645/645N/645N IIの在庫はこちら。 PENTAX 645レンズの在庫はこちら。 1号店3階には作例集を置いております。 ここで掲載したものもプリントしてありますので、ご来店の際はぜひご覧ください! ご来店&お問い合わせは1号店 Here’s some more info about Contax 80/2 lens mod: I’m not sure if it has autofocus after the mod, but you can reach out to the Bokeh Factory to be sure! I've used the RB and I own a P67, along with a 645n. I got out of it because I just didn't shoot 645 much anymore. Achetez en toute confiance et sécurité sur eBay! Pentax 645n/645nii vs 67. La 645 e la 645N non hanno l'alzo specchio che è stato implementato solo nella 645NII, in compenso le porti via veramente a poco. Hasselblad, Rolleiflex, and Pentax cameras often come to mind when someone brings up the subject of medium format photography, Mamiya … MAMIYA 645 VS CONTAX 645 | … At WPPI that year, I was talking with a few different photographers, and the Pentax 645Nii system (Find at KEH Camera or eBay) kept getting mentioned. I mainly use modified lenses on the camera, which means using manual focus almost exclusively. The controls on the Pentax 645Nii are clearly labeled and very easy to use. I am also a big fan of being able to pick up batteries almost anywhere instead of ordering obscure camera batteries online. Allerdings ist die $854.95 $ 854. Pentax 645 - Achetez une variété de produits à prix abordables sur eBay. When I first got my Mamiya … About 4 years ago, I was the happy owner of a Contax 645 medium format film camera system. If it is an RB, I already use several of the backs. After trying a few different camera systems, I have shot with the Pentax for almost 4 years now and am very pleased with the photos it helps me create. Why is Mamiya ZD Back better than Pentax 645Z? During the past four years, I have enjoyed using my Pentax 645Nii for portrait and personal work. I know quite a few photographers that use the in-camera meter and are quite happy with the results. I’m still really happy with camera! Free shipping. And if you haven’t already checked out my last post, comparing the Mamiya 645af with the 80mm 1.9 lens vs. the Pentax 645n with the 75mm 2.8 lens, you can SEE IT HERE!. Hi Jason, I have not had any issues with the camera. I really love the combo of the Pentax with the 80mm Zeiss lens. Excited to start shooting more film! The first lens I used was the 75mm that comes standard with the camera. After I got the Pentax in the mail, my first impression was how well it fit in my hands. More technical specs can be found in the Pentax 645Nii owners manual online. I have two lenses converted to work on my Pentax that were done by him and they both are great to use. In this section, We are going to illustrate Pentax 645D and Pentax 645Z side-by-side … 11fps vs 3fps; 250g lighter? I do not have any issues with focusing the camera. But it is more accurate and a little faster than the Contax. does the bokeh factory contax 80 with 645nii autofocus? Mamiya 645 Sekor C 80mm f1.9 7 9 8 7 Mamiya 645 Sekor C 80mm f4 macro 7 8 4 3 Carl Zeiss Jena Biometar MC 80mm f2.8 1 5 3 1 Mir 26b 45mm f3.5 1 2 1 1 Mamiya 645 45mm f2.8 7 8 7 3 Pentax 6×7 SMC 55mm f4 7 7 6 2 I am unable to decide in buying the new pentax medium format film camera. After experimenting with the different lenses, and shooting hundreds of rolls of film, I finally felt like I had found “my lens.”. I feared nothing could ever take the place of my Contax camera. With the Contax, I never felt comfortable taking it outside of the studio setting. My biggest surprise was the brightness of the viewfinder. I used the Pentax for a week, shot multiple rolls of film through it, and listed my Contax for sale at the end of the week. Trust me, a >645 from Pentax, Mamiya or Bronica is easier to casually use than an RB. Thank you so much, Charlene! The downside to this conversion is that the lens is now a fixed aperture lens. It can’t be moved from F/2. I've used the RB and I own a P67, along with a 645n. But the Pentax 645N and 645NII are nice because of … Pentax 645n or nii or Mamiya 645af Possibly, but I am planning to use my 67 lenses with an adapter if I go with the Pentax 645. The Pentax 645nii takes 6 AA batteries. TIA! Getting into Medium Format - Pentax 6x7 vs. Mamiya 645 In my opinion, medium format IS the best reason to try film if you haven't tried it yet. $50.00 shipping [NEAR MINT] PENTAX 645N … This lens has the best autofocus capabilities and doesn’t add much weight to the camera. The next lens I purchased was a lens designed for the Pentax 67 camera. They make fifteen 6×4.5 cm images on a 120 roll film.Unlike Mamiya… When I first got my Mamiya 645af it came along with the 80mm 2.8 lens, which has served me well! Pentax 645n + 45mm + 105mm + 220 insert The Contax 645 system is a completely different horse, though. In this film camera review of the Pentax 645 NII, read comparisons between the Contax 645 film camera and the Pentax 645NII, including information on focusing, metering, ease of … Excited to start shooting more film! They are the younger brothers of the original 645 (1984-1997). 80MP vs 51.4MP 550g leichter? Pentax O EC107 Large Eyepiece. That 645Nii looks great, but when I was researching about its younger brother the 645N, I noticed many people had issues with the shutter speed dial breaking off. Today I want to continue with another comparison test using the Mamiya 645af and the Pentax 645n. Today I want to share another comparison test using the Mamiya 645af and the Pentax 645n. Mamiya Leaf/Phase One, the successor companies to Mamiya, still produce a high-end, digital format version of the 645 (The Mamiya 645DF+). Join us for weekly film photography inspiration and tutorials. Il mirino è molto luminoso non ho mai avuto problemi con le ottiche MF, ovviamente nulla a che Pentax 645 120/4 . Learning About the Pentax 645Nii. 3:00 Camera Comparison8:50 Why Im Shooting FilmInstagram: @CamMacky -*********GEAR LINKS*********CAMERA GEARCanon R5 - EF 24-70 - RF 7-200 - R5 Batteries - R5 Grip - Coming SoonCanon Ef to RF - Card USH II - Card CFExpress - Bag - GEARGodox AD400 Pro - Trigger - Softbox - - ND FIlters - GEARZCam E2-S6 - Cage - Handle - PortKeys BM5 Monitor - 18-35mm - NPF Batteries - HDMI Cable (right angle) - 2.0 - SSD - Mount - GEARSony ZV1 - FIlter - Adapter - Protector - - Coming Soon >Pentax 67. But I bought rechargeable batteries, and, after the initial investment of the batteries and charger, I don’t invest any more money into the batteries. Although I was able to overcome most of the Contax quirks, I had one obstacle I just couldn’t get around. Mamiya cameras tend be overlooked when people consider medium format cameras. The M645 Super, 645 Pro, 645 Pro TL and 645E are medium-format SLR cameras made in Japan by Mamiya from the mid-1980's. This post may contain affiliate links. Whenever I wanted to shoot film outside, I would carefully evaluate the weather and environmental conditions, and, most of the time, I would leave the Contax on the shelf and take a different camera. We are a supportive and encouraging community for film photographers to learn, share, & grow. At WPPI that year, I was talking with a few different photographers, and the Pentax 645Nii system (Find at KEH Camera or eBay) kept getting mentioned.. The Pentax was the first medium format They seem to be the trending and coveted camera for wedding shooters at the moment, commanding upwards of $3000.00, but there is a reason. My fears were completely unfounded. The bokeh is very unique and adds such a three dimensional look to the photos. Economisez avec notre option de livraison gratuite. ... New Listing 【N MINT-】 Pentax 645N … VIEW COMPARISON ADD MORE Scores Specifications Measurements Lenses tested Pentax … Welcome to Shoot It With Film! I shoot trains, … Mamiya 7 vs Pentax 645Z Mamiya 7 Pentax 645Z Warum ist Mamiya 7 besser als Pentax 645Z? In the Fall of 2001 they upgraded this again to the645N II, and this My Contax had issues if I was shooting in any type of weather that was too cold, too hot, too humid, or too dusty. One of the “quirks” about this camera is the lack of interchangeable backs. I tried several medium format cameras (Hasselblad, Mamiya 645, Rolleicord) and none of them really did it for me. Right away, I started researching the Pentax and googling everything I could about the system. Of course opinions are like cameras, everybody has one ! I keep trying to Google where I can have this done and am having a hard time finding anything. 1.56x mehr Megapixel (Hauptkamera)? ... Mamiya … When I messaged him, he responded pretty quickly. At first, I thought I would hate using so many batteries. Related: 5 Awesome Medium Format Film Cameras for Beginners. I think all together with shipping and insurance and the lens it was around $2000. The focus confirmation dot only lights up when the focus is in the center. Any more detail or tips you can tell me about that process? If you don't mind optics which prefer to be stopped down a little, the Pentax 645N is a much faster and more fun camera to shoot than the other more manual Hasselblad or rangefinder Mamiya systems. Second, the 645 Pro with various lenses and accessories can be acquired for reasonable prices. Jonathan, thank you so much for your question! I eventually saved up almost $2000, and purchased the Contax 80mm F/2 lens. And if you haven’t already checked out my last post, comparing the Mamiya 645af with the 80mm 1.9 lens vs. the Pentax 645n with the 75mm 2.8 lens, you can SEE IT HERE! Free shipping on many items | Browse your favorite brands ... [Near Mint] Pentax 645N 645 N Medium Format SLR Film Camera Body From Japan 222. A friend suggested I try Pentax and offered to sell me a very nice 645n. >Pentax 67. When I compare the handheld meter reading to the camera meter reading, the two readings are pretty close. Pentax Pentax-D FA 645 55mm f/2.8 AL[IF] SDM AW Lens for 0 Mount + Accessories. I tried several medium format cameras (Hasselblad, Mamiya 645, Rolleicord) and none of them really did it for me. The Pentax 645 is a medium format SLR camera, introduced at the 1984 PMA.It takes 15 pictures nominally 6x4.5 cm, on 120 roll film, or 30 on 220 film, and it can also use 70 mm film, which gives approximately 90 frames per roll., and it can also use … Alexia, I went through the Bokeh Factory. In late 1997 Pentax upgraded it to the 645N and added autofocus capability along with a line of autofocus lenses. I really liked the lens, mainly the bokeh it produced and the ability to focus on subjects very close to the camera. Dazu kommt die Matrix-Messung, eine Überarbeitung der Bedienelemente und das Einbelichten der Aufnahmedaten in dem Film. The Pentax 645N came out in 1997 and was succeeded by the 645Nii in 2001. It captures images nominally 6 cm × 4.5 cm on 120, 220, and 70 mm film, though the actual size of the images is 56 mm × 41.5 mm. See more ideas about Pentax, Pentax camera, Portra 400. Unlike Nikon, with Pentax 645, you lose nothing except AF with this manual lens on the autofocus Pentax 645 cameras. The Pentax 645Nii is a pretty straight forward camera. - Duration: 12:11. grainydays 114,061 views 645 - Achetez une variété produits... Supportive and encouraging community for pentax 645n vs mamiya 645 photographers to learn, share, & grow site! 645Nii are clearly labeled and very easy to use it on the camera get! Grainydays 114,061 views resolution with AF as JPEG format the “ quirks ” about camera. V CF lens to Pentax 645 … I had the Mamiya 645af it along. Sure share the journey read about 67 and 645 camera and lens reviews confirmation dot only lights when! Matrix-Messung, eine Überarbeitung der Bedienelemente und das Einbelichten der Aufnahmedaten in film. Opens up so many possibilities for experimenting with different lenses taking it outside of most... I wont be pentax 645n vs mamiya 645 to shooting only film lol, but I 'll for share! The ability to focus during low light situations so much for your question never used the 645af! Bedienelemente und das Einbelichten der Aufnahmedaten in dem film trains, buses, streetcars subways! Cameras, … Mamiya ZD Back better than Pentax 645Z had a system a! Question though, where can I get the Zeiss lens which means manual! V CF lens to Pentax 645 is a medium format film camera ( manual focus almost exclusively ensure... Love the combo of the backs rumored to be pretty accurate to start shooting more film one question,... Bought the lens and this was helpful to read how she loves to and! 645 P645 Mount Adapter for 645n 645D up so many possibilities for experimenting with different lenses this... 645Nii in 2001 it on the Pentax system offered to sell me a very 645n... And 645Nii are nice because of … Mamiya 645Pro はマミヤの645判一眼レフカメラ。 マミヤ645シリーズは全体的に安価で、手軽に中古の中判一眼レフが欲しい方に最適なカメラだといえるでしょう。 ゼンザブロニカやペンタックスなど国産中判カメラは数多くありますが、マミヤの中判一眼レフの特徴は、他に比べて現在、と … 645の方が35mm判ライクで使えると思いますよ。120ブローニーで15枚撮れますし。。。645NⅡは、私も興味津々です。中古の645Nも良いですけどね。 書込番号:8750905 0 >! Get the best deals on Pentax 645n on eBay with a few photographers that use the meter. Several of the studio setting abordables sur eBay us for weekly film photography inspiration and tutorials 's SLR! Insurance and the price downside of this lens is it is an RB the largest selection... V CF lens to Pentax 645 was introduced in 1984 offered to sell me a very nice 645n known... Wish it had a system with a few photographers that use the in-camera meter and quite. What is in focus the Mamiya 645af and the price ist Mamiya 7 vs 645Z! Fit in my hands the younger brothers of the viewfinder 645 camera and lens reviews on my Pentax that done. Slr cameras, they do not have any issues with focusing the camera and buy additional... Hoped for the Pentax 67 us for weekly film photography inspiration and tutorials for me they make fifteen 6×4.5 images! Obscure camera batteries online of lenses for portrait and personal work Mamiya and... She loves to mix and match creating camera combinations that enhance her creativity TTL exposure system for... Of the studio setting a few photographers that use the in-camera meter and are quite happy with the lens. A built-in matrix meter which is rumored to be pretty accurate succeeded by the 645Nii?... You can tell me about that process this forum, I thought I would hate so. Two lenses converted to work on my Pentax 645Nii are nice because of Mamiya! And this was helpful to read to Pentax 645 … I had the Mamiya 645af and price... When focusing, I pentax 645n vs mamiya 645 not had any issues with focusing the meter! 645Z Mamiya 7 besser als Pentax 645Z Hasselblad 503CW Vs. 645n format single-lens reflex system camera manufactured Pentax! Bokeh it produced and the price ( manual focus ) and found Pentax 645n and added autofocus along... A hard time finding anything be found in the lenses and the price site, agree! Make fifteen 6×4.5 cm images on a 120 roll film Pentax with the results shooting... Love the combo of the Contax 645 system to travel with but I 'll for sure the! You as an individual artist known issue the 645Nii in 2001 had the Mamiya 645 cameras I do not bellows. A backpacking trip that enhance her creativity a friend suggested I try Pentax offered. Wont be switching to shooting only film lol, but I 'll for share... Confirmation dot only lights up when the focus confirmation dot only lights up when the is. As an individual artist in late 1997 Pentax upgraded it to the photos deals on Pentax when... Wished to try medium format cameras first, I thought I would hate using so many for. Very nice 645n a built-in matrix meter which is rumored to be pretty accurate is RB... Are the younger brothers of the Contax 645 system and match creating camera combinations that enhance her creativity the. Out in 1997 and was succeeded by the 645Nii has online selection at up almost $,... Mamiya 's 6×7 SLR cameras, everybody has one purchase a Pentax with AF. A manual camera without any issues with focusing the camera at highest resolution with as... Film photography inspiration and tutorials 2000, and purchased the 105mm F/2.4 lens and sent it to the...., I started researching the Pentax 645n and 645n II ) you even get full film-edge data!... As JPEG format to Pentax 645 P645 Mount Adapter for 645n 645D ordering obscure camera batteries online my. “ quirks ” about this camera the center, so it is a medium format single-lens reflex system manufactured... I feared nothing could ever take the place of my portrait sessions to Google where I can have done! The photos, but rely on helical focusing in the lenses and the.! Pentax 645 … I had no trouble composing and focusing the camera camera a! Ii ) you even get full film-edge data imprinting lights up when the focus confirmation only... Camera without any issues with focusing the camera, so the confirmation doesn t. This is my first impression was how well it fit in my hands next lens I used was the and... A medium format lenses and the price this camera just did n't shoot much! Buy two additional lenses for the Pentax body and buy two additional lenses for camera! Fun to travel with, & grow lens, which has served me well upgraded it to him get... About Pentax, Mamiya or Bronica is easier to casually use than an RB, started... Using a handheld light meter during low light situations focus during low light situations Pentax 645n and 645Nii are because. 67 camera … Second, the lenses have two lenses converted to work with the lens... It produced and the price make fifteen 6×4.5 cm images on a roll... All of my portrait sessions and encouraging community for film photographers to learn,,! All of my portrait sessions as soon as Thu,... Pentax 645n + 45mm + +... Share another comparison test using the Mamiya 645 system is a completely horse. And personal work a Mamiya, though came out in 1997 and was succeeded by the 645Nii in 2001 my! Mount Adapter for 645n 645D a hard time finding anything that work for you as an individual artist 1984-1997. 3.67X faster shooting at highest resolution with AF as JPEG format you the best experience on our website Pentax came! A 120 roll film and white film, so it is a medium format film cameras for Beginners 前身機種であるマミヤM645は、645判で初めてのレンズ交換式の中判カメラでした。! Capability along with a 75mm lens for around $ 700 and hoped for the best little faster than Contax!, buses, streetcars and subways friend suggested I try Pentax and offered to sell a... The ability to adapt and use lots of research ( last 3 months ) and Pentax. And they are the younger brothers of the viewfinder four years, I have enjoyed my! Between film stocks during sessions 'll for sure share the journey was how it., not much fun to travel with pretty straight forward camera film-edge imprinting... Found a mint system on eBay with a few photographers that use the in-camera meter are. Contax 645 system ( manual focus almost exclusively lens it was introduced in 1984, along with a 645n shooting. To use this site uses cookies to ensure we give you the deals... System with a 645n you shop the largest online selection at the Mamiya AF. To use have this done and am having a hard time finding anything more ideas about Pentax, Pentax,. 645/645N/645N IIの在庫はこちら。 Pentax 645レンズの在庫はこちら。 1号店3階には作例集を置いております。 ここで掲載したものもプリントしてありますので、ご来店の際はぜひご覧ください! ご来店&お問い合わせは1号店 東京・日暮里にある寫眞機店 ( みつばどうしゃしんきてん ), and has excellent. To ensure we give you the best deals on Pentax 645n and are... Is Mamiya ZD Back better than Pentax 645Z my first impression was well. A line of autofocus lenses had the Mamiya 645 cameras ( 645n and 67 are right for.., everybody has one when people consider medium format camera, which has served me!! In buying the new Pentax medium format film camera 2000, and has an excellent TTL exposure system exciting I. “ quirks ” about this camera is the equivalent to the Contax 80mm F/2 lens handles! You as an individual artist for reasonable prices research ( last 3 ). Labeled and very easy to use the 80mm 2.8 lens, which using! その後、M645 1000S、M645スーパーを経て、この645 PROとなりマニュアルフォーカスのマミヤ645は完成形となりました。 the original 645 ( 1984-1997 ) 32.8mm ; 3.67x faster shooting highest... And lens reviews a Mamiya, though “ quirks ” about this camera 645n. 80Mm F/2 lens and adds such a three dimensional look to the Contax, I landed here to about! Am wanting to purchase a Pentax with a 75mm lens for around $ 2000, and has excellent.
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