Giorgi’s four stage phenomenological approach was employed to analyse data. 2. This past Friday I celebrated my fifth International Day of the Midwife. The mandate for woman-centred care is not a new concept in midwifery practice. Supporting women for labour and birth. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. Mother Julienne: The word midwife means with woman. Matua GA. Having an understanding of the constituents of the phenomenon of being WW from the perspective of midwives would offer a unique and important conceptualisation of this foundational professional philosophy. MIDWIFE Meaning: "a woman who assists women in childbirth," c. 1300, literally "woman who is 'with' " (the mother at… See definitions of midwife. In: Fahy K, Foureur M, Hastie C, editors. Lewis L, Hauck YL, Ronchi F, Crichton C, Waller L. Gaining insight into how women conceptualize satisfaction: Western Australian women’s perception of their maternity care experiences. Midwife means “with woman”, but wait, there’s more…. Common qualitative methods. Bradfield Z, Kelly M, Hauck Y, Duggan R. Midwives ‘with woman’ in the private obstetric model: where divergent philosophies meet. How this connection was developed differed within the varying models of maternity care but the intention was the same; to build a trusting partnership with the woman that facilitated alignment between the woman and her midwife. Midwifery. I know the traditional root of the word midwife is "with woman" (some sources say "wise woman"), but I'd like to offer another. Sustainability and resilience in midwifery: a discussion paper. We are here to be advocates for women during their pregnancy and labour, which means we have a responsibility to make sure they have all the information they need to make informed choices about their care. Midwives provide women and their families with information to enable informed decision making where the woman remains in control of her care. The Australian College of Midwives’ professional philosophy statement reads “Midwife means ‘with woman’: this underpins midwifery’s philosophy, work and relationships” [1]. There are 3 main types of midwives, and there are some differences in the services offered by each type of midwife. Cross sectional research conducted in Japan with 482 women concluded that woman-centred care was valued by women and associated with higher rates of maternal satisfaction, perceptions of control and attachment to their newborns [62]. In the remaining two models where midwives provided labour care for women not previously known to them, the emphasis on building a connection with the woman was equally as strong with a focus on being effective: I put a lot of effort into you know building that rapport and building that trust (UMKOP11). Not so much, Midwestern Intercollegiate Volleyball Association, Midwestern Universities Analytical Chemistry Conference, Midwestern Universities Research Association, Midwifery and Maternity Providers Organisation, Midwifery Education Accreditation Council. By using this website, you agree to our In the modern techno-rational, task-driven landscape of health care, practices such as ‘presence’, which may be challenging to identify at first glance, risk being undervalued and eliminated by virtue of their inability to be quantified or measured. Davison C, Hauck YL, Bayes SJ, Kuliukas LJ, Wood J. Midwives agreed that being WW sometimes called for silence, a pause in the rhythm of labour care that respected the woman’s need for stillness to focus and re-centre herself: Sometimes there’ll be no communication, that might be being ‘with woman’ [I avoid] disturbing her labour, everything I offer should be helping her to achieve her goal (KMP8). Code of conduct for midwives. Midwifery. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. of N, Midwifery, editors. Maryland: American College of Nurse Midwives; 2004. p. 1. All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. 1). The findings of our research build upon an international study exploring the experiences of 48 New Zealand midwives working in a case-loading model, which revealed that being ‘with woman’ is a philosophical foundation that identifies the work and purpose of midwifery care regardless of the woman’s clinical risk or complexity [15]. To do this well, a midwife must be highly educated and have the skills, knowledge and capabilities to be able to care for women and their babies to ensure safe, quality maternity outcomes; however, the term ‘with woman’ provides us with the essence at the true heart of midwifery. Partnership and reciprocity with women sustain lead maternity carer midwives in practice. Participants were asked to describe their perceptions and experiences of being WW. So the bathroom’s a good place I try and make that environment as conducive to normal birth as possible. Developed by Husserl, phenomenology has its genesis in the discipline of philosophy. Giorgi A. As your personal midwife, Judy will serve as guide, guardian, knowledgeable resource. One midwife academic from the United States (US), published a literature review as a precursor to her doctoral research that referenced studies exploring women’s perceptions of ‘good’ midwifery care [10]. ICM. Hunter LP. I try to focus their [women’s] breath, their headspace and I find something about their strength or something about their breath or whatever I just continue to use that (KMP6). Midwifery. Soc Sci Med. All of the practical attributes of being ‘with woman’ identified by these WA midwives have been previously supported in research or professional commentary as ideal and desirable characteristics of midwifery care, some examples are shown here. It also draws attention to the importance of developing language around describing philosophical constructs that have applied relevance in our practice-based profession. The juxtaposition of a phenomenon that is so central to midwifery and yet challenging to describe highlights the importance of these findings which for the first time, offer a substantial and applied understanding of the constructs of the WW phenomenon from the perspective of midwives themselves. partnership with women to give the necessary support, care and advice during pregnancy, labour and the postpartum period, to conduct births on the midwife’s own responsibility and to provide care for the newborn and the infant. Being present and proximal to the woman during labour was captured in the WA midwives’ descriptions of being WW. Linda V. Walsh. Thelin IL, Lundgren I, Hermansson E. Midwives’ lived experience of caring during childbirth - a phenomenological study. In contrast, the methodology of interpretive phenomenology, developed from the phenomenological philosophy of Heidegger and Gadamer focuses on exploring the meaning of phenomena which is revealed by embracing the researcher’s experiences and perceptions of the phenomenon under study rather than suspending these [29,30,31,32]. By understanding each woman and what she wanted, midwives were able to facilitate care: ... if something happens that goes off the path that she wanted and she hasn’t got the power to say it because she’s feeling vulnerable, she’s feeling frightened, she’s feeling embarrassed then it’s your place to actually advocate for her ... people coming in and wanting ruptured membranes or to start antibiotics when the woman actually doesn’t want antibiotics and she can’t say it herself because she’s too scared (KMP9). Midwifery Services What is a midwife? Davidsen AS. Being adaptable required self-awareness and was seen as a measure of strength and capacity: I take pride in the fact that I can adjust and I can actually be what that woman wants me to be because I am reading her cues properly and appropriately and correctly and I can move between environments and I’m actually ok with that (UMP8). This is an example of an about page. Although this was manifested in different forms within the diverse models represented, each reinforced the importance of connecting with the woman in order to be WW. said Princess Mary looking at the, Nurse Savishna, knitting in hand, was telling in low tones, scarcely hearing or understanding her own words, what she had told hundreds of times before: how the late princess had given birth to Princess Mary in Kishenev with only a Moldavian peasant woman to help instead of a, The child was indeed to all appearances perfect; but the, He inspired confidence in the people among whom he was thrown, and during the long hours that he waited in a stuffy room, the woman in labour lying on a large bed that took up half of it, her mother and the, "Maybe the Lord'll see fit to take 'em to 'imself," said the, It is important to clearly define the role of nurses and midwives in society and make the solutions to their current problems a priority, he stressed.Who received the award?The award was given to 17 practical nurses, two practical midwives, eight nurses managers, two nurses teachers, and one, Two days after the terrible news broke, our MamaCare, After 21 weeks of pregnancy, women can have access to a, "In the Renaissance, artists and writers start to serve as midwives of fame", "Washington's efforts to midwife a Mideast settlement", सूतिकर्म, दाई का काम, धात्री-विद्या, प्रसूति-विद्या, प्रसूति-तन्त्र, Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary, the webmaster's page for free fun content, UNGA: Toyin Saraki makes case for midwives, frontline health workers, In Poland, midwives play a significant role in childbirth. A final manifestation of being WW shared by midwives in their support of women involved use of therapeutic touch sensitive to the woman’s needs: being with woman you need to be able to touch her, to be able to calm her, massage, holding hands (UMKOP6). The word midwife means ‘with woman’. Three themes were extracted 1) Essential to professional identity; 2) Partnership with women; and 3) Woman-Centred Practice. Crowther S, Hunter B, McAra-Couper J, Warren L, Gilkison A, Hunter M, et al. The essence of nurse-midwifery care: the woman’s story. The aim of this study was to describe Western Australian midwives’ perceptions of the phenomenon of being ‘with woman’ during the intrapartum period. They also care for newborn babies for between a few days and six weeks after birth, including helping with breastfeeding. A metasynthesis of eight Swedish qualitative studies revealed the essential nature of the midwife-woman relationship that includes trust, support and mutuality which, authors asserted, maximise health outcomes for the woman and her baby [60]. Kennedy HP. Even if we are in labour in birth suite, they are silent, on a mattress, I push the bed on the side, put the mattress on the floor. Choosing phenomenology as a guiding philosophy for nursing research. Brodie PM, Leap N. From ideal to real: the interface between birth territory and the maternity service organisation. 2013;53(2):172–201. I ask them and go through it with them to help them feel a bit more comfortable (UMKOP8). In: Creswell JD, editor. Phenomenological research methods / Clark Moustakas. In the KM model, where midwives were able to offer continuity of care across the continuum, the descriptions were: I’m in partnership with her… the family, the woman and the midwife and it’s altogether (KMP7). Midwife means being ‘with woman’. 2011;27(1):46–52. There were nine subthemes which constituted characteristics of providing woman-centred care to demonstrate the practice of being WW which will now be described. Davis and Walker (2011) interviewed 48 case-loading New Zealand midwives to explore how these midwives constructed their care. The descriptive phenomenological method in psychology: a modified Husserlian approach. Google Scholar. A well-known UK study which conducted interviews with 11 midwives found that attributes such as being adaptable and self-aware contributed to professional resilience [70]. Midwife Kira discusses: Statements from peak midwifery professional bodies around the world reference the importance of working in partnership with women and providing care that is woman-centred [1,2,3,4,5]. Being WW was described as a necessary and integral feature of midwifery practice: Yes it [being WW] is absolutely essential because without being ‘with woman’ you’re not a midwife, you’re just a person doing the job... that doesn’t actually provide true midwifery care (KMP9). Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press; 2009. We won’t … go anywhere or do anything else we’ll just sit there and be there, we don’t get kind of distracted with “oh well I might go and restock theatre if nothing much has happened” (UMKOP10). For the first time, we have been able to offer a conceptualisation of the necessary and common components that midwives perceive are inherent to being WW. 1992;54:14–7. The participants in this study gave written informed consent to be interviewed. Giorgi [38] maintains that the sample size is of less importance than the richness of description; and that there needs to be sufficient participants to identify a range of variation. What type of services does a midwife at a birth center offer that's different than a planned hospital birth. Kennedy HP, Anderson T, Leap N. Midwifery presence: philosophy, science and art. Research design: qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. This stance meant providing care that was focused on the woman, ensuring that it was individualised and fulfilled the needs of the woman rather than care providers or care institutions. To date, only Kirkham’s (2000) text, The midwife/woman relationship … There was agreement that the act of being physically present and focussed on the woman facilitated clinical assessment and care of the woman: ...listen to the auscultation, have hands on palpation, rather than sit back and screen-watch... unless you’re with them and can get the whole clinical picture then you can’t really tell where they’re at progress-wise (UMKOP4). Flood A. Midwifery. 2000;1(53):1. Google Scholar. Available from: This was supported by another participant who described how she used the ‘tasks’ of midwifery in a way that facilitated building an initial rapport seeing it as an opportunity to convey respect and trust: “... [although] it’s wonderful if you have had previous introductions, it’s not necessary [for being ‘with woman’]. This assertion was supported by another who confirmed that being WW required midwives to create and protect the birth space and described potential protagonists for a labouring woman: It is ensuring that birth remains sacred for her and that really she comes to no harm just by the other course of events or by other people coming in … friends, family, staff, organisation needs of interfering with the process of birth (KMP3). 2019;32:157–67. Findings of the intersection of being WW in the context of the various models have been published elsewhere [14, 26, 27]. Another strategy employed that facilitated data immersion was re-reading the interview transcripts and listening to the audio recordings. Midwife means "with-woman", but what does a midwife do? The role of the midwife in providing advocacy and facilitating the woman’s informed decision making has been presented in international studies emphasising the importance of their inclusion in midwifery care [65,66,67,68]. Despite the challenge, midwives were emphatic that being WW was essential to being a midwife and providing midwifery care. Findings reveal the interconnectedness of this philosophical construct and the practice of midwifery. There was a sense that in many cases this required midwives to create an environment that encouraged women to become powerful and utilise the agency that is rightfully theirs: it’s about empowering the woman, supporting them to make decisions (UMP7). Midwifery promotes normal childbirth and the prevention of health problems. “Midwife means with woman,” she said. The first author analysed all transcripts, in addition, at least one other member of the author team concurrently and independently analysed each transcript. Dimens Crit Care Nurs. Differentiating between descriptive and interpretive phenomenological research approaches. 2009;54(2):111–8. March 4, 2011 by Laurie Zoyiopoulos Leave a Comment. Qual Res Psychol. Hunter L. An interpretive exploration of the meaning of being with women during birth for midwives [Ph.D.]. A method of phenomenological interviewing. Data analysis was scaffolded by Giorgi’s four stage phenomenological approach and although presented in a linear manner here, was in reality an iterative process. Prior to commencing interviews, prospective participants were emailed an information letter and written, informed consent was obtained by the primary researcher (ZB). This statement explicates the fundamental importance of being WW to the profession of midwifery. Your maternity care options. Midwife means "with women". We are here to be advocates for women during their pregnancy and labour, which means we have a responsibility to make sure they have all the information they need to make informed choices about their care. 2016;16:1–9. These models are further explicated in Table 1. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver ( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. Menu Primary Navigation. A cautious approach was taken with regard to recruitment, to ensure that any differences described from participants working in the various models would be captured [48]. The constituents of the phenomenon were supported by participant quotations [28] which were italicised in text with a unique identification code indicating the participant number and model of care worked in (KM, UM, UMKO P 1–11): Known Midwife (KM), Unknown Midwife (UM) and Unknown Midwife/Known Obstetrician (UMKO). “The word ‘midwife’ means ‘with woman,’” Conway-Welch says. Midwives’ experiences of labour care in midwifery units. ZB was responsible for the proposal development, ethics approval, data collection, data analysis and the initial and subsequent drafts of the article. Ten midwives worked in midwifery continuity models where labour and birth care is provided by a ‘Known Midwife’; 11 were from private obstetric-led models where care is provided by an ‘Unknown Midwife and Known Obstetrician’; and a further ten worked in standard public models where care is provided by midwives not previously known by the women, or, ‘Unknown Midwives’. In an effort to explicate the experiences or ‘action’ of being WW, midwives described the features of being WW as a way of embodying the practice elements of the phenomenon which revealed actions that signified midwives were being WW. J Midwifery Women’s Health. and supporter. Midwife definition: A midwife is a nurse who is trained to deliver babies and to advise pregnant women. Nurse Res. Midwives are specialists in normal pregnancy and birth, and their role is to look after a pregnant woman and her baby throughout a phase of antenatal care, during labour and birth, and for up to 28 days after the baby has been born.. Terms and Conditions,,,,,,, Maternity care and sociological aspects of pregnancy and childbirth. How to use midwife in a sentence. One midwife offered strategies that she used to develop a quick connection with women she was caring for in labour: So you have a tool kit that you use to develop your relationship with [women] by introducing who you are, what you do and ... you start to develop that relationship. Soc Sci Med. In 1994, midwifery became an integrated part of the Ontario healthcare system and is provided free of charge to residents of the province. Simkin (1991) has described women's ability to recall their labour and birth experience with great clarity, even decades after the event. She’s number 1 in the room and you’re number 2…you need to be where you need to be’. Google Scholar. 2014;49:29–33. J Midwifery Women’s Health. Did you know that the word midwife means literally, “with woman”? Qual Rep. 2015;20(9):1408–16. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples If you like, use this post to tell readers why you started this blog and what you plan to do with it. YH, MK and RD assisted with research proposal development, data analysis, drafting and refining the final article. Birch ER. Preparing and guarding a space for women to birth has been previously reported by midwifery leaders as a feature of midwifery care designed to create an environment where women can realise their capacity and agency [25, 73]. Crowther S, Deery R, Daellenbach R, Davies L, Gilkison A, Kensington M, et al. The findings emphasise the importance of the development of language around this important philosophical construct which permeates midwifery practice, enhances professional agency and supports the continued emphasis of being ‘with woman’ with new understanding of its applied practices in a variety of care models. 2016;40:40–8. This is your very first post. Lopez K, Willis D. Descriptive versus interpretive phenomenology: their contributions to nursing knowledge. Midwifery. Compassion, nourishment and support were primary to midwifery … Midwife definition, a person trained to assist women in childbirth. 2014;24(1):136–44. The authors would like to acknowledge the contribution of an Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarship in supporting this research who had no role in the design of the study, collection, analysis and interpretation of data or the writing of the manuscript. This theme is supported in a literature review [10] which included research exploring women’s experiences of birth and concluded that both the physical and emotional presence of the midwife during labour and birth formed part of being WW., DOI: An update study: 2009–2010. 1995;40(5):410–7. Within phenomenological research there is differing assertions with suggestions of between 3 and 10 participants [45, 46], up to 20 participants [40] and between 3 and 30 participants [47] . The word 'midwife' simply means 'with woman'. Where changes have been made across different countries to ‘improve maternity care’, it’s often been the birth environment or the overall model of care that have been the focal point of change. The process of bracketing is central to phenomenological research and involved suspension of any prior conceptualisations or personal assumptions about being WW; which facilitated immersion in the participants’ ‘lifeworld’ through their descriptions of their lived experience of being WW [43]. Article As is the recommended practice in phenomenological research, participants were purposively sampled to ensure recruitment of midwives with a lived experience of the phenomenon under study [28, 40]. Initial findings were conferred in a research team meeting and discussed until consensus was reached around themes and sub-themes which added rigor to the data analysis [41]. Scand J Caring Sci. 2018;31(2):143–52. About. Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. 2013;10(3):318–39. Midwife Means with Woman: An Historical Perspective : a Brochure to Accompany an Exhibition on the History of Midwifery at the National Library of Medicine, 16 September 1991-15 January 1992. Communication skills facilitated midwives ’ ability to adopt a woman-centred, political, primary health care discipline founded the... Authors would like to thank the midwives ’ lived experience of caring during childbirth - a focus..., low-risk women throughout pregnancy, labour and birth are normal, healthy life events ) a... Whitehead, Geri LoBiondo-Wood, Judith Haber Nurse-Midwives, 1991 - midwives ’ perceptions of being ‘ with woman matter! Translations and examples 1 a person, typically a woman ’ means that they no. Bean bag, shower ( KMP7 ) Committee ( HREC 2016–0450 ) Kline 's ``! Babies and to be where you need to be ’ approach was employed to data. 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