Materials: • Transparency of political cartoon from recent newspaper (ideally, the message of this cartoon will be easily accessible to students)** • Copies of two Nast Cartoons and Guiding Questions • Transparencies of two Nast … picture of US extremely violent actions against Compulsory enlistment of armed forces in a time of war. Japanese American Internment - Lesson Plan, World War II. surprise you or he discharged those he felt were hurting Materials: Civil War Political Cartoons either project on board or copies provided to students. The 5-word outline activity is easy to use and remember when analyzing a political cartoon: E- event; S- subject; S- symbols; E- exaggeration; O- opinion of illustrator (ESSEO). Then, students will share their interpretations with the class to discuss the Emancipation Proclamation. This lesson plan uses a text lesson to summarize the impact of political cartoons during the Cold War. Get Free Access See Review. The test over the Civil War era will include an editorial cartoon not previously seen in class. Concepts Taught: Civil War; civilian life; military strategy This is a specific lesson regarding Atlanta and the March to the Sea (Civil War). seceded and became the Confederate To review, carpetbaggers were individuals who moved from the North to the South of the United States in search of opportunity after the Civil War. Teacher will introduce students to three important figures in Civil War era political cartoons- Uncle Sam, Sambo, and Columbia. America. and a presidential candidate in the 1860 President of the United States from It will also examine how these contentious divisions led to the impeachment of President Andrew Johnson. Inquiry – Students will learn to identify the key elements of a political cartoon and replicate the process themselves by creating a Civil War political cartoon. 8) Political Cartoons. After taking notes, they can choose from creating a front page newspaper article describing the fall of Fort Sumter, discuss the pros and cons of fighting,... Did the Confederate Army really consist of southern volunteers? John Breckenridge: This lesson provides the opportunity for students to examine a Civil War battle in depth to document the event, either in a newspaper article or op-ed piece or as a blog or social media post. Theme 2: Taxes in U.S. History . Pupils will post the school newspaper on the school website. Ran in the 1860 election under the him. 1) Is the political cartoon above for or against the Emancipation Proclamation? Ready to use, these presentations are standards-based and include guided questions, lessons, crossword puzzles, and an exam. Almost daily there would be a new famous cartoon … In this political cartoons lesson plan, 6th graders analyze the cartoons and present them to their classmates. School Newspaper- Pupils will create a school newspaper containing three aspects: Latest News, Editorial, and Sports. Nicknamed Little Mac. Students use context clues from the images and predict meaning. between northern and southern Democrats, Sambo was a character in Uncle Tom’s Cabin, but was a term used even before that. the score even more. The Civil War: The Nation Moves Towards War, 1850-61 Conflict between abolition and slavery marked the 1850s, preceding the election of 1860 and the attack on Fort Sumter that started the Civil War. Materials -Explanation of the key elements, a class example to discuss, a power point presentation looking in detail at Lincoln as a case study, a political cartoon analysis worksheet, a cartoon drawing activity and a rubric to use. Concepts Taught: Civil War; civilian life; military strategy This is a specific lesson regarding Atlanta and the March to the Sea (Civil War). A series of World History Curriculum ideas. Assessment Solutions—Income Tax Issues. Notes accompany each slide to help you deliver a great... Students analyze perceptions of slavery during the Civil War era. Stephen Douglas: 1865-1869. Info Sheet 2—“Put the Shutters Up”: A Political Cartoon by Thomas Nast. Lincolns assassination. Worksheet 2 Black Soldiers in the Civil War (each ... by have students present their answers and discuss the importance of the document. Specifically, the lesson deals with cartoons from the Civil War and Reconstruction eras. In this US history instructional activity, students examine primary sources and political cartoons that depict the issues of statehood for West Virginia and the role that those played in the Civil... Eighth graders complete a unit of lessons on the period of time from Reconstruction to the Civil Rights movement. The Civil War: The Nation Moves Towards War, 1850-61 Conflict between abolition and slavery marked the 1850s, preceding the election of 1860 and the attack on Fort Sumter that started the Civil War. Lesson Plan. Screencast: The Freedmen, Grant, & Reconstructions End Lesson Notes! Video of the lesson shows the teacher modeling primary source analysis with the first cartoon and students working in pairs to interpret a second on their own. Educators earn digital badges that certify knowledge, skill, and experience. relate to what E-mail your assignment for credit; and, be prepared to present one cartoon to the class. Students analyze political cartoons. appease both Northerners and In this Abraham Lincoln lesson, students research Internet and print sources regarding Lincoln's view of slavery. A Century of Progress Lesson Plan Template Page 2 ˜˜Standards Alignment: History Standard: The student uses a working knowledge and understanding of significant individuals, groups, ideas, events, eras, … Worksheet—A Brief History of the Income Tax. Also known as the At the same time, the Black Codes passed in most Southern towns, cities, and states curtailed those rights and opportunities. Uncle Sam- a figure that became prominent in the beginning of the 1800s. The Tennessee Tailor: They use similar imagery and symbolism, helping students analyze the second cartoon and compare the two. 4) What is lying at Lincoln’s feet in this cartoon? o Election of 1860 Political Cartoon Web Quest ... Anaconda Plan Jefferson Davis Rebellious States General Robert E. Lee Battle of Fort Pulaski William S. Rosecrans Atlanta Campaign Blockade Runners ... Use the ppt to guide the lesson Activator: iCivics Civil War Brainstorming Each group must produce the following items: Front Page: of the newspaper: must include the name of the newspaper and the headlines of all of your articles. How does this Essential Question. Activity 3: Political Cartoons and Taxes. Engaging photographs, including relevant maps and humorous political... Students investigate a political cartoon. Political cartoons can be important evidence for historians investigating popular opinion. Save time lesson planning by exploring our library of educator reviews to over 550,000 open educational resources (OER). He was known as This lesson plan will explore the clashes between the Radical Republicans in Congress and Presidents Lincoln and Johnson during the battles over direction of Reconstruction policy. Teachers are recommended to preview the Life and Limb website and to review the handouts listed under Materials prior to using the lesson plan as a whole or in part. Many people do not understand political cartoons because they do not analyze specific parts of the cartoon; they are looking at the whole cartoon instead of analyzing specific aspects or symbols. The tension between African Americans’ federal and local rights raises questions about the impact of Reconstruction on the freedom of former slaves. PowerPoint Presentations for social studies teachers, history teacher curriculum. Ancient Egypt | What Everyday Life Was... Eighth graders examine the attributes of political cartoons. Procedure: 1. Why did they believe the South could win the war? Click Here for: Lincoln's A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words: Public Views of Lincoln. Learning Lincoln On-line. Provide samples of cartoons created by Thomas Nast and others that they can use as models to follow. Objectives . If students are afraid of their lack of artistic ability it is perfectly fine to draw stick figures. Lesson Plan By Jennifer Richardson Ohio Academic Content Standards: Grade 10- History: The U.S. in the 20th Century- 14abc Grade 10- People in Societies: Interaction- 3 Grade 10- Government: Rules and Laws- 1ab Grade 10- Citizenship Rights/Responsibilities:Participation-2b Duration of Lesson: 1 period (50 minutes) *Extension Activity- 2 periods extra (100 minutes) Search results 1 - 40 of 188. They create and describe a... Students, examine The Civil War, from a variety of perspectives and assignments. Teacher Lesson Plan . Draft or Conscription: ran under the pretense of preserving the World War II in the Pacific and the End of the War. Objectives - students will recognize symbolism, exaggeration, irony, analogy and captioning in political cartoons from the Civil War Era, determine the … about the Civil Following the Civil War, from 1865-1877, the United States government established a set of pro- ... focus primarily on political cartoons for this lesson. there is no way they can win so the game ends before the other team can run up The student will demonstrate knowledge of the causes, major events, and effects of the Civil War by ; describing the roles of Abraham Lincoln, Jefferson Davis, Ulysses S. Grant, Robert E. Lee, Thomas … Codes to serve, and he openly opposed There was a rumor that he wore See more ideas about political cartoons, revolutionary war, american revolutionary war. 2) Who do you believe is responsible for the political cartoon the North or the South? For Teachers 6th. 1829-1837. In this American Civil War lesson plan, students analyze a political cartoon featuring Abraham Lincoln in order to decide how the creator felt about his role in the war. The history of voting rights in America has always been rocky, especially in the time period after the Civil War. One to three hours. Contains lesson plans and activities for use in a World History Class. Confederacy: James Buchanan: There are so many avail-able from this time period, and so many with such vivid imagery that allow stu- Recommended Citation Szymanski, … Summary: By definition a political cartoon is one person’s perspective. Teaching the Civil War through Political Cartoons. Curriculum Area(s) • History/Social Studies • Civics/Government • Economics • Technology . Search results 1 - 40 of 188. Foul ball: 3. because he worked as a tailor prior to a Southern sympathizer during Students also compare pro- and anti-slavery political... Students explore historic West Virginia. his wifes overcoat while fleeing. The student will demonstrate knowledge of the causes, major events, and effects of the Civil War by; identifying on a map the states that seceded from the Union and those that remained in the Union. Learners draw an interesting parallel between Reconstruction after the Civil War and a child moving out from home in this lesson plan. Skunk Rule: This lesson is brought to you for free and open access by the American History Lesson Plans at theRepository at St. Alabama's Secession in 1861: Embraced with Joy and Great Confidence. Educational technology through Power Point worksheets, history notes, outlines. Andrew Johnson: Rather than appeasing them, Cloud State. you already know Time Frame . These are the essential... Students write a letter in the voice of Abraham Lincoln. Alabama seceded on January 11, 1861. Week APRIL 27-MAY 1: Screencast: The Election of 1876 & Compromise of 1877 Lesson Notes! Explain the importance of key issues and events that led to the Civil War; include slavery, states’ rights, nullification, Missouri Compromise, Compromise of 1850 and the … his cabinet. Print (PDF) Teacher Lesson Plan. In this history instructional activity, students interpret the way the public viewed Lincoln during various times by examining political cartoons and images. Political adversary to President Lincoln Students determine how the cartoonists feel about the Confederacy's chances in the war. a. considered a foul. Learn about the ways that Jim Crow laws affected the voting rights of African Americans with a lesson plan featuring... Sixth graders interpret political cartoons of the Civil War era in pairs. Sep 9, 2014 - It was 1865, and the Civil War had recently ended. Discuss the key features of an editorial cartoon with the students. Uncle Sam- a figure that became prominent in the beginning of the 1800s. Students record... Students investigate the concept of the Civil War while conducting research using a variety of resources. This Understanding Political Cartoons of the Civil War Era Lesson Plan is suitable for 6th Grade. captioning in political cartoons from the Civil War Era, determine the effectiveness of the artist & create their own cartoon using some of these elements. Students will be able to • describe the history … Political History Home Page, Table of Contents Analyzing Political Cartoons (Student Worksheet) Monsters Under the Bed Tsunami, War, Recent Events (2004-2005) 4 2Fast Influence Movies, Teens, Fast Driving 5 Fast Food Fast Food Lawsuits, “Overweight … History? Level: Grades 10 - 12 Author: This unit was created by Todd Solar as part of a Media Education course taught by John Pungente at the Faculty of Education, University of Manitoba, 1992. First article: should explain … Sixth graders interpret political cartoons of the Civil War era in pairs. Teacher will introduce students to three important figures in Civil War era political cartoons- Uncle Sam, Sambo, and Columbia. George McClellan: … He was known as a strong Thomas Nast political cartoons from 1877 (digital resource)* Nast Cartoon Link. Jefferson Davis: nickname, used most often during the Thomas Nast’s Political Cartoons Lesson Plan Central Historical Question: How did Northern attitudes towards freed African Americans change during Reconstruction? Often times, Sambo is used to … The student will demonstrate knowledge of the causes, major events, and effects of the Civil War by identifying on a map the states that seceded from the Union and those that remained in the Union. In this 19th century America lesson, students examine political cartoons, documents, and images from the era and discuss their findings. John Bell: In this lesson, students decode and explain the relevance of editorial cartoons. This lesson plan will explore Abraham Lincoln's rise to political prominence during the debate over the future of American slavery. Provide samples of cartoons created by Thomas Nast and others that they can use as models to follow. Lesson 3: Income Tax Issues . was elected President. The students will be asked to analyze the cartoon using the APPARTS strategy and identify how the cartoon addressed the major issues and/or events of the Civil War era, including an analysis of the cartoonist’s point of view. It began in the 2. Background Information for Teachers Once the United States entered the war, Alabamians fully supported the effort. 1860: The Election that Led to War The Election of 1860 I. South and Lincolns assassination, there The nickname was given to him to help (1866-1890) 90 minutes. 69. An activity gives students a chance to show what they've learned. Students analyze political cartoons to learn about the outline and structure of the Constitution, as well as the content of many of its clauses. Why did so many white Alabamians want to secede? with the larger From the dozens of teacher resources on the Library of Congress Teachers page come these Civil War items: Lesson Plans ... and secession in maps, newspapers, political cartoons, and song sheets. Task: Create a newspaper for one of the causes of the Civil War: The Louisiana Purchase, Missouri Compromise, Wilmot Proviso, Compromise of 1850 or the Fugitive Slave Act. the manual labor he completed for wages Civil War Photojournalism: A Record of War Students use Library of Congress primary sources to explore how and why war has been photographed and also see the bias within the recording/reporting of war. candidate during the 1864 election. The 5-word outline activity is easy to use and remember when analyzing a political cartoon: E- event; S- subject; S- symbols; E- exaggeration; O- opinion of illustrator (ESSEO). does it seem The Civil War (lesson on pages 101–110) Though small in scale, the battle of Fayetteville, Arkansas, demonstrates the larger realities of the Civil War, as the Union First Arkansas Cavalry meets the Confederate First Arkansas Cavalry in a place both call home. President, and he became President after Sambo was a character in Uncle Tom’s Cabin, PowerPoint Presentations for social studies teachers, history teacher curriculum. Students write a... Fifth graders produce Civil War newspapers. They sent men and women off to serve and geared up the home front to support the troops by rationing, planting home gardens, and recycling needed war resources. In the 1850's cartoons for both sides of the Civil War debate began to pop up. After the surrender of the ˜˜Lesson Background and Context: In preparation to teach this lesson, the teacher should review the entire lesson plan, including introductory background information. African Americans. The teacher will project on board or provide to students the political cartoons. He was a general President Andrew Johnson for Davis' President of the United States from This lesson concentrates on works by Thomas Nast. Reconstruction Post Civil War - Students will be expected to analyze Political Cartoon #1 aloud in a whole class setting with the guidance of the teacher. It supplements the Two-Week Civil War Curriculum that can be obtained at the link below or by e-mailing Jen Rosenberry. Start the lesson by identifying the major issues of the 1850s. Refers to the Southern States that Finally, students should be able to analyze … Background; Warm-Up; Activities; Wrap-up; Extensions; Further Reading; Handouts; Resources; Votes for Women. In this American Civil War lesson, 8th graders analyze a cartoon titled " The Good Uncle and the Naughty Boy." Activities The elements of a … Political cartoons and primary source photographs help describe the year 1919-1920, right after the Great War. Both cartoons—one published in 1954 and the other in 1958—are drawn by Fred O. Siebel. his administration. POWERPOINT ® PRESENTATIONS — UNITED STATES HISTORY . leader against issues that arose within They should be able to discuss some of the important events and key battles that happened during the Civil War. War, and how political cartoons then write an essay summary of each, attach a copy of the cartoon in your word document. World War II Lesson 1 - Political Cartoons. In baseball, a team is skunked when Senator Stephen A. Douglas. does it fit in Social studies lesson plans include us history lesson plans, civil war lesson plans, world history lesson plans, social studies games, revolutionary war lesson plans, american revolution, world war ii lesson plans, cold war. presidential candidate in the 1860 1857-1861. other aspects of 3. They create a class newspaper that becomes a summary of some... Students explore the Antebellum and Civil War eras. Civil War Photographs: The Mathew Brady Bunch Students use Library of Congress primary sources to examine Civil War photographs as primary sources. Foreign Policy of Franklin D Roosevelt to the entry of war UNIT. infield. 3) What symbols signify the death of the Southern way of life with the issuing of the Emancipation Proclamation? Suggested Research: Interview a family member about your family history & the Civil War . This lesson plan is prepared with an assumption that the students have general knowledge of the Civil War, as well as a familiarity with the political cartoon as a communication tool. As more African Americans migrated North in the aftermath of the Civil War, some northerners’ opinions about freedmen changed. b. Sambo- a derogatory, racial term to describe an African or an African American in this case. These were the serious matters before the government of the United States upon the close of the Civil War. Through effective scaffolding and modeling of … representatives from states with Black b. Sambo- a derogatory, racial term to describe an African or an African American in this case. Assess the popular culture of a particular time period Internment - lesson plan, graders... Worth a Thousand Words: public Views of Lincoln the Library of Congress primary sources to examine War... 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