), divide into, reveal, in_chorus, together, in all, in the same place, holus-bolus, altogether, in company, employee, personnel, reason, force, staff, cause, elicit, beget, causation, give rise to, incite, pique, engender, bring_on, trigger, fire, compel, kick_up, superindividual, draw, spawn, invite, touch_off, occasion, lead, bring_about, procure, touch off, raise, enkindle, give, poke, produce, capture, generate, stir, arouse, excite, put forward, provoke, breed, bring, conjure up, grip, create, kindle, tempt, set_up, interest, give rise, enga, occupy, have, receive, aught, hold back, keep, keep back, owe, retain, own, possess, possession, hold, seize, take, acquire, corral, hold on, fact, event, page, incidental, go, case, job, natural event, timing, proceedings, social occasion, happening, occurrence, matter, occasion, incident, shebang, affair, chapter, concernment, graduate_school, research institute, school, laboratory, graduate school, institute, linguistic communication, lingual, language, idiom, tongue, oral communication, speech, perspicuity, lingo, contumely, Fortran, parole, natural language, spoken language, linguistic process, serious, significant, acute, critical, severe, grave, spiel, recital, relation, scam, rede, plot, yarn, narration, story, fiction, tale, history, legend, narrative, ology, academic, systematic learning, science, learning, installation, set, device, appointment, plant, fixing, system, appliance, fixture, fitting, accommodation, fitment, finishing, unit, furnishings, materiel, contrivance, paraphernalia, facilities, rig, equipage, setout, facility, fixings, equipment, indeed, really, honestly, in fact, as a matter of fact, extend to, find, fulfil, compass, encompass, extend, gain, answer, achievement, succeed, fulfill, live_up_to, attainment, strain, bring_up, achieve, get to, touch, strive, make, accomplish, progress to, come, hit, come_out, obtain, reach, attain, clock_up, suffice, do, get, arrive_at, constitution, configuration, framing, structural, design, underframe, framework, construction, structure, schematism, economy, fabric, mechanics, composition, machinery, contexture, texture, constellation, fable, ordonnance, skeleton, organization, frame, architecture, chemistry, make, inhabit, cease, stay, visit, shack, dwell, stop, people, live, reside, populate, dig, sustain, hold out, bear;support, back, stand by, fare, stand, base, constellation, footstall, pedestal, m.[general], , customer, Aquarius, seating, plinth, place, seat, scantily, simply, alone, merely, barely, only, but, just, be worth, merit, pay, rate, behove, worthwhile, worth, worthy, deserve, call_for, command, academic, literate, pandit, letters, litterateur, learned person, literati, philomath, pundit, academician, faculty member, scholar, bookman, clerk, student, scholarly person, man of letters, man of learning, speleologist, doctor, clerisy, initiate, swami, punditry, savant, learned man, sophist, intercourse, commutation, transportation, communication, commuting, traffic, traffic_light, liaison man, communications, dealings, liaison, staged, period, phase angle, stage, gradation, level, peg, grade, remove, phase, leg, step, TV, box, iconoscope, video, television set, teevee, orthicon, huckster, TV set, radiovision, television, telecasting, airwave, telly, venter, materfamilias, mother, mither, sultana, maternal, female parent, mater, particle: used to persuade someone to do something; used to emphasize the obvious, journalist, writer, correspondent, newspaperwoman, newspaperman, gazetteer, newswriter, reporter, pressman, newshound, newsman, newsperson, force per unit area, P, strain, overwhelming force, pressure sensation, burdensomeness, oppressiveness, pressure, onerousness, stress, compulsion, constraint, muscle, lading, dare, make bold, have courage to, be sure, have confidence to, venture, have the confidence to, be certain, public facility, college, courtyard, designation for certain government offices and pub, hospital, clinic, branch of government, university, institutes, compound, abbey, academy, institute, yard, educational institution, faculty, possibly, peradventure, conceivably, assumedly, mayhap, doubtless, ablings, perhaps, perchance, potentially, probably, maybe, presumably, ablins, just, workforce, hands, work force, folk, people, they, the people, men, manpower, common people, I'm afraid, dread, funk, I suppose, be afraid of, fear, soma, system, physical structure, body, health, carcase, corpus, frame, person, somatic, organic structure, personage, latitude, rate, degree, point, measure, way, grade, gree, pitch, cut, length, plane, stage, level, extent, scale, notch, lear, know-how, understanding, ken, instruction, science, sophistication, consciousness, light, awareness, cognizance, knowledge, lore, mastery, know, cognition, acquaintanceship, mind, intellect, knowingness, equipment, internal structure of an organization, motion, gadget, instrumentality, institute, organ, mechanism, gear, representation, mechanics, machinery, apparatus, establishment, institution, means, organization, agency, setup, delegacy, outfit, theatrical role, character, persona, part, function, office, fictional character, actor, fictitious character, personage, role, repair, background, picture, state (of affairs), state of affairs, status, gear, scene, setting, scope, condition, state, circumstance, trimness, context, showing, trim, factor, condition/state (of affairs), situation, shoes, consideration, place, guru, pundit, adept, expertise, professional person, specializer, specialist, proficient, whiz, oner, expert, swami, savant, dab, professional, authority, stunner, technician, amuse oneself, treat lightly, have fun, resort to, enjoy, appreciate, play, toy, trifle with, employ, disport, shoot, amuse onself, operation, execution, result, effect, background, sound effects, purpose, point, background signal, fruitage, outcome, force, punch, totally, together, in all, in company, altogether, lift a ban/etc., be turned on, be in operation, neighborship, neighborhood, precinct, vicinity, neighbourhood, parent, father, pere, Pa, begetter, governor, abba, male parent, pater, guv, finances, monetary resource, expenses, expense, expenditure, pecuniary resource, fund, outlay, funds, outgo, cash in hand, in one case, , one time, formerly, syne, at one time, of all time, once, ever, will, be willing, please, wish, like, care, attach importance to, take sth. Contribute to liangqi/chinese-frequency-word-list development by creating an account on GitHub. The Frequency list of 6000 most common Korean words compiled by National Institute of Korean language is already available on TOPIK GUIDE in 6 parts – First Part, Second Part,Third Part, Fourth Part, Fifth Part and Sixth Part. Chinese character decomposition explorer allows you to drill down into the character components one layer at a time. Frequency Dictionary of Chinese Words, Eric Liu, Mouton, The Hague, 1973. Here are some questions that many students never even consider: 1. Then you will fully understand the A level Chinese vocabulary list. The principal goal of the Mandarin Institute-Loyola Marymount University (LMU) Developing Model Chinese Early Literacy Assessments using the K-5 Word Frequency Dictionary is to build the foundation for early Chinese reading instruction by creating levels for Chinese texts and developmentally appropriate reading levels and assessments for students. 呢 11 ne5 "particle indicating that a previously asked question is to be applied to the preceding word (""What about ...? BIG5 code. Chinese words by spoken frequency, 1 - 1,000 Frequency data taken from film subtitles by Qing Cai, Mark Brysbaert. Chinese word frequency list - News In the last post I analyzed 80 news articles from Taiwan over the period of 6 weeks, provided some basic statistics and tried to come up with a Chinese characters frequency list, by counting the occurrence of unique characters in these articles. Maximum text length (number of characters at a time): unregistered users – 1,000, subscription "frequent user" – 20,000, subscription "polyglot" – 20,000. To stress again, the word frequencies were not used. Have you ever wondered what the most common Chinese characters are? It’s easy to grab a list off the internet and use it as an absolute reference, believing it to show the most common components, characters and words. This is to make sure you have a deep and thorough understanding of each. Author:Chih-Hao Tsai Including zhuyin and word frequency information for most entries. The first column is the rank, the second one is the frequency, which has been normalised per million characters. in position, particle: used to denote an action away from the speaker or to denote the direction of the action, path, set, directional, aspect, tenor, course, lay, exposure, way, range, aim, trend, direction, bearing, orientation, hand, tack, way of life, quarter, channel, line, heading, need, care, encumbrance, buck, accountability, blame, obligation, turn, load, responsibleness, incumbrance, responsibility, onus, commission, burden, commitment, loading, trust, pigeon, charge, business, fault, place, liability, duty, guardianship, supply, feed, be for (the use/convenience of), terse, casual, commonplace, simple, oversimplified, ordinary, uncomplicated, oftentimes, ofttimes, always, more often than not, frequently, oft, often, service, practice, vocational work, line of work, affair, line, occupation, professional work, business, transaction, open to the world, open to traffic or public use, demesne, line of business, field of operation, country, background, terrain, realm, part, arena, sphere of influence, setting, territory, precinct, radius, scope, domain, sphere, frontier, orbit, preserve, area, world, kingdom, ambit, signory, province, region, field, universe, hemisphere, run, stand, valid, effective, efficacious, avail, make, hold, girl, female, woman, neodymium, hen, daughter, beaver, creature, engross, have, join, treat, plow, handle, follow, embark, undertake, attend_to, attack, occupy, absorb, go_into, work, engage, prosecute, go_about, go in for, pursue, be, meddle, embark_on, perform, enter, cover, deal, address, be engaged in, deal with, place, wage, bring into play, give free rein to, develop (idea/etc. wordfreq requires Python 3 and depends on a few other Python modules(msgpack, langcodes, and regex). Always Updated. Today, we will learn how to build up other information using adverbs. How can i do this with the use of my tokenized list? In a language of approximately 50,000 individual characters, mastering the most commonly used Chinese characters—and knowing their order of frequency—will benefit you along your path to language greatness. Download PDF and All Audios . ), join, attend, take part in, give (advice/etc. The K-5 Chinese Word Frequency Dictionary will serve as a baseline for K-5 immersion curriculum in the U.S. and abroad. Candidates will not have to read the word in Chinese characters at this level. It helps you understand what components a character is made up from and how characters are related to each other; Our Chinese Word Detail View allows the users to view not just the breakdown of the word, but also synonyms, antonyms, same head character words, same tail … It will also keep track of your known vocabulary over time, so you can use it to export the top 10 unknown words from a given article, and so on. Personally I think I'm going to just do the first 100 words first and focus on that. The Frequency list of 6000 most common Korean words compiled by National Institute of Korean language is already available on TOPIK GUIDE in 6 parts – First Part, Second Part,Third Part, Fourth Part, Fifth Part and Sixth Part. Appendix:Mandarin Frequency lists/5001-6000. rènwéi. Appendix:Mandarin Frequency lists/6001-7000. 認為. Turn-key Solution for Word Frequency Lists in All Languages. If you'll excuse the shameless plug, I wrote a tool that lets you generate your own wordlists based on frequency and/or several other metrics, from any piece of Chinese text. This is great if you want to make your own flashcard deck (Anki) or just check them off through a spreadsheet. IFEL Vocabulary of Spoken Chinese, Po-fei Huang, Far Eastern Publications, Yale University, New Haven, Conn., 1973. ), kid, nipper, enfant, tyke, youngster, small fry, minor, shaver, nestling, tike, child, chit, fry, children, infant, tiddler, small-fry, demesne, latitude, shot, compass, extensity, panorama, parameter, boundary, arena, stretch, territory, radius, spectrum, scope, extension, sphere, orbit, circumscription, limits, purview, grasp, extent, region, space, limit, hemisphere, horizon, envelope, bounds, realm, terrain, tether, sphere of influence, range, circuit, domain, precinct, reach, area, length, spread, bailiwick, ambit, con, oldster, ancient, old woman, crock, one's aged parents or grandparents, old man/woman, one's aged parents/grandparents, Sir, old person, gaffer, pop, one's aged parents, the aged/old, old_man, senior_citizen, oldie, greybeard, old man, graybeard, old, grandparents, the old, the aged, senior citizen, old_boy, old boy, woman, old-timer, old man or woman, one's aged grandparents, both, the two parties, two parties, both sides, capital of Red China, Beijing, Peking, Beijing (Peking), Peiping, formula, instruction, computer programme, pattern, form, modality, subprogram, routine, programme, course, function, subroutine, procedure, mode, order, sequence, computer program, program, feme, womankind, female, femininity, cummer, woman, femme, quean, bevy, matron, toots, womanhood, feminine, womenfolk, women, light upon, find, discover, run_down, founded, regain, strike, come upon, come across, run down, trace, turn_up, happen upon, get, chance on, chance upon, remount, retour, recur, turn back, regress, regain, revert, go_back, return to, return, go back to, particle: imparting finality (that's all), under the condition of, under, beneath, below, length, period, time period, amount of time, duration, course, interim, period of time, time, standing, chapter, tract, space, term, streak, efflux, Signorina, Senorita, senorita, signorina, young_lady, damosel, Dona, mum, young lady, damoiselle, missy, tootsy, demoiselle, damsel, Miss, Fraulein, miss, sheila, sister, toots, senhorita, damozel, Ladyship, ladyship, Mademoiselle, mademoiselle, integrity, allness, entirety, integer, integral, monolith, entireness, ensemble, wholeness, entire, tout ensemble, whole, totality, unity, invoke, admit, assume, adoptive, use, adopt, select for use, embrace, accept, employment, take, introduce, take up, take_on, take over, take on, borrow, employ, adoption, handle; treat (used before polysyllabic verbs or verbal nouns), swarm, be brimming, inhabit, be brimming with, teem, crawl, fill, lard, pullulate with, brim, be permeated with, bathe, be filled with, permeated with, abound in, implement, exuberate, fill up, flow, abound, burst, perfuse, foam, bristle, crackle, inform, pervade, be imbued with, simmer, glut, teem in, permeate, congest, be full of, reek, charge, suffuse, pullulate, overfill, swell, succession, set, spectrum, course, train, series, early, long ago, in advance, beforehand, prematurely, pretty, quite an, very, quite, jolly, fearfully, quite a, molto, middling, considerably, greatly, not be enough, not be worth (doing sth. Message 1: Chinese word frequency list Date: Sun, 31 Mar 2002 15:34:49 -0700 From: dhang
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