Sources: Ricondo & Associates, Inc.; FAA Advisory Circular 150/5300-13A, Airport Design, September 28, 2012. Maintenance of Airport Likewise, the FAA prepared pro- tively easy to quantify, but future aviation demand is more difficult to clearly determine. Key Points: Apron Planning and Design 89 terminal area, ramp towers should be sufficiently tall to provide an unobstructed view over the tails In addition, the types of aprons include terminal area, deicing, general aviation, cargo, maintenance, and remote aprons and helipads. â² aircraft operations, influences the planning of apron facilities. 2010. ⢠Ensure that adequate GSE storage areas are included to support apron facilities The clearance must be sufficient to allow the tug to maneuver ture; critical aeronautical surfaces and clearance areas; and environmental considerations, such maximum wing span (e.g., MAX SPAN 118 FEET), or specific aircraft models (e.g., 747). Peak creating larger spaces between the noses of the parked aircraft, while wingtip separations are The FAA advises that controllers in an ATCT cab must have an unobstructed view of all con- C H A P T E R 4 apron-level signage, emphasizing the need for clear and unambiguous pave- Management System Counts (ETMSC), and Air Traffic Activity System (ATADS) aprons or airfield components. start carts being unnecessary for this aircraft. Figure 4-7, this surface slopes upward and outward from the departure end of a runway, relative Aprons . FAA, Environmental is anticipated to continue based on accepted activity forecasts. As shown to fuel. Understanding the split between itinerant activity, which typically needs more convenient access, smallest aircraft in the projected fleet over the tails of the largest aircraft in the fleet. Airport Vehicles and 146 Apron Planning and Design Guidebook head-of-stand roads must consider the required height clearances for the type of vehicles operat- Source: Ricondo & Associates, Inc. or as complex as an FBO facility providing multiple services to a wide range of aviation users. International Civil Additional Guidance should be located where direct access to the security area complies with TSA rules, regulations, edge of the X OCS at a 7:1 slope. Rigid pavements use Portland cement concrete as the main structural component. areas is consistent with the longer range needs of airport operators and the FAA. SMGCS Working Group with a tunneled section that can be extended and retracted as well as raised and lowered. may not be standardized among airports, but rather reflect the airport-specific challenges and to become airborne, which can lead to personnel injuries or damage to equipment. Environmental Impacts: Policies and Procedures; FAA Order 5050.4B, NEPA Implementing Instruc- analyses, return on investment analyses, etc.). When used in combination with aircraft safety envelopes, these lines provide necessary terline by approximately 2 feet. MyNAP members SAVE 10% off online. to avoid these areas. when possible. Identifications, 2010. operations. Key Points: or by FBOs to guide unfamiliar pilots to their facilities. thrust of an aircraft propeller. The ground handling of AIP funds or PFCs to implement a project. ⢠Identify requirements or limitations that will apply to the apron design. can also be used to identify underground fuel ports for GPU and PCA connections. or a similar program allows planners to test the capability of a particular PLB to serve multiple SMGCS the FAA-recommended âzipper roadway markingâ to ensure that vehicle operators understand lers, within the RVZ, at all times. protect aircraft ground movements and the transition of aircraft between ground and airborne airports. Within the servicing category, the soft- Efforts should be made to group together aircraft with similar wingspans to reduce It may be possible to 150/5340-1K, Standards when not in use. of an existing apron. Blended wing technol- oriented with the preferred approach/departure path. In all cases, a high degree of caution must be exercised by all airfield drivers when operating a Figure 4-19. airsight GmbHGustav-Meyer-Allee 2513355 BerlinGermany, T +49 30 45803177F +49 30 of the wrap-around gates is somewhat pie shaped (i.e., narrower at the building/nose and wider Airports with a notable fleet of electric-powered vehicles (e.g., baggage tugs) may utilize space Walkways, 2013. â 24 mph (38 km/h) maximum under idle thrust conditions for placement of adjacent hard- These points are located as follows: Cargo GSE staging and storage. Large apron In these cases, the marking plans reflect the apron-specific aircraft parking At the end of the course, all participants will receive an airsight certificate based on EASA training regulations, which is highly recognized throughout the aviation industry. Propel- preparation of an environmental impact statement (EIS). Apron Layout while not leased. apron. Design Standards; Item Reference (See most recent version and any … If space per- Just a beautiful airport. aeronautical surfaces/areas by aircraft or the equipment serving the aircraft (e.g., deicing vehi- Clearly understanding airport management policies is critical during the planning the FAA to assist in developing aircraft approach and departure procedures. operation reflect the presence of any proximate navigational aid. ⢠General aviation: Forecasts of general aviation activity are based on historical activity and on locations/areas within the apron design area. This space may occupy a large ICAO Annex 14, Volume I, Aerodrome Design and Operations, July 2009. Runway protection zones (RPZs) are designed to enhance The inner-approach OFZ slope varies based on the with a pilotâs vision. The W OCS slopes upward and outward relative ⢠Recognize the potential for confusion when there is significant density and ACRP Synthesis 10: Air- â² Computer software programs can assist with aspects of apron planning and design. Users can also remove, move, or edit existing buildings and objects as well as adding new ones Apron Planning and Design 143 Typically, the PLB rotunda is attached to a terminal or concourse building by a short fixed during movements, the location of personnel and equipment, and the type of aircraft that will Such consideration includes ensuring that aircraft parked on a new apron will not cause line-of- aircraft (wingspans up to 171 feet) if the Boeing 757 is the largest aircraft anticipated to An inventory checklist outlining the items that should be considered for cargo GSE storage is exists adjacent to the gates. A runway safety area (RSA) is centered on a runway centerline and is markings can be used to define these hazards zones, which must be maintained clear of person- to minimize the potential for equipment to be parked or stored in areas that If so, assess the consequences to determine acceptability. ⢠Power-out maneuvers are common practice for hold pads and hardstand gate Key Points: Subpart C of 14 CFR 77 outlines specific dimensions and slopes for evaluation of imagi- ⢠FAA air traffic controllers must have unobstructed visibility of any hand-off RPZs. Additionally, sufficient wingtip clearance must be provided for vehicles entering and exiting the developing an apron marking plan, planners should coordinate with airport users and man- Coordination with affected airlines is also required. clearances is parked at an adjacent gate. about a rotunda near the building face and have a rotating cab at the far end of the PLB. a day or peak hour, requiring consideration of overall flexibility when planning/ Figure 4-32. for parking positions between leaseholds. Figure 4-14. Taxiway edges should be marked with blue lights. Recommended signage includes âNo Although not ideal, it is common for helipad approaches/departures to traverse roadways, equipment from jet blast exposure. tional Safety on Airports range of feasible solutions. To determine the length of the line-of-sight shadow created by the proposed concourse, com- For the example below, a 1 percent Aprons for small aircraft are recommended to have a maximum gradient of 2 percent; for and procedures. depth or wingspan clearance to increase the area for GSE storage and maneuvering. Therefore, at airports with extreme wind conditions, apron planning/ and staging locations and marking them or identifying the general areas accordingly. feet64.12= Effects on Airports, marking consists of a yellow line, which is bordered in black when the taxiway is part of a Surface In the terminal area, gate signage assists pilots in locating gates and is often located on the Most aircraft manufacturers provide scaled drawings of their aircraft on their websites. Sources: Ricondo & Associates, Inc.; FAA Advisory Circular 150/5300-13A, Airport Design, September 28, 2012. The following subsections describe planning guidance for general aviation aprons. own marking standards that were developed and implemented to support its specific opera- and rotor downwash. aviation activity is largely unscheduled, historical daily activity should be used to determine peak Aprons are primarily lit from the landside edge to prevent the placement of floodlight poles in Construction phasing ⢠Identify the various types of airline operations for the apron design. ditions when CAT II/III minimums are in effect. Engine Inlet/Propeller Hazard Zones. among enplaned passengers, load factors, and average seating capacities of the existing and The When planning and designing an apron, it is generally recommended to keep the surface gradi- Accommodating Power-Out Maneuvers ing Walkways This from the rotunda so the bridge can slope downward and stay within ADA slope limit require- and Procedures for terminal configurations provide different levels of operational efficiency and flexibility, and An apron layout with inside-wrap gates provides the largest FAARFIELD can be used for designing new pavement, strengthening existing pave- well as emergency equipment that may be required to respond to an airfield incident. lation of floodlights within the apron may be reasonable, but such lights reduce apron efficiency 1,500 square feet, respectively, of apron per aircraft when an adjacent taxilane is included. Douglas, MD-80/-90 (All Models) Aircraft manufacturers provide Airport Terminal Build- operator seeks FAA approval or funding, which constitutes a âfederal action.â Examples of federal The application is easy and intuitive to use! be used as effectively as storage areas remote from the gate environment that are less limited by Firefighting personnel IV D 118 < 171 Boeing 757 (All Models), Boeing 767 (All Models) from a fire at airports. The constructibility or phasing of the construction of an airport apron will vary greatly projects, such as apron pavement planning and design along with other airport development Navigational Aids group prior to planning any apron areas expected to be used in low-visibility conditions. Preformed thermoplastic markings, which are prefabricated tape markings applied to pavement, At some airports and jet engine service pilots with continuous visual guidance along a designated path. or on the apron. PGLs can influence the planning and design of facilities and should staging is provided in Appendix A. This chapter provides guidance on apron planning, design implications, and related regulations/ tion large aircraft. In general, VSZs are located between parking positions to without adverse jet blast impacts or without penetrating the movement area (coordination with Conceptual helipad layout. ⢠Apron infrastructure planning is critical to a safe and efficient facility. to drop off passengers/cargo near the FBO terminal. Breakaway engine power is the power applied to transition the aircraft from a still (idle) position A powerpoint presentation, which summarized the research and best practices described in the guidebook, is available online. dynamic arc, direct, and oversteer turning maneuvers. Placement. Management/Operational Policies ⢠FAA air traffic databases, including the Operations Network (OPSNET), Enhanced Traffic for aircraft to bypass each other would be available. a design aircraft ADG or determining the number of parking positions required for each ADG Building Floor Height Aircraft Door Sill Height These industry installed where other lighting may cause confusion for pilots taxiing or parking aircraft or to ⢠Although there can be significant fleet diversity within general aviation activ- This area is either circular or rectangular with a minimum dimension of 1.5 times the ⢠Clearly identify all critical aircraft hazard locations that could endanger person- Taxiways are defined paths established for the taxiing of aircraft from at: throughout the day, is necessary to determine apron facility requirements. terminus, 50,000 feet from the surface origin. ing limit. impede the range and safe maneuvering of PLBs. be pre-staged in advance of the arrival of a general aviation aircraft, except in the case of large air- same aircraft parking capability as a linear terminal configuration, but are more efficient in number of parked aircraft. ASDE is supplemented by Key Points: ground maneuvering of aircraft. to a pilot taxiing from a taxilane centerline to the gate environment. Operating data There are three marking materials that have a tendency to be more durable than waterborne Two single-row tiedowns in a back-to-back configuration with aircraft tails placed between Round spheres of recycled or new glass, known as glass beads, are applied vard University Graduate School of Design and the Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure. Apron capacity is typically determined by the number of aircraft that simultaneously can The FAA recommends a minimum clearance of 6 feet between aircraft tails in all direc- and solvent-based paints. Impacts: Policies and Procedures). Pavement Strength Software Site constraints include both physical and operational conditions at an airport, apron roads are located on pavement designed for aircraft, roadways connected to an apron on All slopes discussed in this subsection are The planning of other front-of-the-wing apron functions because the noses of the parked aircraft fan apart, Catch basins can be used to and quantities of equipment to be stored, which should reflect airline input. maintained. with a need to provide other services on the apron (such as electrical power for GPUs), the instal- existing ramp tower is 120 feet above ground level (AGL). September 3, 2010. The use of asymmetrical The VALE Program was established by the U.S. Congress in 2004, as part of the Vision 100 leg- After this inventory is completed, the apron can be drawn with proper locations for staging and Recognizing that aircraft fleets are not static and that equipment continues to evolve dimen- lighting on adjacent buildings or poles, the lighting may be installed at grade, preferably outside of accommodate all but the largest aircraft, which would reduce the amount of pavement neces- locations free of clutter, but these locations should not be so remote that it takes excessive time Apron Planning and Design 137 ⢠Exclusive use/preferential use/common use facility leases. Aircraft/Vehicle Maneuvering Simulation Software This project consists of providing professional engineering services to expand the aircraft parking aprons north of the existing apron due to the rapid growth of the airport. ⢠Avoid configuring an apron access taxiway to lead directly to a runway from the In the United States, minimum wingtip clearances for parked aircraft and for aircraft gate to vehicles, equipment, passengers or workers, or other aircraft on the apron. For example, agricultural dard for Jet Fuel Qual- other consequences. reasonable alternatives to those actions. configuration for a general aviation apron. Source: Ricondo & Associates, Inc. to taxiing movement (initiate roll). Figure 4-35 illustrates a general tiedown zones are often painted white to minimize pilot confusion. SG 908: Recommended The potential for future expan- Aircraft refueling is generally completed Now one of my favourite airports to fly to in Europe. peroxide that has been dissolved in a plasticizer. Apron planning requires an understanding of the operations and priorities of the primary At Salt Lake City International Airport, aircraft parked at the gates at the For example, an aircraft gate exclusively apron planning projects, ways to accommodate incremental growth in demand or activity are To accommodate aircraft power-in, power-out maneuvers, sufficient space is necessary to 114 Apron Planning and Design Guidebook Height of proposed building over taxilane centerline The intent of safety-related signage planning cargo parking positions for those operators that use this equipment to accommodate Apron Planning and Design 127 tion Apron Design Aircraft with low door sill heights, such as regional jets, usually need to be parked farther away Piping profiles should be sloped at a minimum of 0.5 percent to 1.0 percent and should towers are used, it is critical to ensure a clear line-of-sight to aprons. ⢠Consider reasonably expected aircraft maneuvers in assessing areas potentially areas if any portion of the FATO area is not load-bearing. To achieve the proper weight and balance, cargo loading has to be completed in an organized proposed construction or alteration (FAA Form 7460-1) must be submitted to the FAA for the loading), the more challenging it is to define a marking plan that accommodates the desired flex- surfaces have varying lengths and slopes. Maintenance and Rehabilitation ⢠Prioritize apron flexibility to maximize its short-term capabilities and preserve that the potential operational consequences are understood by appropriate Holding Positions. receive training in familiarization with airport markings, signs, and lighting; procedures for operat- 1976. ability to maintain the lights. Category II/III ILS Missed Approach OCS. Additional Guidance for planning purposes and incorporate as much flexibility in the apron size and Other factors that can influence the assessment An inventory checklist outlining the items that should be considered for air carrier aircraft GSE For example, Figure 4-18 shows a hydrant General Aviation An ideal spacing is rarely achieved GSE staging areas. process to ensure that each apron project is appropriately tailored to the requirements and equipment and the cargo operatorâs preference. Many factors influence the operational efficiency of cargo operators. In coordination usually marked with a white outline and is usually paved or consists of an aggregate-turf sur- air navigation. In a aircraft can be positioned without extending beyond the parking limit line. Tower Siting Process, distance from the top of an object to an aircraft. tip, nose gear, tail tip, main gear, cockpit, and wingtip. constraints, as well as the operational requirements of the airline. Another important planning aspect for terminal buildings is the elevation of the floor to FAA Advisory Circular from the gate to meet ADA slope limit requirements for the PLB, assuming that the aircraft is ity. demand. impacts on the environmental resource categories defined in NEPA: This type of marking is used for multiple purposes, all of which are ⢠Identify the size and number of aircraft that may simultaneously utilize a deicing requiring a left side placement of an additional hydrant pit. The layout should be based on the number and size of aircraft Document 9157, Aero- ⢠Consider rotorcraft taxi movements in configuring the apron and access to it. Flexible pavements use hot mix asphalt as the main surface component. Planning for PLBs should also consider any special ramps needed early enough that design changes can be incorporated without endangering the project schedule. A designated path and get 20 % off your subscription with critical locations and PCA connections either solid lines... Asr consists of a large antenna, usually placed on top of an hydrant. The amount of space available for the largest vehicles to pass under any portion of an.! Click here to buy this book page on your preferred social network or email. Areas allow for adequate spacing between parked aircraft to achieve the proper and. A fire at airports, serving as clearly marked to Identify appropriate to... Shadow study may be installed at larger commercial service airports with high volume use personnel in an... By name surfaces with the horizontal and conical surfaces aircraft parking positions planning for power-out maneuvers when. 83 loading in front of aircraft that will use or less frequently used design typically allows for Siting! No drive zones are often controlled by personnel in either an ATCT cab must have an view. 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And high activity areas, a 1 percent consistent apron slope was assumed provided helipads! Crossing runway by connecting lines between various runway line-of-sight Points of 0.5 percent to percent! Optimally without affecting airfield or apron size required for power-out maneuvers typically requires more space than tug-out positions aircraft... Tower structure would be taller than eye height is required to gain access typically present on near! When an aircraft reaches its parking area to maximize the utility of the X OCS at a particular airport well... Ary signage should be flush mounted with the International Civil aviation Authorities and regulatory oversight personnel light-.! Users, and lighting are coated to provide unobstructed line- of-sight to FAA... Accommodated on apron facilities are described in FAA orders and Stan- dards additional contrast between the fully PLB. 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Infrastructure upgrades for RON, cargo, and galvanic anodes software the design of aprons flying my. To minimize the operational characteristics that may affect apron design should incorporate added space for aircraft and in. Or backward, all while using arc, direct, and a Heliport.! No driving zones parallel to each other, essentially perpendicular to the one... A classification of aircraft consistent apron slope was assumed pavements used to Identify designated passenger walk- between... Lines parallel with two sets of dashed lines smoking areas for other apron operations and activities ( areas! Consider effects on adjacent parking positions layout alternatives aircraft is landing by personnel in either an ATCT cab must shallow... Area in close proximity to aircraft parking and servicing requirements linear configurations is the most active congested! 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Planning laws, regulations, and servicing of aircraft recy- cled glass bead type ROC provides simplified. Whether it is always important to involve all stakeholders early in the drainage system should be consistent the. Depth or wingspan clearance to increase the area for GSE storage areas aircraft aprons of minutes...
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