Urtica incisa is an excellent nettle for admirals, seeds readily and grows easily from seed, is also a native, and a little less vicious with the stinging Norm. same advice on finding them. Urtica ferox SPECIES Urtica ferox ETYMOLOGY Urtica: from the Latin verb urere which means "to burn" ferox: From the Latin ferox 'fierce', usually referring to very spiny plants COMMON NAME(S) Ongaonga, tree nettle CURRENT CONSERVATION STATUS 2012 - Not Threatened PREVIOUS CONSERVATION STATUS 2009 - Not Threatened 2004 - Not Threatened AUTHORITY Urtica ferox G.Forst. Asia, becoming naturalized in Germany] • Urtica chamaedryoides Pursh - heart-leaf nettle [US] • Urtica ferox G. Forst. The tree nettle is one of New Zealand’s most poisonous native plants. Kaufen Sie den/die/das „Urtica Ferox“ Vase von Gucci. In another instance, a typist developed tingling numbness in the hand after grasping a nettle bush, preventing her from typing for five days. Date November 10, 2020 04:14 AM NZDT Place Otatara, Invercargill 9879, New Zealand (Google, OSM) 1 ID R esearch G rade; View ← Prev 1 2 3 ... Take iNaturalist NZ mobile with the iNaturalist mobile app: Help us grow with Givealittle. FAMILY … Common name. See more of 39 South NZ on Facebook. . (2018) Conservation Status of New Zealand Indigenous Vascular Plants. This plant can resist temperatures down to minus eight degree Celsius. Press alt + / to open this menu. Save for later. The National Vegetation Survey (NVS) Databank is a physical archive and electronic databank containing records of over 94,000 vegetation survey plots - including data from over 19,000 permanent plots. Whilst recently chasing seabirds on Titi Island we came across tree nettles (ongaonga, Urtica ferox) with super-sized leaves. Synonyms. Most commonly found in bush margins. Inventum, medium Herbarium hand and ring candle. Facebook. Top; All; ... Ive not run into the NZ stuff which a lot of people say is much worse than the British stinging nettle. Wer sich in diese Nessel setzt, erlebt binnen einer Stunde Schwierigkeiten beim Laufen und Atmen, bis hin zum Verlust der Sehfähigkeit. Urtica ferox - ongaonga, tree nettle - perennial. New Zealand's native plants are not all harmless. Was genau Urtica ferox so grimmig macht, ist erstaunlich wenig erforscht. Jump to page: Results 16 to 30 of 35 20Likes. Ongaonga / tree nettle (Urtica ferox), native stinging nettle, New Zealand (NZ) stock photo. Photo of introduced nettle Urtica dioica, by Michael Gasperl / CC BY 3.0. Most commonly found in bush margins. Die Brennnesseln (Urtica) bilden eine Pflanzengattung in der Familie der Brennnesselgewächse (Urticaceae). The village was founded in 1872 when Henry Hamilton Bridge subdivided his farm. Sounds very cool, very now. Varnish Wattle - Acacia verniciflua. As Clair points out, U. ferox packs a nasty sting, it leaves a burning numbing pain that can last 3 days and cause several symptoms. Around 1900, New Zealand chemists identified tutin as the poison. Found throughout NZ in North and South Islands reaching Otago as its southern limit. It is sometimes known as 'Taraonga', 'Taraongaonga' or 'Okaoka'. Authors: By Peter J. de Lange, Jeremy R. Rolfe, John W. Barkla, Shannel P. Courtney, Paul D. Champion, Leon R. Perrie, Sarah M. Beadel, Kerry A. Ford, Ilse Breitwieser, Ines Schönberger, Rowan Hindmarsh-Walls, Peter B. Heenan and Kate Ladley. A fatal poisoning was described in 1961, when a young man died of paralysis and respiratory problems several hours after walking through a patch of tree nettles. 2013-01-18. Flora And Fauna. Urtica ferox (NZ Native) Native to New Zealand the tree nettle grows in temperate bush in lowland areas, which includes stock-damaged bush, scrubland and forest margins. Urtica incisa Poir, Flora category. See more of 39 South NZ on Facebook. https://www.nztcs.org.nz Preferred Name Urtica ferox G.Forst. Urtica ferox, commonly known as tree nettle, or ongaonga in Māori, is a nettle that is endemic to New Zealand. Not all nettle species sting - many have medicinal properties; some can be eaten, providing a good source of Vitamin C, and NZ and non-NZ nettle species are hosts for red admiral butterflies. Photo of ongaonga (giant tree nettle), by Avenue. Nerve conduction studies demonstrated markedly reduced compound muscle action potentials and prolonged distal motor latencies. Pete Zimmer. Urticaceae. This report includes a statistical summary and brief notes on changes since 2012 and replaces all previous NZTCS lists for vascular plants. In Deutschland nahezu überall anzutreffen sind die Große Brennnessel und die Kleine Brennnessel sowie seltener die Röhricht-Brennnessel und die Pillen-Brennnessel. Ongaonga Urtica ferox. The ovate tapering leaves have numerous stinging hairs along the midribs and leaf stalks. 3. Urtica Ferox Urtica ferox stings when encountered, and the effects may last some time. Uechtr.) Urtica ferox is the main food plant for larvae of the New Zealand Red Admiral butterfly Bassaris gonerilla and The Yellow Admiral butterfly (Vanessa itea) Warning- The tree nettle is one of New Zealand's most poisonous native plants, Approximate viable seed per gram: More than 250, Price:Packet of 100 seeds $18.005 grams $4450 grams $358. It is sometimes known as 'Taraonga', 'Taraongaonga' or 'Okaoka'. FLORA CATEGORY Vascular – Native ENDEMIC TAXON Yes ENDEMIC GENUS No ENDEMIC FAMILY No STRUCTURAL CLASS Dicotyledonous Trees & Shrubs NVS CODE URTFER CHROMOSOME NUMBER 2n = 48 CURRENT CONSERVATION STATUS 2012 | Not Threatened PREVIOUS CONSERVATION STATUSES … Authoritative facts from DermNet New Zealand. Jump to. There are also reports of human poisoning in botanical references or the press. Top; All; This Page ; Thread: Urtica ferox / ongaonga /tree nettle. Accessibility Help. (Year at time of access): Urtica ferox Fact Sheet (content continuously updated). Their heterogeneous nature is no doubt largely … Saved by Audrey Young. It is the larger-growing Urtica ferox that has justifiably given the genus a deadly reputation, but for most encounters it merely sends a stinging message that it is not to be tangled with. Department of Conservation, Wellington. Adlerfarn(bot. Shop This. The modern village consists of a general store, tea rooms and the Sandford Arms Tavern. Urtica Ferox (Onga Onga) at Rewanui On taking over the management of Rewanui the Trimble Foundation discovered extensive areas of Urtica Ferox in and around the native bush areas. Muscle & Nerve 35 (6) 2007, S. 804–807. BOTANICAL NAME: Urtica ferox . Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. Sign Up. Recommended pre germination seed treatment: Seed germinates without pre treatment. cliffortioides (NZ Native), Fuscospora fusca - Beech, New Zealand Red Beech, Nothofagus fusca, Red Beech, Tawhairaunui (NZ Native), Gaultheria antipoda - Snowberry (NZ Native), Gleditsia triacanthos inermis - Thornless Honey Locust, Griselinia littoralis - Broadleaf, Kapuka, Papauma (NZ Native), Halocarpus bidwillii - Bog Pine, Mountain Pine (NZ Native), Hebe elliptica - Hebe elliptica (NZ Native), Hebe salicifolia - Koromiko, Koromuka (NZ Native), Hebe speciosa - Napuka, Titirangi (NZ Native), Hedycarya arborea - Pigeonwood (NZ Native), Heliohebe hulkeana - Hebe hulkeana, New Zealand Lilac (NZ Native), Hibiscus trionum - Perennial Hibiscus (NZ Native), Hoheria angustifolia - Hungere , Narrow-leaved Lacebark (NZ Native), Hoheria lyalli - Mountain Lacebark (NZ Native), Hoheria populnea - Houhere, Lacebark (NZ Native), Hoheria sexstylosa - Houhere , Long-leaved lacebark (NZ Native), Isolepis nodosa - Knobby Clubrush (NZ Native), Juncus edgarie - Common rush, Juncus gregifolrus, Wiwi (NZ Native), Juncus gregifolrus - Common rush, Wiwi (NZ Native), Juncus pallidus - Giant Rush, Wiwi (NZ Native), Knightia excelsa - NZ Honeysuckle, Rewarewa (NZ Native), Leptecophylla juniperina - Mingimingi, Prickly Mingimingi (NZ Native), Leptocarpus similis - Jointed Wire Rush, Oioi (NZ Native), Leptospermum scoparium Canterbury - Manuka (NZ Native), Leptospermum scoparium High-NPA-Westland - Manuka seed from high MGO, DHA honey collection area Westland NZ (NZ Native), Leptospermum scoparium incanum High-NPA-Northland - Manuka seed from high MGO, DHA honey collection area Northland NZ (NZ Native), Libertia cranwelliae - Cranwell s Iris, Cranwell s Mikoikoi, Iris, Native Iris, New Zealand Iris (NZ Native), Libertia grandiflora - Iris, Native Iris, New Zealand Iris (NZ Native), Libertia ixioides - Iris, Mikoikoi, Native Iris, Tukauki (NZ Native), Libertia peregrinans - Iris, Native Iris, New Zealand Iris (NZ Native), Liquidamber styraciflua - American sweetgum, Liquidamber, Sweetgum, Lomandra longifolia - Basket Grass, Spiny-head, Lophomyrtus bullata - Ramarama (NZ Native), Lophomyrtus obcordata - Rohutu (NZ Native), Lophostemon confertus - Brush box, Queensland box, Lophozonia menziesii - Beech, New Zealand silver Beech, Nothofagus menziesii, Silver Beech, Southern Beech, Tawhai, t whairauriki (NZ Native), Machaerina articulata - Baumea articulata, Jointed twig-rush (NZ Native), Macropiper excelsum - Kawakawa, Pepper Tree (NZ Native), Melaleuca decora - Myrtle , White Cloud Trea, White Feather Honey Myrtle, Melaleuca hypericifolia - Dotted Melaleuca, Hillock Bush, Red Honey Myrtle, Red-Flowered Paperbark, Melaleuca linariifolia - Narrow-leaved Paperbark, Snow-in-Summer, Melaleuca stypheloides - Prickly Paperbark, Prickly-leaved Tea Tree, Melicytus ramiflorus - Mahoe, Whiteywood (NZ Native), Metrosideros excelsa-Red - NZ Christmas Tree, Pohutukawa (NZ Native), Metrosideros excelsa-Yellow - Pohutukawa Yellow flower (NZ Native), Metrosideros fulgens - Rata vine, Scarlet rata (NZ Native), Metrosideros perfororata - White Rata (NZ Native), Metrosideros umbellata - Southern Rata (NZ Native), Microlaena avenacea - Bush Rice Grass (NZ Native), Microlaena stipoides - Meadow Rice Grass, Paatiitii, weeping rice grass (NZ Native), Moringa oleifera - Drumstick tree, moringa, Muehlenbeckia astonii - Mingimingi, Shrubby tororaro, Wiggywig (NZ Native), Myosotidium hortensia - Chatham Island Forget-Me-Not (NZ Native), Myrsine australis - Mapou, Red Matipo (NZ Native), Nothofagus fusca - Red Beech, Tawhairaunui (NZ Native), Nothofagus menziesii - Silver Beech, Southern Beech, Tawhai, t whairauriki (NZ Native), Nothofagus solandri var cliffortioides - Mountain beech, Southern Beech (NZ Native), Olearia avicenniaefolia - Akeake (NZ Native), Olearia solandri - Coastal tree daisy, Tree daisy (NZ Native), Oryzopsis lessoniana - Bamboo Grass (NZ Native), Pachystegia insignis - Marlborough Rock Daisy (NZ Native), Pachystegia minor - Marlbrough Rock Daisy, Small Marlbrough Rock Daisy (NZ Native), Parsonsia heterophylla - Kaiku, Kaiwhiria, New Zealand Jasmine (NZ Native), Pennantia corymbosa - Bellbird Tree, Kaikomako (NZ Native), Phormium cookianum - Mountain Flax, Wharariki (NZ Native), Phormium cookianum purpureum - flax, Purple flax (NZ Native), Phormium Emerald Gem - Dwarf Green tenax, Emerald Gem, Flax Dwarf Green (NZ Native), Phormium tenax - Flax, Harakeke (NZ Native), Phormium tenax purpureum - Purple flax (NZ Native), Picea pungens glauca - Blue Spruce, Colorado Blue Spruce, Pinus pinea - Italian Stone Pine, Stone Pine, Pittosporum crassifolium - Karo (NZ Native), Pittosporum eugenioides - Lemonwood , Tarata (NZ Native), Pittosporum tenuifolium - Black Matipo, Kohuhu (NZ Native), Pittosporum tenuifolium ssp colensoi - Black Mapou (NZ Native), Plagianthus divaricatus - Makaka, Marsh Ribbonwood (NZ Native), Plagianthus regius - Manatu, Ribbonwood (NZ Native), Pomaderris kumeraho - Golden Tainui , Kumarahou (NZ Native), Prumnopitys ferruginea - Brown Pine, Miro, Podocarpus ferrugineus (NZ Native), Prumnopitys taxifolia - Black Pine, Matai (NZ Native), Pseudopanax arboreus - Five Finger, Puahou, Whauwhaupaku (NZ Native), Pseudopanax colensoi - Orihou (NZ Native), Pseudopanax crassifolius - Horoeka, Lancewood (NZ Native), Pseudopanax ferox - Lancewood, Toothed Lancewood (NZ Native), Pseudopanax laetus - Five Finger (NZ Native), Pseudopanax lessonii - Houpara (NZ Native), Pseudotsuga menziesii - Columbian pine, Douglas Fir, Oregon Pine, Pseudowintera colorata - Horopito, Pepper tree (NZ Native), Ranunculus lyallii - Mt Cook Lily (NZ Native), Rhopalostylis baueri var Cheesemanii - Kermadec Island Nikau (NZ Native), Rhopalostylis sapida - Nikau Palm (NZ Native), Schefflera digitata - Pate, Seven Finger (NZ Native), Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani - Kapungawha, Lake Club-rush, Schoenoplectus validus, Zebra Rush (NZ Native), Schoenoplectus validus - Kapungawha, Lake Club-rush (NZ Native), Sophora japonica - Japanese Kowhai, Japanese Pagoda Tree, Sophora longicarinata - Kowhai (NZ Native), Sophora prostrata - Prostrate Kowhai (NZ Native), Stipa arundinacea - Gossamer Grass, Wind Grass (NZ Native), Tecomanthe speciosa - Three Kings Vine (NZ Native), Tristaniopsis laurina - Kanooka, Water Gum, Uncinia rubra - Red Hook Grass (NZ Native), Uncinia uncinata - Hook Grass, Watau (NZ Native), Uncinia uncinata Red - Red Hook Grass (NZ Native), Urtica ferox - Ongaonga, Tree Nettle (NZ Native), Virgilia divaricata - Pink Blossom Tree, Pink Keurboom, Xeronema callistemon - Poor Knights Lily , raupo-taranga (NZ Native), Akeake - Olearia avicenniaefolia (NZ Native), Amazon Mist - Carex comans var Frosted Curls (NZ Native), amden Woollybutt - Eucalyptus macarthurii, American sweetgum - Liquidamber styraciflua, Armstrong's Daisy - Celmisia armstrongi (NZ Native), Australian Blackwood - Acacia melanoxylon, Bamboo Grass - Oryzopsis lessoniana (NZ Native), Banks Peninsula Blue Tussock - Festuca actae (NZ Native), Baumea articulata - Machaerina articulata (NZ Native), Beech - Fuscospora cliffortioides (NZ Native), Bellbird Tree - Pennantia corymbosa (NZ Native), Black Mapou - Pittosporum tenuifolium ssp colensoi (NZ Native), Black Matipo - Pittosporum tenuifolium (NZ Native), Black Pine - Prumnopitys taxifolia (NZ Native), Black Tree Fern - Cyathea medullaris (NZ Native), Blue Spaniard - Aciphylla glaucescens (NZ Native), Bog Pine - Halocarpus bidwillii (NZ Native), Broad Leaved Snow Tussock - Chionochloa flavescens (NZ Native), Broadleaf - Griselinia littoralis (NZ Native), Bronco - Carex comans var Red (NZ Native), Bronze Curls - Carex comans var Red (NZ Native), Bronzita - Carex flagellifera var Red (NZ Native), Broom - Carmichaelia williamsii (NZ Native), Broom - Carmichaelia stevensonii (NZ Native), Brown Pine - Prumnopitys ferruginea (NZ Native), Brown-stemmed coprosma - Coprosma brunnea (NZ Native), Bush Rice Grass - Microlaena avenacea (NZ Native), Bushman's friend - Brachyglottis repanda var Rangiora (NZ Native), Bushman's friend - Brachyglottis repanda (NZ Native), Cabbage Palm - Cordyline australis (NZ Native), Cabbage Tree - Cordyline australis (NZ Native), Carex coriacea - Carex coriacea (NZ Native), Carex dissita - Carex dissita (NZ Native), Carex flagellifera var Green - Carex flagellifera var Green (NZ Native), Carex flagellifera var Green-Brown - Carex flagellifera var Green-Brown (NZ Native), Carex flagellifera var Red - Carex flagellifera var Red (NZ Native), Carex geminata - Carex geminata (NZ Native), Carex lambertiana - Carex lambertiana (NZ Native), Carex lessoniana - Carex lessoniana (NZ Native), Carex maorica - Carex maorica (NZ Native), Carex Red Rooster - Carex buchananii (NZ Native), Carex solandri - Carex solandri (NZ Native), Carex tenuiculmis - Carex tenuiculmis (NZ Native), Carex virgata - Carex virgata (NZ Native), Casuarina cunninghamiana - Allcasuarina cunninghamiana, Chatham Island Forget-Me-Not - Myosotidium hortensia (NZ Native), Coastal tree daisy - Olearia solandri (NZ Native), Colorado Blue Spruce - Picea pungens glauca, Common rush - Juncus gregifolrus (NZ Native), Common sedge - Carex comans var Green (NZ Native), Common Spaniard - Aciphylla squarrosa (NZ Native), Cootamundra Wattle - Acacia baileyana var Purpurea, Coprosma grandifolia - Coprosma australis (NZ Native), Cortaderia fulvida - Austroderia fulvida (NZ Native), Cortaderia richardii - Austroderia richardii (NZ Native), Cortaderia toetoe - Austroderia toetoe (NZ Native), Cranwell s Iris - Libertia cranwelliae (NZ Native), Cranwell s Mikoikoi - Libertia cranwelliae (NZ Native), Crimson Bottlebrush - Callistemon citrinus, Dotted Melaleuca - Melaleuca hypericifolia, Drooping She-Oak - Casuarina verticillata, Dwarf Green tenax - Phormium Emerald Gem (NZ Native), Dwarf or Pigmy Cabbage Tree - Cordyline pumilio (NZ Native), Emerald Gem - Phormium Emerald Gem (NZ Native), Eucalyptus camphora - Eucalyptus camphora, Eucalyptus ficifolia - Corymbia ficifolia, Eucalyptus serraeniss - Eucalyptus serraeniss, Five Finger - Pseudopanax arboreus (NZ Native), Five Finger - Pseudopanax laetus (NZ Native), flax - Phormium cookianum purpureum (NZ Native), Flax Dwarf Green - Phormium Emerald Gem (NZ Native), Forest Cabbage Tree - Cordyline banksii (NZ Native), Frosted Curls - Carex comans var Frosted Curls (NZ Native), Giant Spaniard - Aciphylla scott-thomsonii (NZ Native), Giant Umbrella Sedge - Cyperus ustulatus (NZ Native), Giant-flowered broom - Carmichaelia williamsii (NZ Native), Golden Sand Sedge - Desmoschoenus spiralis (NZ Native), Golden Spaniard - Aciphylla aurea (NZ Native), Golden Speargrass - Aciphylla aurea (NZ Native), Golden Tainui - Pomaderris kumeraho (NZ Native), Golden Wattle - Acacia baileyana var Purpurea, Gossamer Grass - Anemanthele lessoniana (NZ Native), Gossamer Grass - Stipa arundinacea (NZ Native), Heart-Leaved Silver Gum - Eucalyptus cordata, Hebe elliptica - Hebe elliptica (NZ Native), Hebe hulkeana - Heliohebe hulkeana (NZ Native), Hokiawga - Carmichaelia stevensonii (NZ Native), Hook Grass - Uncinia uncinata (NZ Native), Horoeka - Pseudopanax crassifolius (NZ Native), Horopito - Pseudowintera colorata (NZ Native), Horse Tail She-Oak - Casuarina equistifolia, Houpara - Pseudopanax lessonii (NZ Native), Hunangamoho - Chionochloa conspicua (NZ Native), Hungere - Hoheria angustifolia (NZ Native), Isolepis nodosa - Ficinia nodosa (NZ Native), Jointed twig-rush - Baumea articulata (NZ Native), Jointed twig-rush - Machaerina articulata (NZ Native), Jointed Wire Rush - Apodasmia similis (NZ Native), Jointed Wire Rush - Leptocarpus similis (NZ Native), Juncus gregifolrus - Juncus edgarie (NZ Native), Kahikatea - Dacrycarpus dacrydioides (NZ Native), Kaikomako - Pennantia corymbosa (NZ Native), Kaiku - Parsonsia heterophylla (NZ Native), Kaiwhiria - Parsonsia heterophylla (NZ Native), Kaka Beak - Clianthus puniceus rosea (NZ Native), Kanono - Coprosma grandifolia (NZ Native), Kapuka - Griselinia littoralis (NZ Native), Kapungawha - Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani (NZ Native), Kapungawha - Schoenoplectus validus (NZ Native), Karaka - Corynocarpus laevigatus (NZ Native), Karo - Pittosporum crassifolium (NZ Native), Kawakawa - Macropiper excelsum (NZ Native), Kermadec Island Nikau - Rhopalostylis baueri var Cheesemanii (NZ Native), Knobby Clubrush - Ficinia nodosa (NZ Native), Knobby Clubrush - Isolepis nodosa (NZ Native), Kohekohe - Dysoxylum spectabile (NZ Native), Kohuhu - Pittosporum tenuifolium (NZ Native), Korokio - Corokia cotoneaster (NZ Native), Korokio - Corokia cotoneaster var cheesemanii (NZ Native), Kotukutuku - Fuchsia excorticata (NZ Native), K uaha - Brachyglottis repanda var Rangiora (NZ Native), Kowhai - Sophora longicarinata (NZ Native), Kowhai Ngutu Kaka - Clianthus puniceus rosea (NZ Native), Kowharawhara - Astelia solandri (NZ Native), Kumarahou - Pomaderris kumeraho (NZ Native), Lake Club-rush - Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani (NZ Native), Lake Club-rush - Schoenoplectus validus (NZ Native), Lance Leaved Daisy - Celmisia armstrongi (NZ Native), Lancewood - Pseudopanax crassifolius (NZ Native), Lancewood - Pseudopanax ferox (NZ Native), Leafy coprosma - Coprosma parviflora (NZ Native), Lemon Scented Gum - Eucalyptus citriodora, Lemonwood - Pittosporum eugenioides (NZ Native), Leptocarpus similis - Apodasmia similis (NZ Native), Long-leaved lacebark - Hoheria sexstylosa (NZ Native), Makaka - Plagianthus divaricatus (NZ Native), Makomako - Aristotelia serrata (NZ Native), Manuka - Leptospermum scoparium Canterbury (NZ Native), Manuka seed from high MGO, DHA honey collection area Northland NZ - Leptospermum scoparium incanum High-NPA-Northland (NZ Native), Manuka seed from high MGO, DHA honey collection area Westland NZ - Leptospermum scoparium High-NPA-Westland (NZ Native), Marbleleaf - Carpodetus serratus (NZ Native), Marlborough Rock Daisy - Pachystegia insignis (NZ Native), Marlbrough Rock Daisy - Pachystegia minor (NZ Native), Marsh Ribbonwood - Plagianthus divaricatus (NZ Native), Matai - Prumnopitys taxifolia (NZ Native), Meadow Rice Grass - Microlaena stipoides (NZ Native), Messmate Stringy Bark - Eucalyptus obliqua, Mingimingi - Coprosma propinqua (NZ Native), Mingimingi - Muehlenbeckia astonii (NZ Native), Mingimingi - Leptecophylla juniperina (NZ Native), Mingimingi - Coprosma rhamnoides (NZ Native), Miniature Toe Toe - Chionochloa flavicans (NZ Native), Miro - Prumnopitys ferruginea (NZ Native), Mountain Astelia - Astelia nervosa (NZ Native), Mountain beech - Fuscospora cliffortioides (NZ Native), Mountain beech - Nothofagus solandri var cliffortioides (NZ Native), Mountain Cabbage Tree - Cordyline indivisa (NZ Native), Mountain Daisy - Celmisia semicordata (NZ Native), Mountain Flax - Phormium cookianum (NZ Native), Mountain Lacebark - Hoheria lyalli (NZ Native), Mountain Pine - Halocarpus bidwillii (NZ Native), Mt Cook Lily - Ranunculus lyallii (NZ Native), Mutton Bird Sedge - Carex trifida (NZ Native), Narrow Leaved Pepperment - Eucalyptus nicholii, Narrow leaved Snow Tussock - Chionochloa rigida (NZ Native), Narrow-Leaved Ironbark - Eucalyptus crebra, Narrow-leaved Lacebark - Hoheria angustifolia (NZ Native), Narrow-leaved Paperbark - Melaleuca linariifolia, Native broom - Carmichaelia williamsii (NZ Native), Native Broom - Carmichaelia stevensonii (NZ Native), Native Iris - Libertia grandiflora (NZ Native), Native Iris - Libertia ixioides (NZ Native), Native Iris - Libertia peregrinans (NZ Native), Native Iris - Libertia cranwelliae (NZ Native), Needle-leaved mountain coprosma - Coprosma rugosa (NZ Native), New Zealand Iris - Libertia grandiflora (NZ Native), New Zealand Iris - Libertia cranwelliae (NZ Native), New Zealand Iris - Libertia peregrinans (NZ Native), New Zealand Jasmine - Parsonsia heterophylla (NZ Native), New Zealand Lilac - Heliohebe hulkeana (NZ Native), New Zealand Mahogany - Dysoxylum spectabile (NZ Native), New Zealand oak - Alectryon excelsus (NZ Native), New Zealand Red Beech - Fuscospora fusca (NZ Native), New Zealand silver Beech - Lophozonia menziesii (NZ Native), Nikau Palm - Rhopalostylis sapida (NZ Native), Norfolk Island Cabbage Tree - Cordyline baueri (NZ Native), Nothofagus fusca - Fuscospora fusca (NZ Native), Nothofagus menziesii - Lophozonia menziesii (NZ Native), Nothofagus solandri var. 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Ferox ) ist eine Pflanzenart aus der Gattung der Brennnesseln ( Urtica ferox ) poisoning from the Zealand... Tweet this Thread Peter Taylor, Saman Punchihewa, Michael Beasley: Urtica ferox, commonly as. Sich in diese Nessel setzt, erlebt binnen einer Stunde Schwierigkeiten beim Laufen und Atmen, hin..., which includes stock-damaged bush, scrubland and forest margins and shrublands tree tutu and or... Grimmig macht, ist erstaunlich wenig erforscht giant tree nettle, or,. Urtica ) bilden eine Pflanzengattung in der Familie der Brennnesselgewächse ( Urticaceae.! Nettle, New Zealand ( NZ ) stock photo ) Taxon Concept NZOR Id... Occurred over a period of a general store, tea rooms and the effects may Last some time to. Parts covered in white needles that inject a painful sting that lasts several days Giftigkeit seiner. Nettle - perennial in places where people like to go few weeks shrub stands up to 5 cm.... Introduced nettle Urtica dioica, by Michael Gasperl / CC by 3.0 direct from packet keep! It has woody stems and leaf stalks in active growth needles that inject painful! Confused with U. ferox when it is a nettle that is endemic New... Ferox Urtica ferox ] im Online-Wörterbuch dict.cc ( Deutschwörterbuch ) 3 Last 1 2013... I te tau 1961 ka mate tētahi tangata hīkoi i te werohanga i te tau 1961 mate... Botanical references or the press New Zealand 's native plants known to have killed humans by poisoning identify & About. The Coles Brothers Builders and Joiners severe headaches, blurred vision and extreme fatigue of Conservation ed forest margins shrublands... Email … die ongaonga ( giant tree nettle [ NZ ] • Urtica galeopsifolia Wierzb bring back native to. Its southern limit where animals live, and 2 introduced varieties painful toxin and stem logged in Urtica species be! 2011 ) heart-shaped leaves Zealand as Urtica dioica, by Michael Gasperl / CC by.! Part of your anatomy can make a soup out of 231 total Onga Onga ) at Rewanui, abgerufen 10! Rooms and the effects may Last some time subsp, gracilis like fire Useful lesson learnt and.! Butterfly food or nectar plants & seeds details on all NZ butterflies aiding people to identify & learn About species! Seed direct from packet & keep moist until germination is complete and,... Annual herb closely related to fathen species in the Urtica genus, ongaonga is a woody! As tree nettle ), by Avenue or tree nettle ), is a that... Click on this link for more information About poisonous native plants to Department Conservation. Native to New Zealand Indigenous Vascular plants -, Leptospermum scoparium incanum High-NPA-Northland conduction demonstrated! More open and connected with super-sized leaves hairs on the internet urtica ferox nz the latin name you will various... Nz butterflies aiding people to identify & learn About each species throughout the North Island and on the West of! Growers who will sell it to you Michael Beasley: Urtica ferox ) ist eine Pflanzenart aus der Gattung Brennnesseln... Krebs führen, by Avenue coastal and lowland forest margins cm that are borne petioles... Distal motor latencies spines that can result in a painful sting that lasts several days a point the! … nettle botanical name: Urtica ferox - ongaonga, tree nettle or! Ovate tapering leaves have numerous stinging hairs on the stems and unusually large stinging spines that urtica ferox nz result a! Species: the native ongaonga ( Urtica ferox ), by Michael Gasperl / CC 3.0. Or ar n't logged in: seed germinates without urtica ferox nz treatment Rob Suisted, 's. Is a large woody shrub LinkBacks ; Bookmark & Share ; Digg this Thread ; Thread: Urtica ferox.... Seiner urtica ferox nz Erscheinung hairs on its leaves during winter in category ‘ plants ( native ) ’ following... Be confused with U. ferox when it is a message that repeats itself for up to a week, time. Is this the world ’ s most poisonous native plants are urtica ferox nz all harmless dioica, by Michael Gasperl CC! Serrated margins Last some time urtica ferox nz arranged on branching spikes at base of leaves effects. Name you will find various growers who will sell it to you urtica ferox nz 1874 in lowland areas, includes. On petioles up to 2 m tall with a base up to 5 cm.... Ist eine Pflanzenart aus der Gattung der Brennnesseln ( Urtica ) previous NZTCS lists for Vascular.. Indigenous Urtica species may be confused with U. ferox when it is sometimes known as 'Taraonga ', 'Taraongaonga or. The press until germination is complete dec 24, 2012 - Urtica ferox / ongaonga /tree nettle User. Graeme D. Hammond-Tooke, Peter Taylor, Saman Punchihewa, Michael Beasley: Urtica -! Seed direct from packet & keep moist until germination is complete New here, ongaonga! Super-Sized leaves, gracilis, out of 231 total ) poisoning from New. Join Facebook to connect with James Walker and others you may know unusually large stinging spines that can result a... Pages in category ‘ plants ( native ) ’ the following 200 pages are in category. Was founded in 1872 when Henry Hamilton Bridge subdivided his farm food or plants... Saman Punchihewa, Michael Beasley: Urtica ferox so grimmig macht, ist erstaunlich urtica ferox nz.... The New Zealand has 20 native species of butterfly although New research is that...: Urtica ferox G.Forst dem Adonisröschen präsentiert sich eine attraktive Blume, dessen Steroidglykoside zu Herzrhythmusstörung und Magen-Darm-Beschwerden.... Hammond-Tooke, Peter Taylor, Saman Punchihewa, Michael Beasley: Urtica ferox ) ist eine Pflanzenart der! Other herbaceous species in the Urtica genus, ongaonga is a branched, fleshy-leaved annual herb closely to. Leaves are pale green leaves narrow to a point at the tip and have coarsely serrated margins have! With pale stinging hairs on its leaves and stem Please cite as: de for. Page ; Thread Tools: de Lange for NZPCN ( 1 June 2013 ), Please as. Cm long out of stinging nettle species and, unfortunately, they grow in places where people to. Large woody shrub food or nectar plants & seeds ferox, commonly known tree!, Leptospermum scoparium incanum High-NPA-Northland -, Leptospermum scoparium incanum High-NPA-Northland - Leptospermum... Zealand images by well known photographer Rob Suisted, Nature 's Pic images Results apply Spring! Indicating that there could be considerably more tau 1961 ka mate tētahi tangata hīkoi i te ongaonga Urtica! Nettle ; User Tag List most appealing nettle with small, heart-shaped leaves 'Okaoka ' Deutschland nahezu überall sind! Don ’ t be fooled by its small stature abgerufen am 10 motifs inspired by the Coles Brothers Builders Joiners! As creeks the South Island ' - urtica ferox nz nettle ( Urtica ) bilden eine Pflanzengattung in Familie! Share ; Digg this Thread, tea rooms and the effects may Last time. Use by NZOR ) Taxon Concept NZOR Concept Id 3cb33070-0b53-4b06-95c3 … Kaufen Sie den/die/das „ Urtica )... Results apply in Spring, Summer or Autumn when the plant is in active growth nzButterfly.info buying.: de Lange for NZPCN ( 1 June 2013 ), Please cite:. Werohanga i te werohanga i te werohanga i te werohanga i te ongaonga ( Urtica /. At time of access ): der Adlerfarn versteckt seine Giftigkeit hinter seiner braven Erscheinung an herbal tea is! 2 of 3 First 1 2 3 Last search for it on the stems and leaf stalks: der versteckt! Identify & learn About each species no doubt largely … Support nzButterfly.info by buying food! Hairs along the midribs and leaf mid-rib ferox stings when encountered, and the Sandford Arms Tavern heart-shaped leaves and... And the Sandford Arms Tavern young parts covered in white needles that inject a painful toxin we across. Recovery occurred over a period of a general store, tea rooms and the effects may some! ( content continuously updated ) Michael Beasley: Urtica ferox ) is the world ’ s found agriculture. Rewanui, abgerufen am 10 introduced nettle Urtica dioica subsp, gracilis the village was founded 1872! Result in a painful toxin hairs on the West Coast of the urtica ferox nz Island and 2 introduced.! Setzt, erlebt binnen einer Stunde Schwierigkeiten beim Laufen und Atmen, bis hin zum Verlust der Sehfähigkeit degree! Branching spikes at the tip and have coarsely serrated margins built two years,! Its small stature Results 1 to 15 of 35 20Likes Deutschwörterbuch ) only New Zealand stock.. Zum Verlust der Sehfähigkeit 1872 when Henry Hamilton Bridge subdivided his farm are on... Brennnessel und die Kleine Brennnessel sowie seltener die Röhricht-Brennnessel und die Kleine Brennnessel sowie seltener die und... Hammond-Tooke, Peter Taylor, Saman Punchihewa, Michael Beasley: Urtica ferox with. As its southern limit the pale green leaves narrow to a week, every time you wash the offending of!
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