11G. These are relatively small measuring approximately 2mm. Die Lunge (lateinisch Pulmo) ist ein paariges Organ der Atmung; sie erfüllt den Zweck, eine große Oberfläche für den Gasaustausch zwischen Luft und Blut herzustellen. 4. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 Want to thank TFD for its existence? interlobular septum. SEE ALSO: linea. 1= Highest, 2= Upper Tracheal and 4 = Lower Paratracheal. This was confirmed by bronchoscopy. The overall extent of disease was the summation of the scores for each type of abnormality. Unterhalb des Alveolarepithels findet sich in den Alveolarsepten subepitheliales Bindegewebe, das als Interstitium der Lunge bezeichnet wird. On HRCT, numerous clearly visible septal lines usually indicates the presence of some interstitial abnormality. This is a series of images demonstrating the shape of the secondary lobule. The polygonal shape of the secondary lobule is a key shape to recognise. In anthracosis, lymph nodes and lymphatics get filled with carbon colored soot. An airway (AW) and blood vessel (bv) are labeled. Medical dictionary. In fungi, a wall; usually a cross Thus when nodules or focal changes are identified on the pleural surfaces, including the fissures, interlobular septa, and bronchovascular bundles then sarcoidosis is a prime suspect. Acini average 7 to 8 mm in diameter in adults and range from 6 to 10 mm in diameter (Fig. Function of interstitium • Supporting lung • Fluid balance • Repair and remodelling 17. There are many causes of interlobular septal thickening, and this should be distinguished from intralobular septal thickening. * * * 1. Images 1 and 2 show an interstitial and pneumonic pattern which was persistent over time. As shown in Figure 1B, the bronchi and pulmonary arteries run together, alternated by pulmonary veins. Profusion of septal lines was the only CT finding that correlated with initial disease … In my opinion you should consult pulmonologist and get done PFT (pulmonary function test) to rule out bronchitis. in diameter. The NAAT result obtained by RT-PCR detection of SARS-CoV-2 from blood specimens of the patient … Image 4 is a CT image through the apex of the lung showing thickened secondary lobules in a patient with mild emphysema, and 5 shows marked thickening of the interlobular septa in a patient with end stage sarcoidosis. The most common abnormalities on HRCT were ground-glass opacities (n = 17), consolidation (n = 14), interlobular septal thickening (n = 15) and centrilobular nodules (n = 8). They are composed of connective tissue and contain lymphatics and pulmonary venules. Lymphatics are not usually seen but in this instance since they are obstructed, they have become distended with milky white lymph and measure about .05mms . Often the large node may be reactive and may not contain malignant disease. Gegenüber dem Begriff knotig ist der Begriff irreguläre Septumverdickung zu bevorzugen. The first image in the upper left shows marked thickening of the interlobular septa caused by granulomatous changes along the lymphatics. These lobules are well formed at the lung apices, lung bases and particularly at the periphery of the lung. interlobular septum in English translation and definition "interlobular septum", Dictionary English-English online. Re-evaluation of the transbronchial lung biopsy specimen revealed fibrous thickening of the interlobular septum and oedematous thickening of the alveolar wall, with congestive capillary proliferation (capillary haemangiomatosis) , compatible with PV occlusion. This patient has lymphoma and the nodal groups of the mediastinum are all enlarged. The patient presents 2 years later, again with progressive dyspnea and chest pain and CT PA shows encasement of the airways, right middle lobe pulmonary artery and left lower pulmonary vein by the fibrotic broncho vascular masses, and non-occlusive, subacute pulmonary embolus of the LPA. The alveolar septum separates adjacent alveoli in lung tissue. 2. one of the thin septa that separate adjacent pulmonary alveoli, containing connective tissue and the capillary network of the blood supply … Pulmonary involvement was bilateral in all cases, with the most affected area being the lower lung zone. PET scanning has been an important advance to aid in the distinction between reactive and malignant lymphadenopathy. [pubs.rsna.org] Axial high-resolution computed tomography scan showing multiple bilateral, diffuse, and poorly defined small nodular opacities and no evidence of interlobular septal thickening [ahajournals.org] Showing page 1. Within the interalveolar septae, one sees small venules and lymphatics.Courtesy Armando Fraire MD. There are many causes of GGO, such as hemorrhage, inflammation or tumors, and GGO with different pathological types also have different CT characteristics. A mark, strip, or streak. 6,7,8 show the shape of the secondary lobules in the skin of a giraffe, the bark of a pine, and the ripples of the water respectively. Interpretation Translation interlobular septum interalveolar s. (def. Found 0 sentences matching phrase "interlobular septum".Found in 0 ms. Chest X-ray demonstrated bilateral upper lung predominant consolidation (figure 1 A). 6. interlobular duct; interlocking nail; Look at other dictionaries: line — 1. Thickening of the interlobular septa is commonly seen in patients with interstitial lung diseases (15,16), but may also be seen in normal elderly patients (17) and otherwise normal smokers. These are the well known Kerley lines, often spoken about but rarely seen. Surprisingly little volume loss has occurred. Lung. 1). They become larger towards the hila, reaching diameters of between 5 to 10mm. CT angiography confirms characteristic findings of a hypoplastic lung with ipsilateral mediastinal shift, interlobular septal thickening likely because of the dilation of pulmonary lymphatics and bronchial veins, a diminutive ipsilateral PA, and absence of ipsilateral pulmonary vein drainage into the left atrium. Certain diseases have a predilection for the lymphatic system at the subpleural level including sarcoidosis. It may be due to fluid, cellular infiltration, or fibrosis. Other articles where Interalveolar septum is discussed: human respiratory system: The gas-exchange region: The alveolar wall, called the interalveolar septum, is common to two adjacent alveoli. 2011. interdental septum; intermuscular septum anterior crural; Look at other dictionaries: Septum — A word borrowed from the Latin "saeptum" meaning a "dividing wall or enclosure." lung parenchyma resembles a sponge, and occupies 90% of total lung volume. 2011. interdental septum; intermuscular septum anterior crural; Look at other dictionaries: Septum — A word borrowed from the Latin "saeptum" meaning a "dividing wall or enclosure." The alveolar septum separates adjacent alveoli in lung tissue. However there are lymph nodes. This cross sectional series of 3 CT images shows end stage sarcoidosis characterised by marked thickening along the lymphovascular bundles. This set of images shows a conglomerate of small nodes in the azygos (upper paratracheal region) as well as a node that is greater than 1 cms in the right hilum. Uploaded By aew130130. The anatomy of the secondary lobule was extensively discussed in part 1 of the lung module. Lymphangitic disease seems to be the dominant finding in the RUL on the lung windows. 2). Interlobular Septa containing Lymphatics and Venules at the Pleural Surface, Secondary Lobule – Lymphatics and Venules Travelling Together. 1. one of the thin plates of bone separating the alveoli of the teeth in the mandible and maxilla. knotiges Septum. This collage of CT and plain film represents the radiological history of a patient with poorly differentiated small cell carcinoma, with extensive parenchymal involvement of the RUL and RML, and of the airways of RML and RLL. The A-P and lateral view of the chest is from a patient with sarcoidosis showing classical egg shell calcification of the mediastinal nodes and hilar nodes. Lymphoid aggregates are uncommon in the lung under normal circumstances. The lobule, defined as the smallest unit of lung structure marginated by connective tissue septa (interlobular septa), is supplied by a centrally located bronchiole and pulmonary artery branch. Note also how thin the alveolar septa are: they contain a single capillary. Interstitial lung disease (ILD), or diffuse parenchymal lung disease (DPLD), is a group of lung diseases affecting the interstitium (the tissue and space around the alveoli (air sacs of the lungs). Interlobular septal Any idea where in the lung the interlobular septal is???? 50-year-old male presents with history of Stage 4 sarcoidosis acute chest pain and dyspnea Other Pulmonary Lymphoid Tissue Lymphoid Aggregates. interlobular septum. The arteries and airways pair up and travel together from the interlobular septa to the hilum. Images 3, and 4 are higher power showing clusters of glandular metastatic deposits in the connective tissue of the septa. The mediastinal nodes have been divided into 4 main groups; the superior mediastinal, aortic, inferior mediastinal, and N node are the designated groups. There are major species differences in the subgross anatomy of lungs that influence lung function and the reaction to injury. See septal area, transparent s.. 2. A CXR during this admission shows re-expansion of the pneumothorax. The CT shows extensive endobronchial disease involving right main stem (3,4) as well as almost all segments of RLL with extensive hilar and mediastinal adenopathy. Konsolidierung. (5). Age more than 50 is an individual risk factor for bronchitis. The septa are not usually appreciated in healthy lungs, but may be seen in only mildly diseased lungs as well as advanced disease in the lung. Physiology 16. 2013. interlobular duct; interlocking nail; Look at other dictionaries: line — 1. 23-1) (5 – 9). The septa are usually perpendicular to the pleura in the lung periphery. ของ Interlobular septum ได้4-7 ภาพที่ Nodular 23-2 interlobular septal thickening (ก) Axial HRCT บริเวณ Upper lobe ของผู้ป่วย Erdhiem-Chester disease (ข) Axial HRCT บริเวณ Middle lung ของผู้ป่วย Lymphangitic metastasis (ก) (ข) The node in the azygos region is pathologically enlarged but at pathology was shown to be reactive. interlobular duct; interlocking nail; Look at other dictionaries: line — 1. The final common pathway for all the lymphatic is via the thoracic duct which enters the left subclavian vein. There is a deeper lymphatic system that originates around the bronchi and the bronchioles. The minimal components of an alveolar septum consist of the basement membranes of alveolar-lining epithelium (mostly type I pneumocytes) and capillary endothelium.Thicker alveolar septa may also contain elastic fibers, type I collagen, interstitial cells, smooth muscle cells, mast cells, lymphocytes and also monocytes. The inset shows a normal secondary pulmonary lobule, which is defined by Miller 1 as a functional unit of lung surrounded by an interlobular septum. We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. The minimal components of an alveolar septum consist of the basement membranes of alveolar-lining epithelium (mostly type I pneumocytes) and capillary endothelium.Thicker alveolar septa may also contain elastic fibers, type I collagen, interstitial cells, smooth muscle cells, mast cells, lymphocytes and also monocytes. SEE ALSO: linea. Courtesy Priscilla Slanetz MD. Within these groups there are 14 nodal stations. 2. They have no capsule and are composed of B cells, T cells, and dendritic cells. The two form a bronchovascular bundle, which is surrounded by a small amount of supporting connective tissue. Chest CT revealed extensive upper lobe predominant subpleural consolidation with air bronchograms as well as extensive ground glass opacities (GGOs) with intralobular septal thickening (figure 1 B–D). Transthoracic Ultrasound in the Detection of Interstitial Pulmonary Fibrosis in Patients with Rheumatic Connective Tissue Diseases. At this time, he has a tracheostomy. They are identified as thin horizontal lines usually seen in the costophrenic angles, not being longer than 2 cms in length and touching the pleural surface. Note the rounded mass of lymphadenopathy with linear extensions along the thickened bronchovascular bundles. The septa are usually perpendicular to the pleura in the lung periphery. 소엽사이중격. There was strong correlation between the extent of septal thickening and the extent At a lobar level, 69% (514 of 748) of lobes with bronchiectasis had septal thickening. Diagnosis of GGO affects clinical treatment decisions, whether these GGO should be surgically resected or require regular follow-up. note the subtle deformity of the azygos region on the CXR, 32991b.800 lung chest mediastinum axilla lymph node lymphadenopathy fx enlarged numerous round dx lymphoma. The fine linear triangular bands peripherally are lymphatics in the secondary lobule congested with tumor. Interlobular septal thickening at HRCT can be smooth, nodular, or irregular in contour. On HRCT there is interlobular septal thickening, discrete cysts, which are uniformly distributed with no zonal predominance, and normal lung parenchyma between the cysts.221 222 Nodules are very rarely seen.221 The differential diagnosis includes cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis, emphysema, Langerhans cell histiocytosis, and a lymphangitic tumour.2 FIG. In anatomy, a long, narrow mark, strip, or streak distinguished from the adjacent tissues by color, texture, or elevation. The “crazy-paving” pattern at thin-section computed tomography (CT) of the lungs is characterized by scattered or diffuse ground-glass attenuation with superimposed interlobular septal thickening and intralobular lines (,Fig 1). At a lobar level, 69% (514 of 748) of lobes with bronchiectasis had septal thickening. (a)Photograph ofsliceshowsstructure producing Bline (7) onroentgenogram. The next drawing reveals side-by-side secondary lobules with central bronchovascular bundles and peripheral lymphovascular bundles. They become larger towards the hila, reaching diameters of between 5 to 10mm. In conclusion, the most common patterns of 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) pneumonia on thin-section CT images are pure ground-glass opacity (GGO), GGO with reticular and/or interlobular septal thickening, GGO with consolidation, and consolidation, with prominent distribution in the posterior and peripheral part of the lungs. the connective tissue between secondary pulmonary lobules, usually containing a vein and lymphatics; seen radiographically when thickened as a Kerley B or septal line. The pleural metastasis cause obstruction and distension of the pleural lymphatics as seen in images 2,3,4. B) pulmonary lobules. Note the artery accompanying the bronchiole: the vein lies separately in the inter-lobular septum. This preview shows page 3 - 6 out of 13 pages. high-spatial-frequency reconstruction algorithm). Dies ist üblicherweise Zeichen einer Lymphangiosis carcinomatosa, es selten kommt es auch bei Sarkoidose vor. In these images. Section (a) Edema of alveoli and interlobular séptum Variations in lobation and in the structure of pulmonary pleuras, interlobular septums, and distal airways are reviewed and tabulated. 2. This histological section is from a patient with prostate cancer metastatic to the lymphatics of the lungs – causing lymphangitis obliterans. Septal thickening can be definied as being either smooth, nodular or irregular and each likely represents a different pathologic process. 6 Paraaortic Nodes (Ascending Aorta or Phrenic), 3 – Prevascular Nodes 4 = Lower Paratracheal, 7= Subcarinal, 8= Paraesophageal and 9= Pulmonary Ligament, 10=Hilar, 11=”Interlobar,” 12=”Lobar,” 13=”Segmental,” 14 = Subsegmental, A Patient with Sarcoidosis with Calcified Nodes at Many Stations. The image below shows this connection by demonstrating spread of malignant disease in the interlobular septa, around the bronchi and in an intrapulmonary lymph node. The interpretation of interstitial lung diseases is based on the type of involvement of the secondary lobule. Pleural effusions on the other hand are distinctly uncommon in sarcoidosis.(1-4%). Feb 13, 2017 - Figure 1 The functional unit of the lung: terminal bronchiole (bottom right), alveolar ducts and alveoli within a lung lobule bounded by an inter-lobular septum (top left to centre). How to use interlobular in a sentence. This article introduces the differential diagnosis of GGO from the perspective of high-resolution CT (HRCT) imaging and histopathology characteristics. The study also has confirmed the previously demonstrated anatomic However there are lymph nodes that lie close to the periphery of the lung. 10) The interlobular septa divide the lungs into A) lobes. A mark, strip, or streak. in diameter. A short axis of more than 10mm implies a pathologically involved node. Disease Interlobular Septa This image is a panoramic view of the lung showing almost rectangular secondary lobules surrounded by interlobular septa (cream borders) The distal bronchioles (teal) and pulmonary arteriole (royal blue are shown in the centre of a lobule in the right lower corner. Interlobular septum: Fibrous tissue separating Miller's secondary lung lobule, which contains pulmonary vein and lymphatic vessel Note that not every secondary lobule is separated by this septum Bronchovascular bundle: Fibrous tissue connecting from pulmonary hilum, which contains bronchus, pulmonary artery, bronchial artery and lymphatic vessel Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrid.2020.03.003. Interlobular septal thickening is commonly seen in patients with interstitial lung disease. 40.—Case 106. Cortex Medulla Rich interlobular septum Poor interlobular septum Low blood flow High blood flow Low air flow High air flow High lymphatic flow Low lymphatic flow 15. These 14 stations have been given both names and numbers to aid in the classification and staging of disease. The ability to image the secondary lobule is key to the diagnosis of many of the interstitial lung diseases and it requires high resolution imaging to enable distinction between changes in the interlobular septa changes within the central bronchovascular bundle and changes within the lobule itself. 46843c01 lung pleura fissures lymphatics interstitium interstitial disease fx nodules dx sarcoidosis CTscan Davidoff MD 46842 46843 46843c01 46846 46847 46848 46849 46851, Most of the visible lymph nodes are within the hila and mediastinum. Group 3 called “prevascular and retrotracheal nodes” can only be appreciated on the axial images since they are found relatively anterior and posteriorly in the chest. CT PA has similar findings with a large right pleural effusion and unresolved large non occlusive thrombus in the left pulmonary artery. 82 Heitzman, Ziter, Markanian, McClennan and Sherry JULY, 1967 nective tissue septa in different portions ofthe lung. This diagram shows two secondary lobules lying side by side. RESULTS: Interlobular septal thickening was present in 56 (60%) of 94 patients with idiopathic bronchiectasis, excluding those with trivial septal thickening (34 of 94, 36%). School University of Texas, Dallas; Course Title BIOL 3456; Type. that lie close to the periphery of the lung. Pulmonary sarcoidosis showing beaded septum sign in a 57-year-old woman with Sjögren’s syndrome. The interlobular septa divide the lungs into a lobes. The presence of septal thickening is of little diagnostic value when other HRCT abnormalities are also visible (15). © 2020 Beijing You'an Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University. Example sentences with "interlobular septum", translation memory. The first image shows thickened lymphatics which run in the interlobular sept. 2 is the same image with the thickened septa overlaid in a pale green (2). (a) Coronal reformatted CT scan (lung window level) shows diffuse, ill-defined, ground-glass nodules (arrowhead) and no evidence of interlobular septal thickening. Lymphoid aggregates increase in the lungs of cigarette smokers 11, 24 and may be present within interlobular septa or the pleura and in the … While DIST may be present to variable extents in a number of lung conditions, it is uncommon as a predominant finding except in a few entities. There are moderate bilateral pleural effusions, calcified lymph nodes, with ongoing pulmonary hypertension with right ventricular enlargement, right atrial enlargement, tricuspid regurgitation and pulmonary hypertension. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. Advances in differential diagnosis of pulmonary ground glass opacity on high resolution computed tomography and histopathology. In addition, multiple lymphovascular micronodules are demonstrated. There are major species differences in the subgross anatomy of lungs that influence lung function and the reaction to injury. The CT shows extensive endobronchial disease involving right main stem (3,4) as well as almost all segments of RLL with extensive hilar and mediastinal adenopathy. These are relatively small measuring approximately 2mm. This combination image represents the post mortem finding of the lung in a patient with poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma Note the prominent interlobular septa and polygonal shaped secondary lobules (1). On CT scans, any component of the lobular septum affected by diseases can lead to interlobular septal thickening. The pulmonary lobule is the smallest anatomic unit of the lung surrounded by a connective tissue septum, and in some ways the lobule resembles a lung in miniature 20 ().Within the interlobular septa lie lymphatic channels and venules ().Abnormal thickening of the septa between the lobules is responsible for the short subpleural horizontal (Kerley B) lines seen on a chest radiograph. Es enthält reichlich Blutkapillaren, daneben Fibroblasten, Kollagenfasern, elastische Fasern und Proteoglykane. 45137 elderly female with known sigmoid colon carcinoma liver lungs mediastinum hilar lymph nodes in right hilum fx calcified metastases fx calcifications A-P window node fx mediastinal lymphadenopathy Note that the CTscan was performed 2 years after the PET dx colonic mucinous adenocarcinoma with metastatic disease to the liver, mediastinal lymph nodes and lungs CTscan Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD 45132 45133 45134 45135 45136 45139 45141, 42068c03 Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD medical students code chest enlarged lung lymph node lymphadenopathy lymphoma mediastinum nodule SVC compressed, Images 1 and 2 show an interstitial and pneumonic pattern which was persistent over time. Since the subpleural lymphatics run in the interlobular septa, it becomes our focus when lymphatic disease is evaluated. Peer review under responsibility of Beijing You'an Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University. Test Prep. This was confirmed by, bronchoscopy. On HRCT, numerous clearly visible septal lines usually indicates the presence of some interstitial abnormality. It contains a dense network of capillaries, the smallest of the blood vessels, and a skeleton of connective tissue fibres. Kerley C lines represent the reticular pattern of intraparenchymal lymphatics which in this case are quite vague. Hello dear, thanks for your question on HCM. The first image (1) is a post mortem specimen with congested lungs showing the interlobular septa, while the next (2), is an overlay of the septa in white showing their polygonal shape. The polygonal shape of the secondary lobule can be seen all around you when you start looking, Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD 31866collage_1. Since the systems do connect and are both usually involved i is imperative to evaluate both systems. The secondary lobule is the basic anatomic unit of pulmonary structure and function. 32682n04.801 lung chest mediastinum lymph nodes anatomy normal CTscan Davidoff MD, 32682n01n.800 nodes 1,2,4 Superior mediastinal Nodes 1 Highest Mediastinal Nodes 2 Upper Tracheal Nodes 3 Prevascular and Retrotracheal Nodes 4 Lower Paratracheal Nodes chest mediastinum lymph nodes normal anatomy CTscan Davidoff MD, 46851c01 lung lymphatics lymph nodes mediastinum hilar and intraparenchymal mediastinal lymphadenopathy aortic nodes paraaortic 6 A-P window 5 Inferior mediastinal subcarinal 7 N Nodes hilum 10 interlobar 11 segmental 13 dx sarcoidosis CTscan Davidoff MD 46842 46843 46843c01. Pages 13; Ratings 78% (9) 7 out of 9 people found this document helpful. (6)Photomicrograph ofstructure indicated byarrows also shows ittobeanedematous, thickened, interlobular septum. Surprisingly little volume loss has occurred. Pulmonary ground glass opacity (GGO) is increasingly detected through the advances made in diagnostic technology, in particular computed tomography (CT). On thin-slice CT scans, the interlobular septal thickening can be smooth, nodular or irregular, which is helpful in differential diagnosis . GGO with interlobular septal thickening. In TTUS, the artifact generated from the thickened interlobular septa at lung surface was considered as TTUS B-line. Heart Failure with Lymphatic Congestion Kerley A, B , C lines. ? Thickening of the interlobular septa can be smooth, nodular or irregular, with many entities able to cause more than one pattern. Copyright © 2020 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. It represents pathology in the periphery of the pulmonary lobules (ie, the interlobular septa). English-Korean animal medical dictionary. You are also having wheezing with shortness of breath, these also favours possibility of bronchitis more. interlobular septa. By continuing you agree to the use of cookies. Secondary lobule Knowledge of the lung anatomy is essential for understanding HRCT. Interlobular septal thickening Dr Tom Foster and Dr Vinod G Maller et al. Most of the visible lymph nodes are within the hila and mediastinum. Translation memories are created by human, but computer aligned, which might cause mistakes. Irreguläre Verdickung eines Septums, ähnlich einer bunten Kette. [TA] A thin wall dividing two cavities or masses of softer tissue. This area is comprised of the pulmonary veins, capillaries and their associated interstitium. Their presence does not necessarily indicate lymphatic disease since the connective tissue of the septa, and the venules are also located within them. The interlobular septa (singular: interlobular septum) are located between the secondary pulmonary lobules and are continuous with both the subpleural interstitium (peripheral connective tissue) and the peribronchovascular interstitium (axial connective tissue) as well as the more delicate intralobular septa. Clinically however, she improved greatly. 31866c. The pulmonary artery measures 32.7mm indicating pulmonary hypertension. Variations in lobation and in the structure of pulmonary pleuras, interlobular septums, and distal airways are reviewed and tabulated. Interpretation Translation interlobular septa. He again presents 1 month after with chest pain and dyspnea. In anatomy, a long, narrow mark, strip, or streak distinguished from the adjacent tissues by color, texture, or elevation. Comparative subgross anatomy of lungs. This is a post mortem specimen of a lung with lymphangitic spread of prostate carcinoma. 2. ILS, Interlobular septum; L, lobule. In general , although we often measure the size, and specifically the short axis of the nodes to determine the presence of disease, we understand that this is a fairly inaccurate method with low specificity . In lipid pneumonia, local infiltration of the interlobular lymphatics, including the septa by oil-filled macrophages, produced sufficient septal thickening and fibrosis to render the septa radiopaque.10 … Called also interradicular septum. The … Malignant disease is overlaid in green. It concerns alveolar epithelium, pulmonary capillary endothelium, basement membrane, and perivascular and perilymphatic tissues. At this time the patient is intubated. Interlobular duct ; interlocking nail ; Look at other dictionaries: line — interlobular septum lung connect and composed... Due to fluid, cellular infiltration, or fibrosis lymphatic network collects the lymph from the peripheral tissue. 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