The graceful, arching, open-branched pyramidal form when young matures to a stately oval to rounded form in time. European White Birch (Betula pendula 'Youngii'): Young's weeping European white birch is a small twiggy tree with a weeping or pendulous habit. European White Birch (Betula pendula) ID. [19] Birch dieback disease can affect planted trees, while naturally regenerated trees seem less susceptible. [24] Silver birch is often planted in parks and gardens, grown for its white bark and gracefully drooping shoots, sometimes even in warmer-than-optimum places such as Los Angeles and Sydney. "Lack of Evidence for Impact of the European White Birch, 10.2305/IUCN.UK.2014-3.RLTS.T194831A2363997.en, "HOSTS – a Database of the World's Lepidopteran Hostplants", International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, "Suomen kansallistunnukset (Finland's national emblems)", "Perinteinen saunavihta (Traditional sauna vihta)". The commercial birches of note in the United States and Canada include yellow birch (Betula alleghaniensis) and paper birch (Betula papyrifera). European birch trees yield lumber that is a creamy white, with the heartwood and sapwood hard to distinguish. Alex X. Niemiera, Professor, School of Plant and Environmental Sciences, Virginia Tech. com.realmagnet.MagnetLeads.init('OrfhmQgk6sGIKGvE9vw'); Many North American texts treat the two species as conspecific (and cause confusion by combining the downy birch's alternative vernacular name 'white birch', with the scientific name B. pendula of the other species), but they are regarded as distinct species throughout Europe. Betula pendula, commonly known as silver birch, warty birch, European white birch,[2] or East Asian white birch,[3] is a species of tree in the family Betulaceae, native to Europe and parts of Asia, though in southern Europe, it is only found at higher altitudes. "In collections, they lose no time in hybridizing â which only makes matters worse. window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; It is moderately stable and works well with hand and machine tools, but can be wooly. Experts also recommend using reduced cutting angles to avoid tearing when the material is planed. [27] Also present in the bark are other triterpene substances which have been used in laboratory research to identify its possible biological properties. Its range extends into Siberia, China, and southwest Asia in the mountains of northern Turkey, the Caucasus, and northern Iran. A graceful, upright tree that has brown bark when young becoming white with maturity. The seeds are very numerous and are separated by scales, and when ripe, the whole catkin disintegrates and the seeds are spread widely by the wind. See this plant in the following landscape: The outer bark can be peeled off in the late spring or early summer and used to create a variety of crafts. Creative cutting can give the dimensions needed. Because the wood was strong and flexible it was made into spears, bows and arrows, snowshoes and sleds. Varied Uses The dead twigs are also useful as kindling for outdoor fires. PROPERTIES This tree commonly grows with the mycorrhizal fungus Amanita muscaria in a mutualistic relationship. 'dimension7': '173628', The buds are small and sticky, and development is sympodial - the terminal bud dies away and growth continues from a lateral bud. The leaf base of silver birch is usually a right angle to the stalk, while for downy birches, it is rounded. There is a moderate blunting effect on cutting surfaces. The European white birch is a tree that prefers cold weather and that can be found in high-elevation areas and... Crafts. Description It is a medium-sized tree often mistaken for silver birch. //-->