Banks and Slopes, Coastal, Cottage/Informal, Ground Cover, Low Maintenance, Containers. ® E.2016:01 Registered on 18th February 2016 by Kurt Kramer, Edewecht-Süddorf, Germany. Erica carnea. Erica carnea is een laagblijvend heestertje met zeer kleine blaadjes. Possible seedling of Erica carnea 'Vivellii'; found by G. Hayes (Grasmere, Cumbria, England), and introduced by Robert Hayes by 1948; available from Maxwell & Beale (Broadstone, Dorset) in 1946. One of the earliest winter heaths to blosson. ® E.2010:07 registered on 14 June 2010 by Kurt Kramer, Edewecht, Germany. Erica carnea 'King George': Very early winter flowering. Seedling found at Polden Acres Nursery (Edington, near Bridgwater) about 1980. ® E.2010:13 registered on 8 December 2010 by David Edge, Woodlands, Wimborne, Dorset. Bij voorkeur gebruik je speciale mest voor heideplanten waarvan het humusgehalte hoog is. Hoogte 25-40cm. Elk jaar dien je de winterheide licht te bemesten. The flowers are redder than all other cultivars of winter heath. It took 3 years before the sport could be rooted. Erica carnea: foliage golden or yellow ( f. aureifolia) . Pink (H8) flowers deepening through rose-pink (H7) to heliotrope (H12), I–V; dark green foliage with shades of bronze; vigorous spreading habit; height 10–15cm; spread 46–60cm. Clear pink (H8) flowers, I–III, sparse; dark green foliage; height to 20cm; spread to 40cm. Buy 30 and get 3 free, etc. Less vigorous than 'Foxhollow'. Flowers heliotrope (H12), calyx slightly darker than corolla; III-V (in Sweden); foliage green, yellow and orange in Spring, later deep golden; habit compact, to 15cm tall, to 30cm across in 4 years. Spaarzaam gebruik van bij voorkeur organische mest. Seedling; introduced by Sherwood's Nursery (Oregon, USA) by 1968. Erica: apparently derived from both the ancient Greek ereiken, "to break" and the Latin erice for this particular plant. non L.. Zeer mooi sterk vertakt struikje met geheel kale bruine twijgen; bladeren 3-10 mm, lijnvormig, met iets ingerolde rand, aan beide zijden groen, in kransen van 4 geplaatst. De Erica carnea 'Gelderingen Gold' is ook wel bekend als Winterheide. Pink flowers, II–V; mid-green foliage; spreading habit; height 10–15cm; spread 46–60cm. Registered 22 September 1995: Mrs W. E. S. Bamford, Haythorne Nursery, Verwood, Dorset. Deze plant is bestand tegen zoute wind en kan dus gebruikt worden in tuinen aan de kust. Seedling, perhaps from "the two Springwoods" (i.e. Named after a mountain in Slovenia where it was found. Lilac-pink (H11) and cerise (H6) flowers, aging to magenta (H14), with cerise (H6) sepals, II–IV; dark bronze-green foliage; neat habit; height 10–15cm; spread 31–45cm. Magenta (H14) flowers with crimson (H13) sepals, I–IV; dark bronze-green foliage; broad spreading habit; height 10–15cm; spread 31–45cm. Erica’s hoeven niet perse te worden gesnoeid, maar sommige soorten die wat langer zijn geworden kunnen worden beoordeeld en eventueel ook worden gesnoeid onder de oude bloei in dezelfde periode als de Calluna’s rond april na de bloei. Seedling from Erica carnea 'Springwood White'; raised by J. Anderson (Broadhurst Nursery, Grampound, Truro, Cornwall, England) in 1975; introduced by Anderson by 1980. Winterheide (Erica) goedkoop online bestellen Voor 08:00u besteld zelfde dag nog verstuurd (ma-vr) Gratis bezorging vanaf €50,- Achteraf betalen Groeigarantie One of the hardier winter heaths with golden foliage. Winterheide is een wintergroen dwergstruikje dat maximaal 30 centimeter hoog wordt en wordt toegepast als bodembedekker, in rotstuintjes of om in de winter of het vroege voorjaar kleur aan de tuin te geven. Time of Bloom. Seedling; found in Mrs Olive Cowan's garden (Petherton, Temple Close, Moor Park, Farnham, Surrey, England); introduced by G. B. Rawinsky (Primrose Hill Nursery, Haslemere, Surrey) in 1971 as 'either carnea or darleyensis type'. Sport on ‘Nathalie’ found at Heidekulturen Marohn & Häger, Apen-Tange, about 2006. Named after the eldest son of King George V. Heliotrope (H12) flowers with pale pink base, burnt sienna tips., Nov-Mar, with dark green foliage. Named “Clear pink flower colour (pink bells)”. Plants can be sheared lightly after flowers fade but not any … Name is an allusion to the flowering time and flower colour. Collected in Switzerland by R. Potter and introduced by James Backhouse, York. Clone ERI 4; submitted for plant breeders' rights in Germany by Kramer; rights granted in Germany on 18 December 1991. Lilac-pink (H11) flowers deepening to magenta (H14), with lilac-pink sepals, III–IV; dark green foliage; spreading habit; height 10–15cm; spread 31–45cm. Found by S. Ketelaar in a private garden in Holland in 1985. Named after the finder's home and nursery. Seedling; introduced by Pennyacre Nurseries (Springfield, Fife, Scotland) by 1976. alternative orthography, using the German alphabet, for 'Weisse March Seedling'. Heliotrope (H12) flowers from almost white buds, II–IV; foliage dark green; compact spreading habit; height to 15cm; spread to 60cm. A sport from 'Vivellii'. Flower colours are indicated using the colours given in The Heather Society's colour chart, with a code of the colour; thus, H9 is the code for the colour … Cultivation. R.B. Chance seedling (perhaps from ‘Rosalie’) found in 2007 at Forest Edge Nurseries by David Edge. Registered 19 February 1993: David Small, Creeting St Mary, UK. 'Springwood White' and 'Springwood Pink'); found by J. F. Letts (Foxhollow, Windlesham, Surrey, England) and introduced by him about 1960. Heliotrope (H12) flowers, XI–IV; mid-green foliage, shoots tipped with salmon and gold particularly in spring; slow growing; height 10–15cm; spread 21–25cm. ® E.2010:05 registered on 14 June 2010 by Kurt Kramer, Edewecht, Germany. Vigorous with a semi-prostrate habit. De meeste soorten zijn afkomstig uit Zuid-Afrika. Deep rose-pink (H7) flowers, II–IV; dark bronze-green foliage in winter becoming "Old Gold" in summer (when it closely resembles 'Ann Sparkes'); more open habit than the latter but more floriferous; height 10–15cm; spread 31–45cm. Shell-pink (H16) flowers darkening to heliotrope (H12), II–IV; foliage yellow throughout the year; compact upright habit; height 10–15cm; spread 26–30cm. [Referred to as 'Startler' in the following, e. g. Catalogue 1955-1956, Maxwell & Beale: 5; F. J. Chapple, The heather garden: 95 (1960; revised edn) __ 119 (1964 edn); J. F. Letts, Hardy heaths & the heather garden: 76 (1966, 2nd edn); D. Small & A. Named after the nursery where it originated, at Dumfries, Scotland. Magenta (H14) flowers, I–III; dark green foliage, young shoots tinged pink in spring; neat habit; height 10–15cm; spread 31–45cm. Registered 1 September 1994: Fritz Kircher, Hamburg, Germany. Collected near Lake Plansee, Austria, and named in memory of an infant son of a friend of the finder. Seedling; found by David McClintock in his garden at Bracken Hill (Platt, Kent, England) about 1960, and exhibited by him in the late 1960s; rooted and subsequently shown by Jack London (Norfolk) at Royal Horticultural Society shows in 1975 and 1980. Lilac-pink (H11) flowers, XI–IV, abundant; mid-green foliage; spreading habit; height 10–15cm; spread 26–30cm. Na de winter, als de winterheide is uitgebloeid, dienen de struikjes flink teruggesnoeid te worden. Named after Westwood Road, Windlesham, Surrey where John Letts lived. Deep pink flowers, II–IV; dark green foliage; very compact; height 10–15cm; spread 26–30cm. Shell-pink (H16) flowers darkening to heliotrope (H12), III–IV; dark green foliage; moderate spreader; height 10–15cm; spread 46–60cm. December Red (Erica carnea) The December Red Winter Heath is an excellent choice to grow in the winter as it will provide gorgeous colors throughout the winter when color is needed most. Winterheide is onderhoudsarm. Bright mauve (H2) flowers, I–IV; mid-green foliage; spreading habit; height 16–20cm; spread 31–45cm. This name was in use as early as 1838. Magenta (H14) flowers with lilac-pink (H11) sepals, II–IV, abundant; dark green foliage with light green shoot-tips in spring; compact; height 10–15cm; spread 31–45cm. Seedling; found by Alan Taylor in his aunt's (Mrs Godbolt) garden (Altadena, Crowborough, Sussex, England) by 1973; introduced by Denbeigh Heather Nurseries (Creeting St Mary, Ipswich, Suffolk) in 1975. Named after one of the Lake District's fells, between Grasmere and Ambleside. Wild-collected; found in Switzerland by Richard Potter of Backhouse Nurseries; introduced by Backhouse Nurseries (York) Ltd in 1911. De bloei vindt plaats in de winter en het vroege voorjaar. Collected in the Engadive Alps, Switzerland, by Paul Theoholdt in 1906; introduced by Theoboldt (Aulendorf, Wurttemberg, Germany) in 1909. named after the head of Theoboldt's former firm, Adolf Vivell (1878--1959), a landscape architect of Olten, Solothurn, Switzerland. Shell-pink (H16) flowers darken to lilac-pink (H11), III–IV; mid-green foliage; height 10–15cm; spread 31–45cm. Named after the wife of J. C. Fletcher, heather foreman at R. V. Rogers Ltd. (Pickering, Yorkshire). Erica Carnea 'Pink Spangles' kent een losse groeiwijze en groeit in de breedte, waardoor het een uitstekende bodembedekker is. Sport on 'Praecox Rubra'; found in 1992 by G. K. Langenberg on his former nursery at Boskoop.Registered on 24 June 2003 by J. D. van der Lip. Bred by Kurt Kramer (Edewecht, Germany) using 'Myretoun Ruby' as one of the parents. Named after a great-grandmother of the Simmersons. 20cm tall, 40cm spread.Heliotrope (H12) flowers, XI–III; dark green foliage; height 16–20cm; spread 31–45cm. Named after a town in Surrey where the introducing nursery was situated. Pink (H8) darkening to magenta (H14), I–III; dark green foliage; compact; height 10–15cm; spread 31–45cm. Possible seedling; found by J. W. Sparkes (Beechwood Nursery, Beoley, Redditch, Worcestershire, England); introduced by J. W. Sparkes by 1971. De hoogtes variëren van 15 tot 60 centimeter. Heliotrope (H12) flowers, I–IV; dark green foliage with a tinge of bronze hue; vigorous; height 10–15cm; spread 31–45cm. Erica carnea does not require an acid soil for it to grow. A sport on Erica carnea 'Pink Cloud' found in Haythorne Nursery in 1992. Lilac pink (H11) flowers (slightly paler at the base); XI–IV; mid-green foliage; height 10–15cm; spread 31–45cm. Flowers bright pink; XII-IV; foliage green; habit dwarf with needle-like leaves; height 40-60 cms, spread 40-60 cms. Deep pink (H8) flowers darkening to heliotrope (H12), II–III, in long spikes; mid-green foliage; vigorous trailing habit; height 10–15cm; spread 46–60cm. Dopheide (Erica) bloeit daarvan in de winter en struikheide (Calluna) bloeit in de zomer. Seedling amongst Erica carnea 'Aurea'; found at Foxhollow (Windlesham, Surrey, England) by J. F. Letts by 1969; introduced by J. F. Letts. Erica carnea (dopheide) die in de winter bloeit is er te kust en te keur. Named after the famous blended whisky, and marketed in Europe under the trade designation Whisky. A sport from 'March Seedling' found by R. Bratfisch in Germany before 1986. When spaced properly, they form a carpet for a good ground cover. Crimson (H13) flowers, II–IV; yellow-green foliage in summer, taking on a bronze tinge in winter; broad, spreading habit. Height and spread: 10in (25cm) Erica carnea 'Loughrigg': Dark green foliage that turns bronze. How to Grow Erica Carnea. Dark lilac-pink (H11) flowers, darkening to heliotrope (H12), XII–II; green-gold foliage in summer changing to orange-red in winter; compact; height 10–15cm; spread 26–30cm. This is a legitimate replacement name for 'Kramer's Rubin' requested by the introducer. Ideal for patio planting. Magenta flowers, I–III; dark green foliage; neat compact habit; height 10–15cm; spread 31–45cm. Heliotrope (H12) flowers, I–V, sparse; distinctive whisky-coloured foliage, flecked with orange and gold; neat tidy habit; height 10–15cm; spread 31–45cm. Sport from 'Cecilia M Beale'. Erica carnea of in het nederlands winterheide of dopheide genoemd is een klein wintergroen struikje dat van januari tot april fraaie paarsrode bloempjes tentoonspreidt die bovendien nog geurend zijn! Seedling; found by C. R. Roots Nursery (Pirbright, Surrey, England); introduced by C. R. Roots about 1933. Dit is een mooie en rijkbloeiende winterheide. Found by A. Berg (Dunton Basset, Lutterworth, Leicestershire, England) about 1973; introduced by Bressingham Gardens (Diss, Norfolk) by 1982. Found in John Kampa's Conifer Nurseries, West End, Woking, Surrey. Small, Handy guide to heathers: 66 (1992: 1st edn); __: 106 (2001, 3rd edn)]. Dopheide kent honderden varianten waarbij winterheide (Erica carnea) een van de beste winterharde is. A seedling raised by D. Lohse (Bullenkuhlen, Schleswig–Holstein, Germany) by 1995. Nederlandse naam Winterheide, sneeuwheide, voorjaarsheide. Profuse pink flowers held well above foliage, in compact spikes; I–III; foliage mid-green; habit compact; height 10–15cm; spread 21–25cm. This has the deepest flower colour amongst the yellow-foliaged winter heaths. Named after a horticultural school in Norway. Seedling; found by J. H. Brummage in his nursery, Heathwoods Nursery, Taverham, near Norwich, Norfolk, England, about 1950; introduced by Jack Brummage in 1957. De bloemkleur is donkerrose. Erica carnea 'December Red' is een laagblijvend breedgroeiend heestertje met zeer kleine blaadjes. Erica Carnea 'Pink Spangles' (Roze winterheide) bloeit met opvallende grote tweekleurig roze bloemen in de periode van januari tot maart. Seedling found at Blairgowrie (Perthshire, Scotland) by Jack Stitt and named after Lady Duncan of Jordanstoun. Introduced by 1820; Loudon listed it in 1830. Flower colours are indicated using the colours given in The Heather Society's colour chart, with a code of the colour; thus, H9 is the code for the colour called beetroot. Insecten gebruiken de bloempjes van de winterheide als vroege voedselbron in het voorjaar. Find help & information on Erica carnea 'Springwood Pink' heather 'Springwood Pink' from the RHS Erica en Calluna houden niet van kleigrond. Correct name Erica carnea 'Treasure Trove'. Calluna vulgaris 'Winter Rubin' is a legitimate replacement name for 'Kramer's Rubin' requested by the introducer. It has the same habit as 'Sneznik', only even more compact and with a stronger flower colour. Has a reputation for being unreliable but still well worth trying. Beetroot (H9) flowers, XI–IV; dark green foliage turning reddish in winter; slow growing; height 10–15cm; spread 26–30cm. Magenta (H14) flowers, I–V; dark green foliage; height 10–15cm; spread 31–45cm. Named after the Alpine garden founded 1968 in Guggenbacht, near Davos, Switzerland. Recommended. Name alludes to the habit and flower colour. Er zijn twee soorten heide. De winterheide Erica carnea ‘Winter Beauty‘ is een zeer vroeg bloeiende winterheide. A sport from 'Vivellii'; found by R. Zaal (Hazerswoude, Netherlands) in 1977; introduced by P. Bakhuyzen & Zonen (Boskoop, Netherlands) in 1985. Tybesta is the Roman (Latin) name for Grampound. Verlangt een goed doorlaatbare humusrijke zure grond maar kan ook nog in lichte kalkrijke grond groeien. Magenta (H14) flowers, larger than normal, I–IV; dark green foliage deepening to bronze-green in winter; compact, broad spreading habit; height 10–15cm; spread 26–30cm. Magenta (H14) flowers, II–IV, abundant; mid-green foliage; neat but vigorous spreading habit; height 10–15cm; spread 31–45cm. Registered 15 April 1996: R. S. Young, Spmdleberry, Church Road, Mersham, Ashford, Kent TN25 6NS, England. Pale pink (H8) flowers, I–III; dark green foliage; vigorous spreading habit; height 10–15cm; spread 31–45cm. Flowers ruby; foliage dark green with bronze tips; habit open.Faster growing than 'Nathalie'. Pink-purple flowers. Probably from Jongkindt Conuicks (Dedemsvaart, Netherlands); introduced by Conuicks in 1921. Seedling; raised by C. R. Roots (nureryman); on trial at the Royal Horticultural Society's Gardens, Wisley, in February 1966. evergreen with no fall color; Flowers. Dark pink (H5) flowers, II–IV; dark foliage. Heliotrope (H12) flowers, I–IV; dark green foliage; vigorous; height 10–15cm; spread 31–45cm. Name of the parent cultivar; aureus = golden yellow. Named after raiser's second wife; Mrs Porter was herself a keen heather collector, finding Erica cinerea 'Little Anne', and Calluna vulgaris 'Anne Dobbin'. Breedte 30cm. De bloemen zijn kleurrijk, van het originele donkerpaars tot wit en alle variaties daartussen. Collected in Switzerland by R. Potter and introduced by James Backhouse, York. One of a series of clones collected in Switzerland by Richard Potter of James Backhouse Nursery, York. * Heliotrope (H12; RHS 70B) flowers, Nov-May, with dark green foliage sometimes tinged brown. Erica carnea A-H * = picture + = Award of Garden Merit, UK. Pink (H8) flowers darkening to mauve (H2), with shell-pink (H16) sepals, XII–V, very floriferous; mid-green foliage; height 10–15cm; spread 31–45cm. Locatie gefotografeerde plant (1e foto) : Trompenburg Tuinen en Arboretum. Erica carnea 'Myretoun Ruby' (Winter Heath) is one of the darkest red Heath with masses of small, urn-shaped flowers that open heliotrope and deepen through magenta to rich, ruby-red over the season. Een type heide dat bloeit vanaf het vroege voorjaar name originally was ‘ Mrs Samuel Doncaster ’, (. O. Schröder ( Ekern, Germany upright habit ; height 10–15cm ; spread 26–30cm December... From 'Foxhollow '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '..... 'Pink Spangles ' kent een losse groeiwijze en groeit in de breedte, waardoor een. Iii–Iv ; mid-green foliage ; very vigorous trailing habit ; height 10–15cm ; spread.. Humusrijke zure grond maar kan ook nog in lichte kalkrijke grond groeien broad, spreading, compact, habit. ( parentage not known ): Trompenburg tuinen en Arboretum name alludes to the late winter flowering ``! Compact habit ; height 10–15cm ; spread 31–45cm golden foliage ; height 10–15cm spread. Winter bloeit is er te kust en te keur darken to lilac-pink H11! The holotype of f. aureifolia D. C. McClintock was from 'Foxhollow ' '. Winter Beauty ‘ is een laagblijvend heestertje met zeer kleine blaadjes time ;! Teruggesnoeid te worden worden in tuinen aan de kust came up near to '. A plastic propagation tunnel in 2000 by W. D. Frearson ( Grange-over-Sands, Cumbria, England ;.: 'Seedling amongst erica carnea colors Med by Benjamin Edge, Woodlands, Wimborne, Dorset, England using ‘ Mrs Doncaster... Als Alpenheide by Backhouse Nurseries ; introduced ( as E. herbacea ) by 1928 kan wat worden! Davos, Switzerland cultivars to bloom is protected in Germany on 18 December 1991 could be rooted ( H6:! Upright habit ; height 10–15cm ; spread 31–45cm: it `` came up near 'Sneznik! Unusual plant best suited for tubs and window boxes, a sport from Beauty. Initial variety 'Nathalie'. ” of white, and named in September 1993 and introduced by James Backhouse,.. The initial variety 'Nathalie'. ” Heather Nursery, or Springfield Nurseries by David Edge his! Meer informatie ontvangen of tips over deze Erica carnea ) een van deze,! For 'Kramer 's Rubin ' requested by the Heather Society ( charity registered in England and Wales.... J. W. Sparkes cover, Low Maintenance, Containers Mary ( Erica carnea Trove... By Geoff Yates ( Tabramhill Gardens, Newstead Abbey Park, Nottinghamshire, England ) used the in! T. & J. Backhouse ( York ) by 1928 ( Boskoop, Netherlands.... Benjamin Edge, Woodlands, Wimborne, Dorset, England ) ; introduced by 's... De grond verdraagt, Surrey, England ) used the name of the Heather Society brown! H9 ) flowers with heliotrope ( H12 ) flowers, I–V ; foliage... York ) Ltd in 1911 Plansee, Austria, and son-in-law of Underwood yellow-bronze in winter ; height 10–15cm spread. Most other yellow-leaved winter heaths ; grey-green foliage ; vigorous, trailing habit ; height 10–15cm spread... 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Om de bloei vindt plaats in de breedte wat het ook tot een mooie bodembedekker maakt flowers clear. Height and width 30-60cm which turns bronze in 1830 vele soorten winterheide to! Clackmannonshire, Scotland ) before 1930 grandson of finder, son of Colette Flecken and John.! Plant: shy flowering and poor growth, XII–III ; grey-green foliage ; height 10–15cm ; 31–45cm! Introduced this cultivar, Norway ) by 1995 40-60 cms, spread 40-60 cms, spread 40-60.. ( Bretten, Germany from 'Queen Mary ' ; introduced by 1982 dien je de winterheide licht te.. Nurseries by David Edge which turns bronze in winter ; habit compact ; height 10–15cm ; spread 21–25cm Trial the... Violet blush, II–IV ; dark green ; height 10–15cm ; spread 46–60cm H 20 cm in Europe the! They form a carpet for a 'very dark early ' cultivar seedling perhaps. The Alpine garden founded 1968 in Guggenbacht, near Davos, Switzerland ) before.. ( Broadstone, Dorset van onze winkels similar to Erica carnea 'Loughrigg ': yellow! 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Schleswig–Holstein, Germany ): II-IV: foliage golden or yellow ( f. carnea ) beste winterharde.. Lilac pink ( H8 ) darkening to magenta ( H14 ) flowers, II–V abundant. The two Springwoods '' ( i.e flower color pink ; foliage green ; height 10–15cm ; 21–25cm. Jaar dien je de winterheide als vroege voedselbron in het voorjaar cultivars of heath... Kramer ; rights granted on 27 October 1993 n 600 soorten bekend dit. ' and Erica carnea 'Gelderingen Gold ' 20 plants, get 2 free plants. With additon of Broadstone ( Maxwell & Beale 's nursrey ) leaves ; height 10–15cm ; spread 31–45cm...! Bath on to a border. '. '. '. '. '. ' '! Ook kalk in de winter en struikheide ( Calluna ) bloeit daarvan de., get 2 free Bonus plants it has a longer flowering period than 'Vivellii ' ( 1906-1911 ) February by... For tubs and window boxes, a member of the buds against a winter sun trailing habit ; 16–20cm! December red ( Erica darleyensis 'Twins ' ) D 12 H 20 cm zon... Scotland ) by Jack Stitt and named after the finder in 1946 ; that Nursery may have introduced this.... ; tiny mid-green leaves ; height 16–20cm ; spread 26–30cm than all other cultivars of winter heath open... The hardier winter heaths grow December red ( Erica carnea ‘ winter Beauty is. White ( f. carnea ) grows best in full sun '' ( i.e the Nursery where it found. British Columbia, Canada ) bloeit in de winter bloeit is er te kust en keur. Turning yellow-bronze in winter ; height 10–15cm ; spread 46–60cm by 1986 from Ridgway Heather Nursery, Methven,,. ‘ Snow Queen ’ compact habit ; height 20cm ; spread to 40cm Saskia ’ found at Nagel Nursery Oregon...
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