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While Somalia has only recently started to review the situation in relation to FGM across the country, Puntland has made more progress in recent years towards ending FGM and its law and strategies form part of this Country Report on Somalia. Somalia: Puntland State Approves New Constitution (July 6, 2009) On June 21, 2009, Somalia's Puntland State's parliament adopted a new constitution which is said to have 141 provisions and which, for the first time in Puntland's history, provides for the introduction of a multiparty political system. The vision of the “Dialogue for Peace” project is to advance and underpin pro-cesses of peace and state building in So- © … Jump up This office was created in accordance with articles 116, 117 of the Puntland Constitution and article 6 of the Human Rights Defender's Act. The total number of voters was 478 with a majority of 98.7% voting in favour of the new constitution and 1.3% voting against it. In November 1999, Shuke was chosen to serve as the first Executive Director of Puntland Development and Research Center (PDRC) until his retirement in 2017. It is prohibited for a person or a section of the public to claim the sovereignty of the Federal Republic of Somalia, or to use it Ibrahim Hashi assesses the rather more successful constitution-making process in … It has been plagued with problems since Doomsday. Puntland Parliament approves revised draft of the Puntland Constitution, reviewed and approved by the Puntland Council of Ministers The government enacted the new electoral law that culminated in the establishment of Transitional Puntland Electoral Commission. Puntland constitution 2012 pdf A Constitutional Commission for Puntland State, in the 3 rd session of the House. Puntland Minority Women Development Organization (PMWDO) is a legally registered Community Service Organization (CSO) established in 2001 in Galkayo District of Mudug Region, Puntland State, Somalia. Puntland and Somaliland. Puntland constitution pdf Introduction: In the Name of Allah, the Merciful and gracious, we the Puntland people, have the determination to initiate a new era.The Constitution of Puntland is the governing document and legal framework. 1984 (De Facto), 1990 (Constitution) Puntland is a successor state of Somalia. It is the supreme law documenting the duties, powers, structure and function of the government of Puntland, subject only to Somalia's federal constitution. Puntland imposes severely restrictive directive on Journalists and Media Houses. Learn more. SOMALIA 3 . Garowe, Puntland Somalia Sat - Thur 8:00 - 18:00 (+252) 90 7 794231 national constitution for the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) in 2006. Puntland President H.E. SJS calls the Puntland military prosecutor to immediately drop charges against Kilwe. The Puntland constitution, the TFC, and the 1960 federal constitution do not link political party formation to religion. The Puntland government has three branches; the executive which consists of the President, Vice-president, and nine ministers, the Legislature comprising of 66 members, with five women, and the judiciary. Aynsane, a lawyer and the secretary of MAP finally found out that “PISA transferred Kilwe to Garowe Central Prison”. The Jubbaland Constitution The Puntland Constitution states that the family is the fundamental element of the society originated from the marriage between a male and a female (Article 17), but does not include a legal age for marriage. Constitutional crisis in Puntland: The suppression of Puntland’s House of Representatives. The Constitution of Puntland makes it clear who cannot stand for office and why under Article 45. Hence, based on this ethnic composition and clan ties to Puntland, voters in Sanaag and especially Sool were decidedly less supportive of Somaliland’s 2001 referendum on the constitution and independence. Puntland Development & Research Centre (PDRC) is a successor body of former War-torn Societies Project International (WSPI), which operated in Puntland during 1997–99. Established. Under the constitution, there are three branches of the Puntland government, the executive, judiciary, and the legislature. Finally this report is to serve as institutional memory, setting benchmarks against which we will measure progress in the protection and promotion of human rights in Puntland. (July 6, 2009) On June 21, 2009, Somalia's Puntland State's parliament adopted a new constitution which is said to have 141 provisions and which, for the first time in Puntland's history, provides for the introduction of a … The!President!shall!be!the!head!of!the!government!and!the!chair!of!the!executive 4. Puntland Constitution stipulates the role of a constitutional court to address serious allegations against the electoral commission. Other regional administrations, including the IJA, ISWA, and IGA, have constitutions identifying Islam as the official religion. “The Somali people are expecting us to agree to a Constitution. Concerns on changes ofthe Federal Constitution: The Federal Government of Somalia acknowledges the concerns raised by the Puntland government about changes to the Federal Constitution. International Religious Freedom Report for 2017 United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor . The flag and anthem of the state was selected by a commission of state officials and Puntland intellectuals. In May 2009 the Puntland cabinet approved a new constitution; in June 2009 the Puntland parliament with the Constitution and the law and through the relevant institutions. MOCFAD Ministry of Constitution, Federal Affairs and Democratization MOI Ministry of Interior MOS Ministry of Security PAR Participatory Action Research PDRC Puntland Development Research Center PMPF Puntland Marine Police Force PoP Pillars of Peace PSM Puntland Stakeholders Meeting SC Steering Committee Parliament Speaker Sharif Hassan thanked the people of Puntland State who welcomed the delegations and thanked the Puntland … 2. The Puntland constitution prohibits any law or culture that contravenes Islam and prohibits demonstrations contrary to Islam. UNFPA Somalia would like to congratulate The President of Puntland State of Somalia, His Excellency Said Cabdullahi Deni and his cabinet for approving the Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Zero Tolerance Bill on 10 June 2021. This complete constitution has been generated from excerpts of texts from the repository of the Comparative Constitutions Project, and distributed on MOGADISHU, Somalia, 27 February, 2021 – Somali Journalists Syndicate (SJS) is concerned by the Puntland authorities’ use of a military tribunal to prosecute freelance journalist Kilwe Adan Farah who appeared before the military court today on 27 February 2021. It is bordered by Somaliland, Ethiopia and a lawless zone in the South. Garowe, March 04: The Media Association of Puntland (MAP) is gravely disturbed by the ill-informed process and the gross violations (being) committed against its member Journalist Kilwe Farah starting from last December when he was detained, to March 03, 2021 when a local military court sentenced him a controvertible 3-months jail term. An elected president leads the executive and comprises of the Council of Ministers and the vice president. UNFPA has also supported FGM campaigns in Puntland, leading to many communities abandoning the practice. Use the link below to share a full-text version of this article with your friends and colleagues. Somali Journalists Syndicate (SJS) calls Puntland’s Military Court officials to stop this summon which is a complete disregard to the Puntland Constitution and the Federal Constitution. Garowe, December 23, 2018: The Media Association of Puntland concluded a training workshop entitled “Human Rights Reporting Seminar” that comes as part of the activities organized in the auspice of the project “Enhancing the Capacity of Female Journalists’ Network and Raising awareness on violence against Women in Puntland Project”, sponsored by the ForumSyd. Somalia's Constitution of 2012 Subsequently amended. Its new constitution states: “Pending the completion of the Federal Constitution, ratified by Puntland, and approved by a popular referendum, Puntland State shall have the status of an independent State”. “The Puntland Experience: A Bottom-up Approach to Peace and State Building.” The Search for Peace: Somalia Program, in collaboration with Interpeace, 26 July 2011. prohibits any law or culture that contravenes Islam and prohibits demonstrations contrary to Islam. Puntland Government regrets that the Conference ended without the signing of a cooperation agreement between FGS and FMS. “The Government of Puntland stands for the principles of Puntland Statehood in accordance with the Puntland Constitution and the Constitution of the Federal Government which Puntland is a member. The constitution additionally states that the laws of the nation shall derive from and not contradict Islam. Therefore, denying a resident or “citizen” of Puntland to stand for office, unless he/she is nominated by a Political Association or a Party, is simply depriving the “citizen” the right to participate in the electoral process. The objective was to lead Puntland from the despotism of the past 22 years to a free and fair election as stipulated by the Constitution of Puntland. 3. Office of Puntland Human Rights Defender The office was established on 27th November 2014, pursuant to the Puntland State Constitution, Human Rights Defender Act of 2011 and the International Human Rights law and Guiding Principles (Paris Principles). 23 September 2019. On June 21, 2009, Puntland adopted a new constitution with 141 provisions which allow for a multiparty political system. All persons holding Puntland nationality constitute the people of Puntland. Mustaqabal Chairman urged TPEC to put the democratisation process back on the right track in line with the Constitution of Puntland. In 2014, the current Puntland administration amended the new Puntland media law to “legalize” the repression of freedom of speech and media freedoms. 6.2 In situations where internal displacement proves unavoidable, the Puntland The Constitution of Puntland is the governing document and legal framework for the autonomous Puntland region of Somalia. A transitional Charter endorsed by the conference defined the structures and functions of the government of Puntland, which was envisaged as a federal entity of a … Puntland is a different case where a constitution has been developed for a federated state, notionally forming part of a federal state of Somalia that has not yet been defined legally and does not exist as … Article 19.1 defines a child as anyone under the maturity age of 15 years. In May 2009 the Puntland cabinet approved a new constitution; in June 2009 the Puntland parliament 1 - Puntland President, Abdiweli Mohamed Ali "Gaas" should respect the State Constitution, put it into practice, especially the 60 article [3] and Article 79, limits the Government and Parliament’s term to five years. In 1998, the Dhulbahante established the State of Puntland with other Harti clans due to common kinship. 1 Puntland Development and Research Center (PDRC). 1. Puntland Constitution Introduction: In the Name of Allah, the Merciful and gracious , w e the Puntland people, have the determination to initiate a new era, in order to recover from the t ragedy consequent effect and the legacy left behind by the civil wars. On 12 September 2012, the Puntland Electoral Commission announced that the registration process for political parties in Puntland was now open. This came after the passing of the Political Association Law, the Referendum Act, the District Elections Law and the inauguration of the state constitution. Eight (8) members of Puntland’s House of Representatives were stripped of their parliamentary immunity following a motion against them organized by the Speaker. Article 6.3 of the Puntland Charter prohibits torture "unless sentenced by Islamic Shari'a Courts in accordance with Islamic Shari'a law." Shareable Link. This is the time to act,” said the TFG Prime Minister. According to Article 25 from Puntland Constitution, “the person can freely express his/her opinion in oral, press, writing, media, audio-visual, literature and other methods according to the law without any interference.” In direct violation of the constitution, under Gaas’s leadership, even Facebook posts became a crime. The new Constitution of Puntland is based on the following: • Islamic Sharia • The system of idea sharing and collective decision making • The proportionality of Government Powers: Legislative, Executive and Judiciary • Decentralization of the governmental power • The multi-party system Puntland Constitution Introduction: In the Name of Allah, the Merciful and gracious , w e the Puntland people, have the determination to initiate a new era, in order to recover from the t ragedy consequent effect and the legacy left behind by the civil wars. In summary, this constitution provides guidance on the laws administering the different roles of the public institutions, and therefore works in the best interests of the citizens of Puntland. The constitution and other laws of Puntland do not define This resulted in the introduction of a multi-party system for the first time in Puntland’s history. Aynsane: Detention of Kilwe for fifteen days violates Puntland Constitution. The constitution additionally states that the laws of the nation shall derive from and not contradict Islam. The current system of governance was established in 1993 at the Boorama Conference. According to article 87 of the Puntland Constitution, the military court only has jurisdiction over members of the armed forces and therefore the military court has no jurisdiction over Kilwe’s case as he is a journalist and therefore a civilian. Jurisdictional Background For the purposes of the legal analysis in this report, the Federal Republic of Somalia is taken to comprise five federal States, including Puntland, but excluding Somaliland. The Puntland constitution provides for the freedom to worship; however, it also states that Muslims cannot renounce their religion. Adde Muse appoints 14-member Constitution Review Committee, to work with local and international partners, including PDRC and Interpeace for technical and financial support Constitution Review Committee reviews the Draft Constitution and conducts public consultations and public dissemination of Draft Constitution Puntland Government requests Puntland Parliament to return Draft Constitution to Government for further review and public consultations, to conform to Islamic law and international standards; June 15, 2009. The two parties agree that the issue will be referred to the Federal parliament and the parliament of Puntland. The Constitution of Puntland is the governing document and legal framework for the autonomous Puntland region of Somalia. The Puntland constitution provides for the freedom to worship; however, it also states that Muslims cannot renounce their religion. The most noticeable is the Somali pirates that operate close to the country's coast. The new Constitution of Puntland is based on the following: Islamic Sharia.The Constitution of Puntland is the governing document and legal framework for the. Since this constitution sets out the general structure of the Puntland government, it will also impact on other people in the Federal Republic of Somalia. Though relatively peaceful, the region briefly experienced political unrest in 2001 when then President of Puntland, Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed, one of the founding fathers of the Puntland State and its first president, wanted his term extended. Ahmed and Jama Ali Jama fought for control of the region, with Ahmed emerging victorious the following year. This is all thanks to Farmaajo's violent micromanagement of what is left of Somalia, his refusal to leave office and his agenda to Centralise Somalia and reverse Federalism. Since its establishment in 1998, Puntland has also been in territorial disputes with Somaliland over the Sool, Sanaag and Ayn regions. The legal structure of Puntland consists of the judiciary, legislative (House of Representatives) and the executive (the President and his nominated Council of Ministries) branches of government. 1.2 Establishment of the Office. The Puntland constitution . 6.1 The Puntland Government recognizes the right of women, girls, boys and men to be protected against arbitrary displacement in violation of the Constitution, international human rights and humanitarian law standards. In 1998 Puntland was declared an autonomous state of the Federal Republic of Somalia. The constitution and other laws of Puntland do not define contravention of Islam. The National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) today condemned a “increasing pattern” of intimidation and harassment of journalists and media houses in Puntland as a means of intimidating and silencing journalists working in the public interest. Somalia's semi-autonomous Puntland region said on Monday it had cut all ties with the central government in a likely setback to efforts to pacify … The Somaliland constitution restricts the formation of political parties based on a particular religious group, religious beliefs, or interpretation of religious doctrine . The constitution and other laws of Puntland do not define contravention of Islam. … The Puntland constitution prohibits any law or culture that contravenes Islam and prohibits demonstrations contrary to Islam. The current constitution, adopted on the 18 April 2012, is Puntland states. But the efforts of all Puntlanders were rewarded this week. Every person born in the territory of Puntland or whose parents or one of them were born in the territory of Puntland shall be deemed as a national of the Puntland State. In 1991 Somaliland declared independence from Somalia. Powers of the President ! Puntland State of Somalia was established at the Garowe Community Constitutional Conference in mid-1998 as a voluntary union of the communities inhabiting the regions of North Mudug, Nugal, Bari, Eastern Sanag, and Eastern Sool. It is the supreme law documenting the duties, powers, structure and function of the government of Puntland, subject only to Somalia's federal constitution.The current constitution, adopted on the 18 April 2012, is Puntland state's first and only permanent constitution. After 22 years of its establishment in 01 August 1998 (21 years, 9 months and 13 days, to be exact), a constitutional crisis is looming over the horizon in Puntland state of Somalia manifested in the feud between the President and his Vice President. * The State Government of Puntland does, however, have a strategy to abandon FGM. Puntland's Finance Minister, Xasan Abgaal, is officially discussing that Puntland has a clause in its constitution to declare independence if the occasion calls for it. Puntland, which, in its old and new constitution, retains the right to negotiate its status with the “federal” government of Somalia. […] President of Puntland! The constitution was approved by representative elders from all regions of Puntland, the Diaspora and government representatives.

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