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It has very high crystallinity comparing to those of … We find that the radiative lifetime is independent of temperature from 77K to 500K. The size of QDs was controlled by the duration of the treatment, and it was determined through the position of the first exciton peak in optical absorption spectra of the glass … Plastics are everywhere in our everyday life and, unfortunately, in our natural environment, where their chemical stability can be considered as a main drawback. temperature of 120, 130, 150 and 160 °C . C/minute under N. 2) Weight Loss, % 5 10 50 Temperature, 0. The hallmark of this transition is a change in the levels of the hormones estrogen, progesterone, and the androgens. PBS or phosphate-buffered saline is a buffer solution that is particularly valuable because it mimic the ion concentration, osmolarity, and pH of human body fluids. Polybutylene succinate (PBS) (sometimes written polytetramethylene succinate) is a thermoplastic polymer resin of the polyester family. This work investigates the cooperative molecular dynamics at the glass transition through two di erent theoretical approaches (the approach proposed by L. Berthier [1] and the ex-tended Donth’s approach [2,3]) for di erent glass-forming liquids in a wide range of frequency and temperature. T g depression of the HES-PBS system is less sensitive to water plasticization than other carbohydrates and biopolymers. Product Type Fully biodegradable film grade resin (ingredient: PBAT, PLA) Features It's not contain Polyolefin materials such as PE and PP, can be processed by traditional blown film equipment. AbstractPurpose. Polymers are generally non-crystalline. Impact resistance is often erroneously referred to as impact strength, when in fact it is not about strength at all. NiO is Halite, Rock Salt structured and crystallizes in the cubic Fm-3m space group. As expected, Tg increased with decreasing moisture content. The dielectric function of PbS quantum dots (Qdots) with diameters of 3.5-5.0 nm in glass matrix is determined from transmission measurements by Maxwell-Garnett effective medium theory combined with iterative Kramers-Kronig analysis. Although the method is convenient to prepare QDs … The cells were rinsed three times with PBS for 5 min and coverslips were blocked for 1 hr with 1 X PBS/ 5% goat serum/0.3% Triton X-100 and then incubated with E-cadherin antibody (#4A2) overnight. Glass spheres forged by volcanic lightning offer clues about eruptions. This is because PLLA and PETS are in the glass state at room temperature, while PCL-BS, PBS, and PBSA are in the rubber state. Introduction. As a consequence, combination of life properties, i.e., properties required for their use and controlled end-of-life, is a major scientific challenge offered to polymer scientists. (A) Absorption and (B) PL spectra of P1 glass heated at different temperature for 24 h (Guoping et al., 2011; Huang et al., in press). Probably this difference is associated with PbS used as impur-ity. Yet this is not solely a physical event—it is also the biggest opportunity for personal growth and … Strength refers to a force, and impact resistance is an energy; it is the energy required to break the sample in two or more pieces. Heat Capacity of Polymers . Bleaching relaxation in PbS-quantum-dots-doped phosphate glasses in dependence on the dot size is presented. amorphous part exhibited one single glass transition temperature and the degree of polyester crystallinity was dependent on molecular weight, degree of branching and blend composition. After that, the ampule was subjected to rapid quenching in iced water to freeze the high-temperature RS-type (Pb 1−x Sn x)Se phase. Although the impulse breakdown strength is relatively similar in all the samples, PLLA and PETS have higher breakdown strengths in temperature regions around their glass transition temperatures. glass transition temperatures of the blends were measured via DSC. Ni2+ is bonded to six equivalent O2- atoms to form a mixture of corner and edge-sharing NiO6 octahedra. 5. pp. Studying volcanic eruptions in … Because it does not involve the liquid phase, it is not a form of vaporization. The tensile strength and modulus were measured by the Instron Universal Testing Machine. For something this size, it takes about 12 hours. PBS is produced with monomers obtained by bacterial fermentation: succinic acid and 1,4-butanediol that can be synthesized from succinic acid. OSTI.GOV Journal Article: Chemically Controllable Magnetic Transition Temperature and Magneto-Elastic Coupling in MnZnSb Compo ... We observed changes of the transmitted monochromatic light passing through a colloidal PbS quantum dot film on glass owing to an applied moderate (smaller than 1 T) magnetic field under ambient conditions. The lasers are tuned by varying the current and tempera-ture. Glass Transition Temperature; Prediction Software Back to Index. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2012. Coupling with other processes such as milling or grinding, which can increase the available surface area of the plastic, also merits investigation toward enzymatic solutions for PET and PEF recycling. The glass transition temperature (Tg) of poly(phenylene sulfide) (PPS) with various crystalline fractions has been studied using dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). All registered users will be prompted to reset their password the first time logging in to the new site. The temperature at which boiling occurs is the boiling temperature, or boiling point. The T g2 and W 2 are the glass transition temperature and weight fraction of PBS, respectively, and the parameter k is the fitting constant. Sublimation is a direct phase transition from the solid phase to the gas phase, skipping the intermediate liquid phase. 75.5˚C, melting temperature (Tm) at ca 104.9˚C, which has percentage of crystallization at 41.3%. C, g/ml 1.25 Thermogravimetric Analysis (10 mg @ 10 0. PBS or phosphate-buffered saline is a buffer solution that is particularly valuable because it mimic the ion concentration, osmolarity, and pH of human body fluids. J. Cho et al., “Single-Molecule-Resolved Structural Changes Induced by Temperature and Light in Surface-Bound Organometallic Molecules Designed for Energy Storage”, Acs Nano, vol. To our knowledge, there are no published studies of the glass transition properties of trehalose-PVP mixtures for PVP of the same molecular weight (40 kDa) as in … Inorganically Functionalized PbS–CdS Colloidal Nanocrystals: Integration into Amorphous Chalcogenide Glass and Luminescent Properties . The glass transition is a property of only amorphous portion of a semi-crystalline solid. On the other hand, biodegradable polymers with a multiblock topology can be facilely prepared by coupling reaction.29–40 Through the coupling reaction, the physico-chemical properties could be strongly complemented and easily controlled by varying the block length and total molecular weight of the polymer. Samples of approximately 30 mg of the glass powders were heated from room temperature to 1200°C at 10°C∙min-1 Resins pre-drying is necessary before extrusion spinning and drawing operation. After 30-min incubation at room temperature, cells were washed with PBS and stained with secondary antibodies conjugated with Alexa Fluor 488, Alexa Fluor 633, or Phalloidin-iFluor 555. The cooled samples at low temperature were heated steadily to higher temperature at a rate of l.CC/min. The glass transition temperature of dry trehalose-PVP (T g = 405 K) was about 16 K higher than the T g for dry trehalose, and T g values were up to 30 K higher in the presence of PVP, over the full range of moisture contents tested. Not only PBS had an effect on the melting enthalpy, but also on shifting melting temperature of both crystalline zones toward a lower side temperature. After 180 days under composting conditions, it can be completely biodegraded into water.Carbon dioxide and non-toxic minerals are environmentally friendly. This led to the research that focused on developing biodegradable materials [2,3]. The fast bleaching decay component is increased from 14 to 93 ps as the dot size increased from 4.7 to 5.8 nm. The PLA used in this work is an amorphous polymer with a glass transition temperature (T g)of 54 °C. Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) glass transition temperature limits its use, notably in packagings subject to heating. The corner-sharing octahedral tilt angles are 0°. Effects of Alkali Halides on … T g of PPS is mainly caused by the amorphous chain segment motion which is independent of the crystallinity, while the relaxation temperature corresponding to crystalline chain motion shifts to lower temperature as the crystallinity increases. Moreover, PLLA and PETS show rapid increase in the conduction current around their glass transition temperatures. The transition comprises a smooth increase in the viscosity of a material by as much as 17 orders of magnitude within a temperature range of 500 K … The glass transition temperature, crystallization temperature and melting temperature are -32 oC, 76 oC and 115 oC, respectively. The glass transition temperature is also interesting because you can use it to gauge how difficult a material will be to print with. AT ROOM TEMPERATURE Metin KUL Department of Physics, Science Faculty, Eskişehir Technical University, Eskişehir, Turkey ABSTRACT PbS film has been produced by chemical bath deposition (CBD) method onto glass substrates using aqueous solution containing Pb(NO 3) 2, Na 2 SO 3, NaOH and SC(NH 2) 2. The introduction of isosorbide unit leads to increase the rigidity of molecular chain of copolyesters, which limits the ability of free movement of polymer chain. Enzyme scaffolds capable of PET breakdown above the glass transition temperature (≥∼70 °C for PET) will also be pursued in future studies. This lifetime should be relatively independent of temperature until thermally activated nonradiative recombination becomes important at high temperature. The PLA/PBS blends on the DSC present three transition regions, PBS glass transition region at -31∼-37° C, PLA glass transition region at 52∼58°C, and PBS melt-crystal region at 108∼110°, which indicating that the PLA/PBS blends occur phase separation resulted from nucleation and growth. The thermal properties (glass transition temperature and percentage crystallinity) and DSC thermograms of neat PLA, neat PBS, and their blends are shown in Table 1 and Fig. Jon Lafayette . After completion of primary crystallization, cooling of semicrystalline PBS to temperatures near or even below the glass transition temperature (Tg) leads to additional crystal growth. As-spun PBS fibers possess a glass transition temperature (Tg) at −31.2˚C, cold crystallization temperature (Tcc) at ca. If k = 1, the Gordon and Taylor theory represents … Fig. ℃-22 -22 -40 Melting Point ℃ 115 115 84 Tensile Stress at break MPa 30 30 24 Tensile Strain at break % 160 120 380 Flexural Modulus MPa 650 630 250 Izod Impact kJ/m2 7 7 47 Heat Deflection Temp. Processing information : PLA can be processed on machines used for extrusion spinning and drawing of petro based plastics. Glass Transition Temp. The glass transition 16 temperatures (Tg) steadily increased from -28 to 80 ºC along the whole copolyester series with 17 the insertion of Glux. exciton radiative lifetime of ~400 ns [7] for PbS particles embedded in glass with HOMO-LUMO transition at 0.8 eV (3 nm radius). RESULTS Solubility Parameter of 1,2-PB Gee … The glass transition temperature of samples was determined with a linear dilatometer. C 156 Specific Gravity @ 25 0. The glass transition of a liquid to a solid-like state may occur with either cooling or compression. The homopolymer PBS exhibited the highest tensile strength, which decreased with increasing adipate unit content, passed through a minimum at copolyester close to equimolarity and then increased toward the value of poly (ethylene adipate). The previously proposed mechanism for sol-to-gel transition of biodegradable thermogelling polymer systems was a temperature-triggered micellar aggregation by … Glass Transition Temperatures of Amorphous Polymers. The thermograms during the first heating scan are plotted in Figure 2. 13 When will BioPBS™ be available? The crystalline portion remains crystalline during the glass transition. By introducing POLYSORB® isosorbide as co-monomer during the resin synthesis, PEIT (polyethylene-co-isosorbide terephthalate) resin is created. PCL is partially crystalline, with a melting point of 59–64 °C and a glass transition temperature of –60 °C. In this perspective, bio-based polymers such as poly(butylene succinate) (PBS) and PLA can … The heat capacity is a macroscopic thermodynamic property that is based on the molecular motions and vibrations of the molecules. C ... Superior flow in glass … PBS; Glass transition temperature [°C] 55–60: −32: Melting point * [°C] 150–175: 114: Heat distortion temperature [°C] 55: 97: Modulus of elasticity [MPa] 3500–4150: 550–700: Tensile strength [MPa] 50–70: 34: Elongation at break [%] 4–7: 560: Derived from renewable raw materials: Yes: Partly: Biodegradable at 70 °C: Yes: Yes: Biodegradable at 30 °C: No: Yes DAVID POGUE: After you shape a piece of glass while it’s hot, it has to cool slowly in an annealing oven that gradually ramps down the temperature. With the enhanced heat-treatment temperature, PbS QDs grow larger, which will result in the red-shift of PL emission band. So, fiber QDF-1 was drawn at 1000 oC eventually. Compositions of biobased polymer blends of polymers of polybutylene succinate (PBS) or polybutylene-adipate-terephthalate (PBAT) and a polyhydroxyalkanoate copolymer are described. The melt It has very high crystallinity comparing to those of ultrafine fibers of common polymers [30] . Additional funding for "Hunting the Elements" is provided by the Department of Energy and by the Millicent and Eugene Bell Foundation. After obtaining the water activity (aw) through equilibration at different relative humidity environments, we measured the glass transition temperature (Tg) of these partially desiccated solutions using a differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The glasses are employed as saturable absorbers for mode-locking and Q-switching of 1.3 ´m neodymium lasers. Oocytes or embryos were then fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde (PFA) (Sigma, P6148) for 1 h at room temperature (RT) and permeabilized with 0.5% Triton X-100 in PBS … Tg or the glass transition temperature is the temperature at which the base material of a PCB starts to transform from a brittle/rigid form factor to a soft, elastic one. In polymers the glass transition temperature, Tg, is often expressed as the temperature at which the Gibbs free energy is such that the activation energy for the cooperative movement of 50 or so elements of the polymer is exceeded. This allows molecular chains to slide past each other when a force is applied. The Thermodynamic Properties of Molten PbO-PbCl 2 PbS Solutions p.199. It is a black solid that is produced by treating nickel(II) salts with hydrogen sulfide.Many nickel sulfides are known, including the mineral millerite, which also has the formula NiS.Aside from being useful ores, nickel sulfides are the products of desulfurization reactions, and are sometimes used as catalysts. Cells were fixed in 1 % formaldehyde diluted in PBS for 15 min. Redox control and measurement in low-temperature ( 450 °C) hydrothermal experimentsJing Fang and I-Ming Chou: 10.2138/am-2021-7687: link: Structure of basaltic glass at pressures of up to 18 GPa: Tomonori Ohashi, Tatsuya Sakamaki, Ken-Ichi Funakoshi, Takanori Hattori, Naoki Hisano, Jun Abe, and Akio Suzuki: 10.2138/am-2021-7742: link alteration in resistivity is presumably due to a phase transition in PbS, ... of PbS semiconductors. We report on the modification of structural, optical, and electrical nanostructures due to in situ Ni-doping. The glass transition temperature is relevant to any solid that contains non-crystalline material. spectra of compact layers of PbS CQDs in the steady state. This is one of the factors that you must consider when selecting the substrate materials for your PCB. Firemaster® PBS ‐ 64HW is a polymeric flame retardant for polyamides and thermoplastic polyesters (PBT and ... Glass Transition Temperature, 0. Table 2. In other words, it's isotonic to human solutions, so it's less likely to cause cell damage, toxicity, or unwanted precipitation in biological, medical, or biochemical research. This toughness maximum was achieved by adjusting the glass transition temperature and/or hydrophilicity through changes in chemistry. Methods. The growth of nanocrystalline PbS films by chemical bath deposition (CBD) onto glass at temperature = 2 0 ± 2 ∘ C is presented in this research. Cells were plated on glass coverslips to 70–80% confluence for 48 hr in growth media. (b)The glass transition temperature (T g) of QDF-2 core and cladding glass was at 467 and 555 oC, and the softening temperature (Ts) was at 576 and 734 oC, respectively. As-spun PBS fibers possess a glass transition temperature (T g) at −31.2˚C, cold crystallization temperature (T cc) at ca. Grade : L96H – GBP70 for Injection Stretch Blow Molded (ISBM) bottles. The inverse transition temperature ... For SPR measurements, glass coverslips were cleaned and a thin layer of Cr (20 Å) was thermally deposited under vacuum, followed by gold (500 Å). 2. For example, in a desiccation medium containing 0.1 M trehalose in PBS, Tg ranged from about 360 K for a completely dry sample to about 220 K at a water mass fraction of 0.4. The reaction blending of block PET/PBS copolyesters had the best process temperature at 290°C [6]. PBS is a biodegradable aliphatic polyester with properties that are comparable to polypropylene. Ceramics are often semi-crysta lline. The pump laser is tuned in resonance with the 87Rb 52S 1/2,F =1 → 52P1/2,F′ =2 transition. Ceramics are often semi-crysta lline. The suspension was then added to … Firemaster® PBS ‐ 64HW is a polymeric flame retardant for polyamides and thermoplastic polyesters (PBT and ... Glass Transition Temperature, 0. The aim of the present work is to study the interaction of phosphate salts with trehalose and sucrose in freeze-dried matrices, particularly the effect of the salts on the glass transition temperature (Tg) of the sugars. DSC curves of the initial glasses doped with PbSe (a) and PbS (b). After being washed three times with PBS, the cells were incubated for 2 h at room temperature with the secondary antibodies donkey anti-mouse IgG (Abcam, Alexa Fluor 488) diluted 1:500 in 5% BSA. 1, asymmetric and broad crystallization peaks were observed in both glasses but the asymmetry is more pronounced in S2 glass. In other words, it's isotonic to human solutions, so it's less likely to cause cell damage, toxicity, or unwanted precipitation in biological, medical, or biochemical research. Dmitri Talapin. The glass transition temperature was found to be 400–408 ± 3°C. Introduction. Tg or the glass transition temperature is the temperature at which the base material of a PCB starts to transform from a brittle/rigid form factor to a soft, elastic one. The Tg value of a printed circuit board usually depends on the substrate used. Experimental Procedure yhe PbS films, deposited on glass substrates, were commercial photocells (Ektron) manufactured by Eastman Kodak. The Tm occurs at a relatively sharp point for crystalline materials. XRD spectra displayed peaks at 2 Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy was used to study the molecular interaction between the trehalose and PBS mixtures. Mechanical properties Elongation at break 100 % > 0.5 . Key parameters are determined by combining the data with semiempirical expressions, based on which the recombination mechanisms including spontaneous and stimulated emissions … The glass transition temperature is the point where the print will begin to undergo internal stress due to thermal contraction.The farther T g is from room temperature, the more the plastic will shrink. Polymers are generally non-crystalline. Sections were blocked in PBS containing 0.2% gelatin (VWR, 24350-262) and 0.25% Triton-X100 (PBS-GT) for 1 hour at RT. The formation of QDs occurred under heat treatment of the glass samples at 415°C (15° below glass transition temperature). The glass transition temperature is relevant to any solid that contains non-crystalline material. Science May 18, 2017 4:03 PM EDT. The covered film structure was sealed in an Ar-filled silica-glass ampule (~1 atm) and then annealed at 600°C for 30 min. Q-switched pulses of 120 ns (0.1 ´J) in duration (energy) and … Nickel sulfide is an inorganic compound with the formula NiS. glass transition temperature (Tg), thermal conductivity (k), and heat capacity (CP). The T g values are observed from the DSC analysis. Each sample was scanned to a temperature of 200 ºCat a rate of 10 ºC and cooled under the rate of 50 ml/min. Furthermore, in term of compatibility, series of mixtures of PET and PBS must be considered in this study. One of the most distinctive features of humans as a species is an enlarged brain. The mixture of PLA, PBS and NPCC or SB were manually premixed by tumbling in plastic box, and subsequently fed into the extruder for melt compounding. It is a rubbery (soft) semi crystalline polymer with a glass transition temperature (Tg) around -30°C. Experts warn against 'dry scooping' pre-workout powder after 20-year-old reportedly has heart attack 4 Pages. According to DSC thermogram (Figure 5(a)), the pristine PBS shows the glass transition temperature (T g) at −61°C and the endothermic melting peak (T m) at 117°C. However, the transition was delayed in human, where apical surface area at day 8 more closely matched that of gorilla at day 5. The boiling point varies with the pressure of the environment. The increase of PBS content would decrease the glass transition temperature (T g), melting temperature (T m), elastic modulus, and Analysis showed that the 155°C was the best processing temperature for the molding of the PBS TPUs. The thermal coefficients of volume expansion of the samples were taken as three times of their linear coefficients which were measured experimentally. Polylactic Acid is a little bit more brittle than ABS for 3D prototyping but it has some advantages as well. For neat PLA, the glass transition temperature was observed around 61.7°C, and a sharp melting peak was present at approximately 151.9°C. Samples were heat treated to induce formation of PbS(Se) QDs at 410°C. The time of complete resorption of PLLA is above 24 months, therefore it is … After 28 days in PBS, the glass transition temperature and the molar mass reduced from 45˚C to 17˚C and from 1.5 × 106 g∙mol−1 to 7.5 × 104 g∙mol−1, respectively. Interestingly, the addition of CB filler in the CB-PBS composite materials reduces the T g to be −63 to −64°C and also reduce the T m to be at 115°C. T is Continuous hemp fibre with a diameter of 120 μm was provided by Hemp … Therefore, the glass transition temperature of copolyester increases from the −28 °C for PBS … Glass transition temperature of FD is -40°C compared to FZ at -22°C. As shown on Figure 1a, the samples consist of a layer of CQDs spun on a glass substrate with Au interdigitated electrodes. Metals are difficult to keep from crystallizing but if quenched fast enough, they can exhibit non-crystalline phases. 2a. In certain embodiments, the copolymer is a multiphase copolymer blend having one phase a glass transition temperature of about −5° C. to about −50° C. Methods of making the compositions of the … Thermal analysis is performed for the better understanding of the cold-crystallization. Among them, packaging has a considerable market share. Due to the high concentration of sulfur and selenium, crystallization peak induced by the precipitation of PbS(Se) QDs was observed. Furthermore, PLLA and PETS show a strong temperature dependence of the conductivity, which is divided into two or three regions, and they also show thermally stimulated polarization or depolarization current around their respective glass transition … nova-Institute is a private and independent research institute, founded in 1994; nova offers research and consultancy with a focus on the transition of the chemical and material industry to renewable carbon. Construction and Thermodynamic Analysis of Molten Salt Phase Diagrams of Systems Containing Rare Earth Chlorides p.217. Studies on the Behaviour of Hydrous Melts: The Non-Aqueous (Ag, TI)NO 3 +DMSO Liquid System from Thermodynamic and Volumetric Measurements p.227. • Heat deflection temperature of FD grade is lower than FZ grade ~ 60°C. In this study, we have investigated the effects of moisture content on the glass transition temperature (T g) of mixtures of sugars (trehalose or raffinose), polymers (polyvinylpyrrolidone or Ficoll), penetrating cryoprotectants (ethylene glycol, propylene glycol, or dimethyl sulfoxide), and phosphate buffered saline (PBS) solutes. Plasticizing efficiency was favored by higher degree of branching and a 40 weight-percent polyester composition. We report experimental measurements and analysis of HOMO-LUMO transition photoluminescence and photoinduced bleaching magnitude and decay kinetics in lead sulfide quantum dots in glass. Richard Schaller. 1. The glass transition temperature g T, crystallisation temperature T c, melting point T m and liquidus temperature T l of the glasses was determined using a differential scanning calori-metry (DSC, TA Instruments SDT Q600, UK). For decades, traditional polymeric materials have been widely used in many fields. Many biodegradable multiblock copolymers based on Metals are difficult to keep from crystallizing but if quenched fast enough, they can exhibit non-crystalline phases. Other environmental friendly substances are now gradually replacing many harmful chemical compounds, like petroleum hydrocarbons [4–7]. The human brain exhibits a 1,000-fold increase in total neuron number compared with mice (Herculano-Houzel et al., 2006) and is the largest of all primates, roughly 3-fold larger than that of our closest living relatives, chimpanzees and gorillas (Herculano-Houzel, 2012). The present study highlights the beneficial effects of premixing of highly loaded poly (butylene succinate) (PBS) / nanofibrillated cellulose (NFC) na… The slide was then washed with PBS and biofilm was then scraped off the glass slide and resuspended in 200 μL of PBS. INL INTERACTIVE PERIODIC TABLE OFFERS DETAILED INFORMATION ON ALL 118 ELEMENTS. 3701-3706, 2011. Most work was done on 2 x 2 mmz flm and studied in the 213-283°K and the 0-35 kbar ranges of temperature and pressure. The temperature below which the polymer becomes hard, brittle and glassy and above which it is softener and flexible, is known as glass transition temperature (TG). The glass transition is a property of only amorphous portion of a semi-crystalline solid. The crystalline portion remains crystalline during the glass transition. Phosphate buffered saline (PBS) and carbohydrates are used to freeze-dried biomaterials. Optical properties and relaxation mechanisms of PbS quantum dots in glass matrix (PbS:Glass) have been systematically investigated by transmission and (steady-state and transient) photoluminescence spectroscopy. We offer our unique understanding to support the transition of your business into a climate neutral future. Maksym Kovalenko. Compared to amorphous silicon, polysilicon offers significantly higher carrier (electron & hole) mobility. The glass transition temperature (T g), which refers to a narrow temperature range in which the material undergoes a second-order phase transition (i.e., liquid to glass or vice versa), ultimately determines the appropriate biospecimen storage temperature. Before compounding, PLA and PBS pellets were dried at 50°C in an air-circulating oven for 24 hrs, and NPCC and SB were dried at 110°C for 24 hrs in order to minimize moisture. The temperature below which the polymer becomes hard, brittle and glassy and above which it is softener and flexible, is known as glass transition temperature (TG).

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