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3. One thing you flat Earthers seem to have failed to address is the tides. In fact, it is a two-sided, two-dimensional disc. From there, pitfalls can be easily dismissed – like photos of the Earth from space, which flat Earthers believe are photoshopped. ... tracked the movement of the moon … He later expanded this into the book Earth Not a Globe, proposing the Earth is a flat disc centred at the North Pole and bounded along its southern edge by a wall of ice, … Flat Earthers to Elon Musk: Mars is round, silly. It's unclear whether or not flat Earthers think other planets are flat as well as Earth, and Elon Musk is wondering. The moon could do the same for me and point south. Although flat-Earthers believe our planet is flat as a pancake, they surprisingly seem to have come to the consensus that the sun and moon are … Flat Earthers claim that this is due to the nations knowing about the Flat Earth and this treaty prevents anyone from finding the truth. No. Much like anything, the collective group of intellectually stunted people who profess that the planet is in fact a flat pancake have varying op... This is to keep you docile. The Bible, after all, says that the Moon was designed to serve mankind through "signs" (which could certainly include Tidal phenomena), and through… Like many (if not most) flat earthers he was just playing devil's advocate - for intellectual amusement, and to make a point about accepting claims on face value. After Aristotle, Eratosthenes (276 BC – … Flat earthers do not have a consistent worldview (because it’s not based in facts, it’s just made up cackpotcy), but some say that the Sun is flat,... Another tweeted: “Do NASA make you photoshop the earths curvature in before you send, or do they do it in post production? Flat-earthers all over this flat Earth are rejoicing now that “a brash new world map [is] vying for global domination.”. Flat earthers proclaim that the moon is self-illuminated. They have to say this, because their flat earth theory is exposed as false, if the sun does illuminate the moon. They have to excuse a myriad of things, to make their flat earth theory seem to work. But we can see the truth with our own eyes! These shills only exist so you think the level Earth movement is garbage. Flat earthers are pulling the same trick. Because the Earth is flat, the moon landing was fake. Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune are all spheres, but Earth is flat… Microsoft and partners may be compensated if … Flat Earthers believe the Earth is shaped like a hockey puck with a dome above it called a firmament, which includes our atmosphere, the sun, the moon… Explaining the Tides The Moon Designed To Serve Mankind Source: No one would quarrel with the fact that there is a relationship between what the Moon does and what the Tides do. It would be sweet if the universe was just playing cosmic ultimate Frisbee though. Most Flat Earthers believe that the Sun and Moon are fairly close objects, each just a few miles across, which always hang above the Flat Earth. We've already covered "The Conspiracy" to fake space nukes, which is nutty enough, but Flat Earthers appear to have a special ire for the Moon Landing, which makes sense. Beware FAKE flat earthers promoted by youtube and google. If Kyrie Irving is truly done with Flat Earth theory, then the current celebrity flag-bearer for the movement is B.o.B., a pop star rapper who believes 9/11 was an inside job, the moon landing was a hoax, and – of course – the Earth is flat, views which seriously undermine his more relevant stances on social issues such as police brutality and oppression towards black America. Still waiting to prove the crux can or can not be seen at the same time day and night. Most legitimate persons have been censored! Flat-earthers believe there must also be an invisible "antimoon" that obscures the moon during lunar eclipses. The Moon landing being fake is an old conspiracy theory that saw new life under the wise and thoughtful guidance of the… How some Flat Earthers map out the planet. This weekend, over 200 Flat-Earthers from all "around" the world gathered in Britain for the nation's very first Flat Earth Convention. Nevertheless, the Flat Earth conspiracy is probably one of the best conspiracy theories out there. One thing you flat Earthers seem to have failed to address is the tides. The tides are a phenomenon caused by the gravity of the sun and the moon causing the oceans to rise and fall in certain places of the Earth. A major "hole in the story" for the flat-Earthers is the Moon's shadow. . ... Pictures from space also show Earth is round like the moon. But the recent rise of flat earthers, anti-vaxxers and climate change skeptics seems … The simplest is by relying on ones own senses to discern the true nature of the world around us. Where flat earthers go wrong. Flat-Earthers believe the earth is a disc surrounded by a wall of ice Read More The sun and moon circle above it like the world's … absolutely flat. The most recent “US model”, for example, suggests that the Sun and Moon are 50 km in diameter and circle the disc-shaped Earth at a height of 5500 km, with the stars above this on a rotating dome. It is often raised in support of both 'moon truthing' and flat Earth discussion that the nature of the moon is somehow unknown or unknowable, mainly when what is known about the moon contradicts a Flat Earth tenet. Do flat earthers think the sun and all the other planets are flat too? Regarding to the Flatheads, the Arctic is in the middle of the earth and the Antarctica is a continent that surrounds the whole world and builds a border of a around 50m high ice wall, as you can see on the real pic of the real, flat earth. The globe in the classroom. I have been specific explained on this: they are flat. Otherwise there is no reason for the sunlight to beam, much like an electric torch. This exp... FLAT-EARTHERS were left shocked, confused and angry after a Nasa astronaut posted a photo of Earth from space. The flat earth theory is becoming more popular among celebrities, one such celebrity is an NBA star named Kyrie Irving or rapper B.o.B. And not just any video game, but Pac-Man. Close. The Bible, after all, says that the Moon was designed to serve mankind through "signs" (which could certainly include Tidal phenomena), and through… Because if not then the crux moves in an orbit around the North Pole just like the sun and moon. Eclipses are moments when it becomes really possible to … iStock But the problem with Flat Earthers… This is to keep you docile. We have been seeing an increase in flat-Earthers … The sun and moon travel back and forth across the dome ceiling, which is why we have sunset/sunrise. Advert. The evidence for a Flat Earth is derived from many different facets of science and philosophy. The stars work just like the two great lights. The topic was the Perseid meteor shower which reached its peak overnight on Aug. 11 and 12, as Earth passed through the long trail left by Comet Swift-Tuttle. Some say that the moon landing was a hoax; others claim Tupac Shakur is still alive. Top Ten Undeniable Proofs the Earth is Flat. Said Tyson: “There’s people who think Earth is flat but recognize that the moon is round. They claim Earth is a disc in space, with a dome, made by a god. Flat-Earthers Think You Can't Fall Off The Edge Because We Live in a Pac-Man World. The Horizon is Truly Flat. If only the moon didn’t make the earth look so spherical, the FE could leave it alone . But sadly for them, it’s shape movements and appearance all... Flat Earthers are now saying the Earth is a donut because why the f*%k not. Flat-earthers believe there must also be an invisible "antimoon" that obscures the moon during lunar eclipses. As YouTuber Jeremiah Daniel explains in his video, the shadow of an object cast from a … He knew the Earth was a globe, but liked the idea of questioning assumptions. IIRC most flat earth-ers don't actually believe that the earth is flat - it is more a position of not believing something that they're told is true; but they themselves are not able to verify with their own eyes / methods. That’s more-plausible than a flat Earth and harder to disprove because we only ever see the one face of it. Certainly, there was claimed to have be... Most legitimate persons have been censored! "I want everyone to know that NASA are liars, we never went to the moon and the Earth is flat," Patrice stated. You see, if you look at … Flat Earthers believe we live on a disk, with the "mountains of Antarctica" spread out along the perimeter, and a dome over the top. But we can see the truth with our own eyes! YouTube Is Turning People Into Flat-Earthers. Some conspiracy nuts falsely believe that the Earth is flat Credit: Getty - Contributor. Scientists would have you believe that the world is curved. For this reason, he says, "I cannot think of how GPS would work on a flat Earth." The following graphic illustrates this pretty well: Getting into the moon and sun is more complicated. There are debates among flat earthers of what is what. When I was a flat earther, I believed the... The word NASA translated into Hebrew = to deceive. And if an organization has spent 70 years— from 1946 to the present—creating fake images just to lie to people, they must have some kind of evil agenda. Archived. Many Flat-Earthers believe NASA’s astronauts used fisheye lenses to hide the fact the Earth does not curve. Flat Earthers believe this photo of the Earthrise taken in 1968 from Apollo 8, is a fake. Jun 07, 1:14 PM EDT ... Another users also asked why there’s no flat moon … Do not be so gullible. Due to a misunderstanding of Genesis 1:14–19, flat earthers believe that the moon doesn’t reflect the sun’s light, but rather that the moon has its own source of light. My father was a member of the Flat Earth society. Posted by 1 year ago. Anti-vaxxers, Chemtrails enthusiasts, and NASA moon landing conspirators are notoriously difficult to engage with in rational dialogue, but the flat-Earthers … Supposedly both objects circle around the North Pole on a plane parallel to the Earth’s flat surface while shining down like lamps to illuminate different parts of the disc. It appears that Flat Earthers think that the planets of the Solar System are orbs that are moving around the sun but the Earth is a disc-shaped object suspended in space. All four flat Earthers believe that the 1969 moon landing was faked. Beware FAKE flat earthers promoted by youtube and google. Contrary to the other posts here the truth is that they are simply projections onto the Firmament so they are indeed flat. Here in The Village The... Despite NASA astronauts returning with photographs of the Earth taken from the moon in 1969, ... “Is the world flat or round? Explaining the Tides The Moon Designed To Serve Mankind Source: No one would quarrel with the fact that there is a relationship between what the Moon does and what the Tides do. The Horizon Is Flat Because The Earth IsWhen you look out at the horizon, the Earth appears to be flat. Even when you look out of a plane window, the horizon… Some people have questioned what is going on beyond that wall of ice we know as Antarctica. Flat-earth organizations aren't impressed. February 8, 2016 Anti-Vaccine Scientific Support Arsenal 152 Comments. Prominent flat-Earther and rapper B.o.B regularly cites the horizon’s flatness as the main piece of evidence to plant doubt into the minds of the spherical-planet sheeple. Solar eclipse fuels conspiracy theories. For example, it's frequently suggested that the moon is 'small and close' just like the sun. In the Flat Earth Netflix documentary Behind the Curve, cognitive dissonance is illustrated beautifully in the closing scenes, as Jaren Campanella tries to prove that the earth is flat by copying the Bedford Level experiment—an exercise carried out in the 19th century which proved the earth’s curvature. It bewilders me that people still think that the Earth is flat. All four flat Earthers believe that the 1969 moon landing was faked. The most prominent theory states that the Earth is a disc with the Arctic Circle in the middle and Antarctica, creating an ice wall around the rim. The world looks flat, the bottoms of clouds are flat, the movement of the Sun; these are all examples of your sens… Impossible flights. China's historic landing of a probe on the far side of the moon changed a lot, but not for flat-earthers. Darren Nesbit, a vivid Flat Earther maintains that our world is, in fact, the shape of a diamond, and is supported by pillars. The sun and moon, rotate around the earth parallel to each other. The recent rise of flat-Earth theory can be explained by a certain social and political atmosphere. The Septuagint was a third-century BC translation of the Old Testament from Hebrew to Greek. Gravity Doesn't Exist. — I think … "People are waking up," said the event organizer Gary John. Flat Earthers are people who disregard the evidence of a spherical planet, choosing instead to believe the world is flat. . Photograph: -/AFP/Getty Images. Flat-Earthers think our planet is disc-shaped rather than round like the Moon Credit: Twitter. The reason why I can say that is, anyone who researches the flat earth and have read the early books and pamphlets know that the early flat earthers (late 19 th and early 20 th Century) know that these people were Christians; they often had Bible quotes telling you about the true nature of the earth, sun and moon. As reported by TechTimes, flat-Earthers think we don’t fall off the edge of our Earth, despite the fact it is flat, because of the same principles that govern in a video game. Flat Earth theory suggests that we're living under a giant dome/bubble that covers the entire (flat) Earth. The eclipse is caused by something (probably the same size, maybe not the moon) passing in front of the sun under a giant dome. But if it truly … Furthermore, Earth's gravity is an illusion, they say. Variations of this idea were held by people thousands of years ago because they lacked more technologically advanced methods of examining our world. Explanations For Meteor Shows On The Flat Earth. They generally say the moon is not a globe, the planets are not globes, they even go so far as to say that NASA has invented the planets and they are just CGI. The need for this translation was that many Jews … The flat earth model theory has gained traction in recent years. They're right that you don't know the earth is round. Furthermore, Earth's gravity is an illusion, they say. Flat earthers report that in order to keep the truth hidden from the public the government creates fake agencies, like NASA ,to provide “evidence” and to keep the general public fooled 1. Modern flat Earth belief originated with the English writer Samuel Rowbotham (1816–1884). 3 years ago. Why do flat-earthers and skeptics alike think that the rāqîa‘ is a hard dome surrounding a flat earth? No one ever landed on the moon, for the Moon is a thin disc, making it impossible to land on it., We are inside a dome and no one can get out. Alex Moshakis heads to Birmingham to meet Britain’s Flat Earthers Of course, this quote often appears without any citation to its source. Darren Willcock wrote: “Nice try with the fish eye, but it’s flat.” Perhaps one of the most surprising things in Garwood's book is her revelation that flat earth theory is a relatively modern phenomenon. Aug 16, 2015. 1) The horizon always appears completely flat 360 degrees to the observer, regardless of how high you go up. If there actually were billions of stars in the night sky (Flat Earthers think there aren’t), the entire sky would be full of light. All have their area of influence. #1. Commentary: In response to a humorous Elon Musk tweet, the Flat Earth Society stuns the world. Shutterstock. They have to say this, because their flat earth theory is exposed as false, if the sun does illuminate the moon. The flat earthers, the 9/11 “truthers,” the moon hoax advocates, chemtrail advocates, and any number of fringe groups believe in ideas that require massive conspiratorial cover-ups to hold together. The reality, says Davidson, is that the flat Earth, sun, moon and stars are contained in a “Truman Show”-like dome. Flat Earthers believe the moon and the sun are the same size — a relatively tiny 32 miles in diameter — and that they orbit around the North Pole. Here are some of the weird and wonderful theories the Flat-Earth believers think are true. Christian flat earthers use numerous passages in the Bible to justify their position and argue that God made the Earth flat. Quite simply, they got them by assuming that the earth was flat, then working out the math to try to make it possible to have a sun and moon on a flat earth. They even admit that to get those numbers you have to start with the assumption that the earth is flat. No, I think most of them recognize the moon as being a sphere - some say it’s about 30 miles across and hovers over the flat earth at an altitude o... They claim to know (not believe, but know) the Earth is a flat object surrounded by a wall of ice. Flat Earthers say that because our classrooms have ‘false’ globe models, we cannot comprehend the idea that the Earth is not round. They claim Earth is a disc in space, with a dome, made by a god. First of all, the Earth being flat should be called a hypothesis instead of a theory. A theory has physical, mathematical, and other empirical data... "Naturally, flat earth believers think that the moon landings were faked, as were the photographs of earth from space." You've guessed it: the flat Earthers are not having it. Flat earthers proclaim that the moon is self-illuminated. We all know it’s flat!” However, not everyone was quite so sceptical, with many praising the breathtaking beauty of the shot. Believe it or not, some people still think the world is flat, and that we are all victims of a giant conspiracy. Lunar eclipses prove that the Earth is not flat! Flat earthers proclaim that the moon is self-illuminated. They have to say this, because their flat earth theory is exposed as false, if the sun does illuminate the moon. They have to excuse a myriad of things, to make their flat earth theory seem to work. These shills only exist so you think the level Earth movement is garbage. Flat earthers, on the other hand, tend to be totally against globes, anywhere. They have to excuse a myriad of things, to make their flat earth theory seem to work. PC123 Well-known member. Earth is flat, the luminaries above rotate around the earth. "I don't think it … It is the idea that the earth is a flat, circular disc with the sun and moon orbiting above it. Flat earthers are the people who believe that the earth is flat. Descending from Samuel Shenton's International Flat Earth Research Society, and the Universal Zetetic Society before it, we continue the age-old tradition of questioning the Round Earth doctrine and challenging authorities. While different groups are… "I want everyone to know that NASA are liars, we never went to the moon and the Earth is flat," Patrice stated. The fact that there’s a rise of Flat-Earthers is evidence of two things. Believers of the Flat Earth Theory think that the Earth is a disc with the Arctic Circle (North Pole) at the center, and Antarctica (South Pole) is a 150-foot-tall wall of ice around the rim. But now, for thousands of years and through millions of scientists and scientific papers, the Devil is trying to force everyone on the planet to forget the Earth’s original nature as God intended it to be. To maintain this belief may be the motivation of many flat earthers who claim that the moon’s light has the strange property of cooling objects exposed to it. The flat-Earthers have this to say regarding its potential nature: “There is also a possibility that the Shadow Object is a known celestial body which orbits the … The sun and moon are spherical, but much smaller than mainstream science says, and they rotate around a … The Earth Is A Flat Disk (And Has No Edge)Let’s start with the big one, which is the Earth is not a globe, but a flattened disk. Nevermind the fact that great… The sun, moon and planets, "They appear to be spherical, they could be disks," he added. What relevance does the appearance of any celestial body, with the naked eye or a device designed to magnify anything, ( magnification devices desi... The bible says over and over again that The Earth Is Flat! And for good reason: There isn’t any. To account for night and day, most flat-Earthers think the Sun moves in circles around the North Pole, with its light acting like a spotlight. Flat-Earthers Rejoice! The reality, says Davidson, is that the flat Earth, sun, moon and stars are contained in a “Truman Show”-like dome. 4.6k. This Flat Earth Deception post features answers to the question, “how are these meteor showers explained on the flat earth?”. And i am gonna explain you how the flat earth works, with the help of that real picture of the real, flat earth. Marc Gauld, who describes himself as an "annoyed Scot", set up a GoFundMe to send one of the deluded conspiracy theorists into orbit. Flat earthers also struggle to explain many airline flights. The Church says the Earth is flat, but I know that it is round, for I have seen the shadow of the moon, and I have more faith in a shadow than in the Church. Other things flat-Earthers think is fake Flat-Earthers also think rapper Post Malone, the moon landing and satellites are fake. This brand new world map is gloriously flat . Furthermore, Earth's gravity is an illusion, they say. The coronavirus crisis may put an end to the flat-Earth … The tides are a phenomenon caused by the gravity of the sun and the moon causing the oceans to rise and fall in certain places of the Earth. I think I can understand what it would be like to look through one from a point in Canada and try to see the south pole. The crux is about the same position as the moon is for me from my location. The Flat Earth Society is a group actively promoting the Flat Earth Movement worldwide. Do not be so gullible. Flat-earthers believe there must also be an invisible "antimoon" that obscures the moon during lunar eclipses. Over the years, the society slowly grew and spread, eventually garnering a subscribership of around 3,500 flat-Earthers in the 1990s. Understanding the flat Earth If you’re new to the flat-Earth scene, here’s a rundown: Flat Earthers believe the Earth is shaped kind of like a hockey … Based on conclusions derived from the Bedford Level experiment, Rowbotham published a pamphlet titled Zetetic Astronomy. Some think that the moon is fake,some that the sun is fake, some that all the sky is fake and we are looking at eartg reflection or a hightech projection . No. Using the flat-Earthers’ conditional logic, if the Earth is flat and space images are fake (as flat-Earthers believe), then the world’s space agencies are lying about the Earth. The Earth is flat, he argues, because it appears flat. A MAN fed up with flat-Earthers is crowdfunding a barmy attempt to prove once and for all that our planet is round. 26. My last flat earth video didn't sit too well with their "community", to say the least. This is in spite of the fact that Aristotle (who died in 322 BC), correctly referred to the Earth’s shadow on the Moon as demonstrating that the Earth is a sphere. "I wouldn't go so far as to say everything's flat," he said. Flat Earthers who claim this clearly forgot that not all clouds have flat bottoms.

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