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Demographics. Whether it is Afrocentrism or the Arabs in Egypt who claim to be descendants of the Pharaohs or owners of its their great heritage, it must be resisted, for it’s the worst kind of cultural appropriation – it’s theft of identity from the Copts who are the only direct and purest descendants of the ancient Egyptians. Some of them are; like many other Egyptians. But we (especially here on Quora) should stop thinking that Egyptians are some homogeneous unmixed gro... The Copts are obviously different from Muslim Egyptians in religion; but, it has often been said that Muslim Egyptians are the descendants of those Copts who converted to Islam during various periods of intensified persecution the Muslim occupation of Egypt in 642 AD – that the current Muslim Egyptians are the sons of the Copts. They are all descendants of the ancient Afro-Asiatic peoples (Eurasians) that migrated to Africa 6000 - 12 000 years ago from Levant/Anatolia The ancestors of Ethiopians, Somalis and Eritreans were part of the Kerma Civilisation/Culture before they left northern Sudan and migrated … August 30, 2011 by Pamela Landy. Ra is sometimes represented with the disk of the sun on his head and surrounded by Uraeus, the sacred flame-breathing asp. If by association the modern Copts are descendants of the Pharaohs because both the Pharaohs and the modern Copts are inhabitants of Egypt, then by that same logic, both the early Christians and the modern Christians are Jewish followers of a Jewish rabbi. The Copts are the direct descendants of the ancient Egyptians or the “modern sons of the pharaohs” and the Coptic Orthodox Church is the indigenous Church of Egypt. So you can say that the Coptic Egyptians are the descendants of the pharaohs, just the Copts not the Muslims ( Muslims are the descendants of Arabs ). Egypt experienced many conquests, colorizations and mass immigration across its extended history. Short answer is not the majority. 22, 2020. The mixing of ancient Egyptians and Africans from further south means that modern Egyptians can trace 8% more of their ancestry to sub-Saharan Africans than can the mummies from Abusir el-Meleq. Nessim lauded the Orientalists of colonial Egypt for their accomplishments for the Coptic community. Neither are pure descendants of the pharaohs but they’re certainly pretty close. I have heard others claim that modern northern Egyptians or coptics are the closest descendants of the ancient, but they are too mixed with turks, arabs and greeks to be … The Copts are an ethno-religous group in Egypt whose emergence surfaced during the Greek/Roman era of ancient Egypt. It is important to know that both the religion and writing system of the Coptic entity was foreign and never indigenous in ancient Egypt. Circumstantial conclusions can never equate to fact. The next most common haplogroups borne by Copts are R1b (15%), most common in Europe, and the widespread African haplogroup B (15%). To this day a majority of Copts subscribe to the “Hamitic Hypothesis”: that Copts are a separate race with a separate language, that they are not Arabs but descendants of the pharaohs, the original Afro-Nilotic people of the land; in biblical terms, the accursed progeny of Ham rather than Sham. This is controversial, and Egyptian governments have been hesitant to allow geneticists to test remains from ancient Egypt out of fear that it would cause others to question whether they are the “true” Egyptians. The links cited in this blog about the DNA bloodlines of some Egyptian pharaohs actually contain evidence that the Europeans are, indeed, the Scythian/Parthian Israelites who migrated out of the Caucasus Mountain region beginning in approximately the 3rd century AD. Today they account for about 9% of the country’s population. It is most common today in Copts, the successors to the ancient Egyptians. Artistic representations support this both in terms of facial features and also the use of reddish-brown (male) and yellow (female) for representing skin colour in Egyptians. The scientists have matched the DNA from the Copts to be identicals to that DNA specimens from Pharaoh"s mummy. WE are the copts = we are the only descendants of the ancient egyptians .. but most of moslems in egypT Arabs invaded egypt in the 7th century and killed million of the copts and take their places in egypt.. and by the 12 century the copts became a miniorty because of the continuous killing of the copts . They played an essential role in the whole Christian world, especially during the first five centuries. So tired of this Egypt debate Somalis and Ethiopians share the same ancestry as the Ancient Egyptians. Peoples following the Coptic religion are not defined by race. Some Copts will have familial antecedents that immigrated from elsewhere, Greece for... This culture is foreign to us; and we must resist it. Pharaoh is a title used in many modern discussions of the ancient Egyptian rulers of all periods. Their closest descendants are the Copts current, a religious minority in Egypt today who keep the Christian religion in a specific embodiment. Supposedly it’s about 6 million. Its complexion and ethnicity changed because of this. Yes, Copts must be clean shaven. In fact, the Copts are considered the most direct descendants of the ancient Egyptians due to a combination of Egyptian marriage laws and tradition. Copts are the closest direct descendants. It can then be said that the Coptics (often referred to as the Copts) of today are the direct descendants of the ancient Egyptians, that is, the Pharaohs. Akhenaten received it from his mother, Queen Tiye. Only cops (Orthodox christians) still have pure Pharaoh genes relatively. Copts are only Egyptian, in the Hellenistic and Roman periods. This is during the New kingdom. Egypt experienced many conquests, colorizations and... The Copts are native Egyptians only in the Hellenistic and Roman periods. This is in The New Kingdom. Arabs and Copts were never indigenous tribes... The Copts are the most likely descendants of the ancient Egyptians because they do not carry recent Arab and black African DNA: Copts looking just like the ancient Pharaohs: King Tut recreated by Forensic Scientists looking just like a Coptic Christian: They claim that when the Arabs invaded Egypt in 664 CE they segregated themselves and never mixed with the newcomers. First of all, Ancient Egyptians were and are Middle Eastern Caucasoids, just like modern Egyptians and Egypt is a Mediterranean Middle Eastern transcontinental country located in North Africa and West Asia and this has nothing at all to do with Sub-Saharan Africa. I don’t get this obsession with Egyptian genetics. The Copts are the descendants of ancient Egyptians and direct heirs to the culture of Egyptian pharaohs. The link below is from the website, and it […] We often hear that “we are the descendants of the pharaohs” in Coptic communities and this is often the way we begin to characterize our identities. In genetics not only them who are descend from ancient egyptians but also 68% of the Egyptians population are also descend from ancient egyptians a... Both Muslim and Coptic Egyptian are indigenous Egyptians. Copts are definitely the direct descendants of ancient Egyptians. New Book: Children Of The Pharaohs: A Brief History Of The Copts Of Egypt This book is an examination of the Coptic people of Egypt and their very tumultuous history. Their language is derived from that used in Egypt during the Roman period. o One theory suggests that the modern Egyptian Christians who are commonly known as Copts (and which make up around 10% of the population) are the true descendants of ancient Egypt. Copts have a long history as a significant Christian minority in Egypt, in which Muslim adherents form the majority.Coptic Christians lost their majority status in Egypt after the 14th century and the spread of Islam in the entirety of North Africa. The Copts are the descendants of Ancient Egyptians. And don’t get it wrong: A “Copt” was actually the title of all Egyptians until the 13th century, but due to conversions to Islam (knowing that Egypt was majority Christian until the 13th century), the term has, over time, become restricted to Christians. Sorry to inform you. In general, most Egyptians are the direct descendants of ancient Egyptians. In a recent study on both Coptic and Muslim Egyptians, results show tha... Today, Copts comprise about 10% of Egypt’s population, but they were once the dominant people in the land. I am not Jewish. arabs of the abbasid period knew that the copts were the descendants of the pharaohs September 20, 2018 When the Abbasid Caliph , al-Mamoun (813 – 833), came to Egypt to suppress the Coptic Revolt in 831 – 832), he enquired about the origin of the Copts. The Christians Of Egypt “The COPTS” Coptic Christians are the descendants of the Ancient Egyptians and make up about 10% of the Egyptian population. Now most of them make a living with garbage collection. Both however show largely similar Autosomal make up. The title originates in the term ‘’pr-aa’’ which means ‘’great house’’ and describes the royal palace. The exact number is unknown. That is because of their traditions and limitation when it comes to getting married outside their families. Like Alexander Balogun [ ] detailed below, the Copts “are an ethnoreligious Christian group and com... DNA of the Pharaoh Ramses III. This is much grander than simply being descended from the Pharaohs, but it requires us to determine what those Christian Copts of Late Antiquity said and did before we can even determine whether we are the true inheritors of the Coptic heritage. Both stories have biblical connections. This is during the New kingdom. I have heard others claim that modern northern Egyptians or coptics are the closest descendants of the ancient, but they are too mixed with turks, arabs and greeks to be … They claim that they can’t find any other employment in Muslim Egypt. To make this determination, Coptic history and other Coptic studies can provide insight. Probably due to it being STR based. But if one reads into Coptic history, the matter is much more complex than that. The Egyptian pharaohs claim to be descended Ra, the sun-god. There are 15 million Copts worldwide, in many different countries, including Canada, the United States, Europe and Australia. A group of Swiss scientists, experts in genetics have found out that seventy percent of Pharaoh Tutankhamun’s descendants would not be found in Egypt, but elsewhere. Copts are only Egyptian, in the Hellenistic and Roman periods. 5 Egyptian customs and celebrations have continued since the days of the Pharaohs. Many people don't know that Copts are an ethnoreligious Christian group and comprises people belonging to the Coptic faith in Egypt, Sudan and Liby... As of 2019, "Copts are generally understood to make up approximately 10 percent of Egypt's population," with an estimated population of 9.5 million (figure cited in the Wall Street Journal, 2017) or 10 million (figure cited in the Associated Press, 2019). No your average black person will most likely be though, Myself imperticularly am a descendent I f Pharoah Ramses 1 2 3 my blood line is ancient al... Maternally, Hassan (2009) found that the majority of Copts in Sudan (of a sample of 29) carried descendants of the macrohaplogroup N; of these, haplogroup U6 was most frequent (28%), followed by T1 (17%). The Copts, direct descendants of the pharaohs. hi there, I have heard that modern day Nubians and Beja people are the closest descendants of the Ancient Egyptian people, along with the black upper egyptians to a lesser extent, based on skin tone, culture etc. During Hellenistic times they were known by the Greek word Aigyptios (Egyptian), a Hellenized form of Ha-Ka-Ptah Coptologist Gaston Maspero is noted as being partly (if not wholly) responsible for persuading elite Egyptian Copts that they are “descendants of the Pharaohs” and, most importantly, that they are “racially pure” (Carter 1986, 96). I advocate this even if they are priests unless they are monks – and this should be optional. I cannot understand the culture that puts in the mind of people that a mustache or a beard is a sign of manhood. The Copts are descendants of the ancient Egyptians, and are often referred to as modern sons of the Pharaohs. They played an essential role in the whole Christian world, especially during the first five centuries. If not for the 70,000 Copts, the capital of Egypt would have drowned in waste long ago. They are about 10% of the country’s of 82 million. Today’s coptic people are the descendants of the dynastic people of ancient Egypt, as in the Pharaohs. Yes. As indeed all Egyptians are. Sure there has been some mixing, but just as, say, modern French people are direct descendents of Old French peop... Manshiyat Naser is populated with Coptic Christians, who are direct descendants of Ancient Egyptians. hi there, I have heard that modern day Nubians and Beja people are the closest descendants of the Ancient Egyptian people, along with the black upper egyptians to a lesser extent, based on skin tone, culture etc. July 13, 2020. The Copts are the direct descendants of the ancient Egyptians or the “modern sons of the pharaohs” and the Coptic Orthodox Church is the indigenous Church of Egypt. Hawass says that Berlin’s bust of Nefertiti “should be in the motherland.”. The researchers say that there was probably a pulse of sub-Saharan African DNA into Egypt roughly 700 years ago. The question of Coptic identity was never raised before the rise of pan-Arabism under Nasser in the early 1950s. There exists some Muslim results within it as well, but after digging turned out that they are, unlike copts a descendants from one Paternal clan of the same founding Ancestor lived around the 14th century AD (they are from a 10K density village). Named for the pharaoh who attempted to convert Egypt to monotheism, this autosomal ancestry marker like most of the Amarna family group’s DNA is clearly African in origin. Copts are unrepresented and marginalized in Egyptian politics, bureaucracy, and society. Minorities at Risk reports that there are no Christian governors, university presidents, or deans in the country. There is no evidence in the skeletal record of any significant change in the mix of human types between the time of the pharaohs and the present day. Descendant of the Pharaohs. Wed, Apr. It’s just that copts identify less with the Arab world is all.

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