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Skills for Destroyers : 0 / 21 You need to play a total of 10 battles to post in this section. Radio Position Finding Shows the direction to the nearest enemy ship.The enemy is alerted that a bearing has been taken. RL I love, it's super strong, but I'd maybe swap it out for DE+PT or BFT+PT. The play style of American destroyers is best summarized as Fire Prevention -10% to the risk of fire.The maximum number of fires on a ship is reduced to three. This gives you a skill combination that is effective for every specific ship in the new system. Halland. Advanced Firing Training +20% to firing range of main battery guns with a caliber up to 139mm and all secondary battery guns. Adrenaline Rush -0.2% to reload times of all types of armament for each 1% of total health lost.+0.2% squadron speed for each 1% of total health lost. +0.7 deg/sec to traverse speed of guns with a caliber above 139mm. Shells are pretty floaty at range, though the rapid fire does let you dial in reasonably quickly.Â, Extra range will let you be much more easily spotted in a big, no smoke, not very agile and slow DD.Â. High Alert -10% to reload time of Damage Control Party consumable. The enemy is alerted that a bearing has been taken. No boost to continuous damage in a reinforced sector. It has all of the good characteristics of its lower tier predecessors, while also addressing several annoyances that essentially all the lower tier ships suffer from. Flambass Complete list of Ship and Captain builds . As far as playstyle goes, Halland is not much different from the lower tier ships in the line - it's definitely a torpedo-focused ship. Incoming Fire Alert Indicator of long-range enemy artillery fire. This is the thing. Direction Center for Fighters+1 fighter to carrier fighter squadrons or catapult fighters. Demolition Expert+2% chance of HE shells causing a fire on target.+1% chance of rockets causing a fire on target.+5% chance of HE bombs causing a fire on target. Good DD player can stay unspotted whole match just spamming torps (hayate, halland, benham and Shima) and CA's and BB's having nearly 0 counter for them (except hydro but that doesn't help unless DD screws up and steers too close.) Halland is the pinnacle of the pan-European destroyer line, offering an interesting take on the smoke-less torpedo-focused destroyer concept. In game, Halland carries 2 quintuple torpedo tubes. Halland is also better equipped to deal with aircraft carriers than any other destroyer. You can earn and spend 19 skill points when training your captain. Surface Detection means the range at which another ship has to be in order for your ship to show up on their radar. Expert Marksman +2.5 deg/sec to traverse speed of guns with a caliber up to 139mm. Their main advantages were their powerful AA defences and extremely rapid-firing main battery artillery. In Update 0.10.0 you get the opportunity to redistribute the captain skills … Compared to other torpedo boats, Halland stands out as trading some damage potential for more consistent performance. If you're torps are ready for 90% of those chances, boosting the reload isn't helping you much. 2021 Top Premium Ships To Get. Smoke Screen Expert +20% to the radius of the smoke screen. Additionally, it is the only ship in the entire pan-European destroyer line that has a reasonably fast turret traverse for a destroyer, which makes it much more comfortable to play. However, Halland only ever carried 2 quadruple torpedo tubes or (after a refit in the 60s) a quintuple tube as well as a triple tube with a Saab Robot 08 missile launcher on top of it. Forums » Recommended Captain Builds » General Information » Flambass Complete list of Ship and Captain builds » » » Tweet. 10 - Lappland. You need to play a total of 10 battles to post in this section. Cruiser Hindenburg on map Shatter, 348k damage - World of Warships. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells +25% to the armor penetration of HE shells.-50% to base chance of fire caused by HE shells. The recommended upgrades for Halland are as follows: Priority TargetSituational Awareness indicator will show the number of opponents currently aiming at you with main battery guns. Links to the Guides on Commander Skills for Battleships and Destroyers see at the foot of this page. You can guess what happens if our DD's die early. That’s what he said final captain will be, PM, PT, LS, AR, SE, SI, TAE, CE. The torpedoes do little damage, but their exceptional speed and narrow spread makes it easier to consistently land hits. Here the list of commander skills, the purpose of which is to give you an idea when choosing right skill perks for every ship in … Followers 0. RL (RPF) I've given up on. On the other hand, when you are in a gunfight 10% or 20% more DPM is life-and-death difference. One of the main weaknesses about the pan-European destroyer line is that the torpedoes do very little damage, even though it's a torpedo-focused line. All rights reserved. ... (WOWS) - Captain Skills. Superintendent +1 additional charge to all consumables mounted on a ship. I guess this will all go to nothing since the skill list will completely change soon, but I'm wondering if you guys think there is any point on a gunboat build for Halland? Premium. -50% to base chance of fire caused by HE shells. I found as I got better as a DD player I relied on it less and less and eventually its just not worth the points. 0 replies . Halland is no different in this regard, but unlike most of the other ships in the line that also have few torpedo tubes for their respective tiers, the Halland finally gets ten torpedo tubes, which is on par with most other DD's. Ratings Calculation This website calculate players' Personal Rating (PR) , and assigns a different color according to the specification at . References to specific designs, models, manufacturers, and/or modifications of ships and aircraft are used only for the purpose of historical consistency and do not assume any funding or other involvement in the project on the part of the holders of trademarks. Hindenburg Legendary Module World of Warships Wows Captain Build Guide. Manual Fire Control for Secondary Armament Tightens dispersion of secondary batteries.-15% for Tier I-VI ships.-60% for Tier VII-X ships.Manually selected target only. Kléber proudly serves at Tier X, representing France.. Just like the predecessor and half sister Mogador, is a very powerful gunboat destroyer.Possessing the biggest guns to be put on a destroyer at Tier X, with ballistics comparable to most light cruiser guns, she is more than capable of punching well above her weight. Vigilance +25% to detection range of enemy torpedoes. 120 mm/50 Bofors M1950: Halland: Torped M1947 mod 1: SUO Mk 10 Mod. Torpedo Acceleration +5 knots to torpedo speed.-20% to torpedo range. Invite Codes. The stock guns are basically Friesland-grade, the question is whether you want to use them with no smoke to hide in. TBH other than the load of OP CV skills a lot of the bonuses from the skill are so small that it isn't even worth picking them, like Repair Party and Damage Control on BBs 3% buff, this equates to you getting the skill up 2 seconds quicker, not really worth it, for DDs the BFT replacement is also worthless as it is now a 5% reload buff half of what it used to be and for … DD builds - Such Diversity, Wow. Test Ship. Sight Stabilization Speeds up the aiming of a carrier's aircraft.+7.5% attack aircraft and torpedo bomber aiming speed.+15% dive bomber aiming speed. The only real option in my mind is to swap SI for BFT. The release of Update 0.10.0 automatically redistributes the skills of all your captains through a recommendation system. Destroyer. Torpedo Armament Expertise -10% to reload time of torpedo tubes. There are only so many good opportunities per game for launching torps. World of Warships Light US American Cruisers Wows Guide USS Worcester. Last GaspCompletely restores the engine boost for the last attack flight of the carrier's planes. The armor. Halland is the pinnacle of the pan-European destroyer line, offering an interesting take on the smoke-less torpedo-focused destroyer concept. Everything else is good though, and they win with quite a few new skills, with the -25% flak damage and -10% torp belt negation (additive, meaning it's actually way more than 10% extra damage), and the 10% less torp arming distance tier 2 skill, all being quite useful additions. I went torp build. Spastic1. Jack of All Trades -5% to reload time of all consumables. 5 comments in this topic ... WoWs - White (Default) WoWs - … References to specific designs, models, manufacturers, and/or modifications of ships and aircraft are used only for the purpose of historical consistency and do not assume any funding or other involvement in the project on the part of the holders of trademarks. Pan EU DDs Out! © 2011–2021 Air Supremacy -5% aircraft restoration time. -10% continuous damage. Equipment. Friesland gets 2km more range than Halland. – Supertest: Soviet Tier VIII Cruiser Tallinn. Basic build is PT/PM - LS - SE - CE, then you fill out the 3 point skills SI and TAE, then PT/PM and AR for the last 2. References to specific designs, models, manufacturers, and/or modifications of ships and aircraft are used only for the purpose of historical consistency and do not assume any funding or other involvement in the project on the part of the holders of trademarks., Exceptionally fast torpedoes with very long range, Devastating AA potential, especially when paired up with another ship; strongest AA capabilities of any destroyer, Good amount of firepower in the main battery, Relatively low HP pool, making it vulnerable to burst damage, Large size for a tier 10 destroyer, making her an easy target. Improved Engine Boost +10% Aircraft engine boost time. Gun build might also be a bit dicey when the turret HP change is introduced, lose a turret and its half your DPM gone. You can not be spotted outside of your surface detection range by another surface vessel regardless of what kind of modules or captain skills the … Incidentally, the little details of the turrets/guns are all different between Friesland, Halland, and Ostergotland. As on the other ships in this line, the short gun range can sometimes be an advantage though, since it makes it very easy to get unspotted after an engagement, and it also makes it possible to use line-of-sight blockers such as smoke screens and islands in a rather unique way - it's easy to position in a way that puts enemy ships with line-of-sight out of range and thus unable to spot. Preventative Maintenance -30% to the risk of incapacitation of main turrets, torpedo tubes, steering gear, engines. You can update your stats instantly, just close your wows client and click "take snapshot" in the player's profile page. Halland captain skills advice. 2 - Tátra 3 - Romulus 4 - Klas Horn 5 - Visby 6 - Västerås 7 - Skåne 8 - Öland 9 - Östergötland 10 - Halland. Destroyer. Halland base reload is 10% slower than Friesland, but the dispersion is better. +15% AA flak burst damage. 2 Point skills: Last Stand & Adrenaline Rush 3 Point skills: Survivability Expert & Torpedo Armament Expert 4 Point skills: Concealment Expert and Radio Position Finding or Radio Location, whatever it's called now. Leaderboards, ships statistics and configurations, … You can always make a rough calculation by using the Commander Skill Builder available on the World of Warships official. Concealment Expert -10% to the detection radius of all ships and aircraft. ... World of Warships Halland European Destroyers Wows New Captain Skills. WoWS Stats & Numbers - best online tool for stats browsing and progress tracking for World of Warships. Getting chased down by a gunboat destroyer is less threatening to Halland than to many other torpedo-focused destroyers, since the strong main battery and the Repair Party () make it very capable of holding its own in a fight against most other destroyers. Rina_Pon, September 19, 2020 in General Discussions. By Rina_Pon, September 19, 2020 in General Discussions. First things first, here are a few suggestions: Go easy on level 4 skills. To log in, select the region where your account is registered, Or use Microsoft Login to enter WoT XBOX ecosystem, Chance of Fire on Target Caused by HE Shell. But I don't have Halland, I'm not a big DD player and @Drakon233 is a much better player than I. I'd run gun mods, torps are good enough as is, you don't need more speed or reload on them, whereas guns and HP may save your life...Â. Basics of Survivability -15% to time of repair, fire extinguishing, and recovery from flooding. +10% to continuous damage from AA guns. 5 - Viribus Unitis. Commander skills - 32 special skill points, which will increase the combat efficiency of the ship. Last Stand The ship remains able to move and maneuver while the engine or steering gears are incapacitated. November 13, 2018 Uncategorized, WoWs Videos 11:21. PT, LS, Torp reload, CE, RPF (will get AR next then SE) - play it a little more passively to as the downside to getting more torps out until I get to 19. It has all of the good characteristics of its lower tier predecessors, while also addressing several annoyances that essentially all the lower tier ships suffer from. Aircraft ArmorReduces continuous damage to aircraft in all AA defense zones. Still, the guns are actually very good - they put out a lot of damage with both HE and AP, and the HE has a relatively high chance of starting fires - but the extremely limited range makes them hard to use offensively, so they're mostly useful in defending the ship against other destroyers. Recommended Build \u0026 Playstyle. Basic Firing Training -10% to reload time of main battery guns with a caliber up to and including 139mm and all secondary battery guns. Halland captain skills advice Sign in to follow this . Halland is also less sensitive to the most common things that tend to get torpedo-focused destroyers sunk - gunboat destroyers, radar, and aircraft carriers - which further helps the consistent performance. I'd run gun mods, torps are good enough as is, you don't need more speed or reload on them, whereas guns and HP may save your life... What are you most likely to get done by, not having enough torp reload or needing more HP/gun performance? This page has been accessed 61,374 times. France. World of Warships KMS Hindenburg IFHE Buff Wows Build Captain Skills. In Wows I have had matches where theres no cv and no radar cruisers. Battleship. Massive AA Fire +100% instantaneous damage.No boost to continuous damage in a reinforced sector.Shorter effective cooldown. By Ostergotland rotation is 2.5 times slower, but the weapons have the lowest dispersion for example. Unfortunately RPF is a last choice, it’s nice, but not necessary. 7 - Błyskawica 8 - Orkan 9 - Friesland 10 - Småland. Expert Loader-50% to reload time when shell type is switched. You could potentially swap out TAE and PM for RPF on the Smalland. Survivability Expert +350 ship HP for each ship tier.+15 aircraft HP for each ship tier. Just pointing out it is a long reload. World of Warships: Carrier Skill Rework, My Initial Builds. World of Warships Halland European Destroyers Wows New Captain Skills. European Destroyer X Halland The largest and most powerful destroyers in the Swedish Navy. World of Warships - Asia Language Based Communities. Compared to her German big sisters, the Tallinn presents a worse armor protection, losing the … Running the same captain in Smaland, which is mostly about the dakka, makes the previous decision a bit easier, but I pretty much take the same approach throughout the line: captain boosts dakka, and ship upgrades boost torps. Finally, the exceptionally fast and long-ranged torpedoes offer the possibility to be effective from outside of radar range (although of course the torpedoes are easier to hit the closer one gets, as in any ship), which makes it less sensitive to the presence of radar-equipped ship. For most cases 1 or 2 level 4 skills are enough. You really need all 3 four point skills (SE, SI and TAE). SI as the extra heal alone makes it worth it - farming Dreadnoughts in DDs is the occupation for the discerning. Search This Blog. This page was last modified on 30 January 2021, at 19:00. Battleship. 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