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This is where the parallelism consists only in the similar form of construction:-Psalms 19:7-9.-"The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul: The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple. ). The psalms are Hebrew poems. But, that’s not exegesis. It is problematical whether the verse contains three (KJV, But, for some reason, when it comes to eschatology, the rules of careful exegesis are too often suspended if favor of interpretive schemes (which, by the way, I counter in every instance, whether that scheme is a-mil or pre-mil). Psalms In biblical literature: Psalms Synonymous parallelism involves the repetition in the second part of what has already been expressed in the first, while simply varying the words. Upon the initial reading of this work, one may be tempted to conclude that the theme or purpose of the poem is the transcendent nature of God. By. In his book Reflections on the Psalms, C. S. Lewis gives a quick definition of parallelism as: “the practice of saying twice the same thing in different words”. The alternate parts may be either synonymous or antithetic. Parallelism in Psalms. Consequently, for the first 300/400 years of the Church’s existence, Chiliasm (premillennialism) was the uncontested orthodox view. The Reformed exegete will usually argue from the text and carefully prove that the original author’s intentions are best demonstrated by the words they chose to use. The following examples, being close translations of the original text, will better illustrate Hebrew parallelism than does our Douai version which (in regard to the Psalms) has reached us through the medium of a Latin translation of the Septuagint Greek: His repetitive use of the very same conjunction argues convincingly that John’s intention was to recount a succession of events that ran chronologically. “As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God” (Psalm 42:1). Hebrew parallelism is discussed below here. And(kai) I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself. c. Psalms 116 and 147 are divided into 2 each. Some Types of Parallelism in the Psalms. In other words, Hoekema admitted that if chapter 20 continues chronologically on the heels of chapter 19, the thousand years described therein would occur after the return of Christ. And(kai) I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. Parallelism is a poetic literary device that is used to strengthen an idea. 226-227). He contended that the millennial period was being fulfilled in the present age and that the thousand years mentioned in Revelation 20 were not meant to be understood literally (based on the allegorical hermeneutic he adopted from Origen). A. Tyconius was one of the earliest theologians to challenge the chiliastic view. Begins with intent to give praise and thanks to God, recounts the crisis and and expresses thanks for deliverance and then repeats. The difference between composite and climactic parallelism is that the use of the same word grouping can be seen in each of the lines. a. hymns of praise 702. Psalm 139, is attributed to King David of Israel. Progressive parallelism - there are several varieties, the most common being: a. Stairlike 1) Composed of several lines, each providing a complete element of the aggregate or composite thought 2) Notice Ps 1:1, "Blessed is the man..." a) "Who WALKS not in the counsel of the ungodly" b) "Nor STANDS in the path of the sinners" c) "Nor SITS in the seat of the scornful" b. And he saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God. Example: Psalms 119:11. And(kai) after these things I heard a great voice of much people in heaven, saying, Alleluia; Salvation, and glory, and honour, and power, unto the Lord our God: For true and righteous are his judgments: for he hath judged the great whore, which did corrupt the earth with her fornication, and hath avenged the blood of his servants at her hand. Nor chasten me in your displeasure." (20:7), C. Synthetic: an extension of the same thought in one line: (example: Psalm 148), _______________________ / _________________________, "O sing unto the Lord a new song; sing unto the Lord, all the earth." But, what should be immediately apparent is that this idea stems from a system devised by an allegorist for the primary purpose of advancing an agenda. Historically, the notion that John’s Apocalypse included several recapitulations was unknown to the early church. Anthony Hoekema, one of the leading proponents of the Progressive Parallelism view, understood where the “fatal flaw” was in his theory. Americans andother Westerners are familiar with poetry based onrhyme and meter. Specification defined “In the parallelism of specification, each succeeding stich makes more specific what the opening stich states in general. This is similar to the way Hebrew parallelism in the Psalms organizes and structures ideas. Types of parallelism and classification of Psalm 62.11-12; Middleton, Tracie. The nature of Hebrew poetry was recognizedin the 12th century by Ibn Ezra and by Kimchi inthe 13th century, but it was m… (Psalm 18.27)These two lines are parallel (each word or phrase corresponds to a word or phrase in the other line) but instead of saying the same thing twice the psalmist expresses the opposite or contrasting idea in the second line. It’s simply not in the text. In his book, The Bible and The Future, Hoekema wrote, commenting on Revelation 20:1-6: “The premillennial interpretation of these verses understands them as describing a millennial reign of Christ on earth which will follow his Second Coming. Alternate Parallelism. Parallelism: pairing of a line with one or more lines that are linguistically equivalent. : 2 Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise! Dandi Moyers . : 2 Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms. Climactic Parallelism The 2nd line repeats the 1st line with the exact same words plus a conclusion. a. Psalms 9 and 10 are together making one acrostic psalm. The third part repeats the first part and the fourth part repeats the second part. The purpose of that exercise is to prove that, when the artificial chapter and verse numbers are eliminated, the transition from what we call chapter 19 into chapter 20 is completely transparent. 12:28). This type of construction the least common of the different types. According to this view, the book of Revelation consists of seven sections which run parallel to each other, each of which depicts … The type of parallelism that expands an idea is named synthetic parallelism. Answer: A major literary device in Hebrew poetry is parallelism. cf. (38:1), B. Antithetical: statement followed by its opposite (example: Psalm 49: 6-10). However, Psalm includes clearly dividable 116 poems which have superscriptions such as titles and comments. SYNTHETIC PARALLELISM Psalm 38:13-15 But I am like a deaf man; I do not hear, like a mute man who does not open his mouth. Look on me and answer, LORD my God. Q – Are you familiar with William Hendrickson’s interpretive approach to Revelation (perhaps not originating with him) called “progressive parallelism”? The system of interpretation of the book of Revelation which seems most satisfactory to me (though it is not without its difficulties) is that known as progressive parallelism, ably defended by William Hendriksen in More Than Conquerors, his commentary on Revelation. Neither have they proven that John’s intention was to start recapitulating at the precise point where Chapter 20 starts. His theory of progressive parallelism is shared by Hoekema, Riddlebarger, and others. As the name implies, this type has the second or parallel line saying about the same thing as the first—for emphasis. Let’s start reading at Revelation 19: 1 and follow John’s use of this conjunction. 3. This parallelism is often progressive like stairs that lead to or descend from a central point. Then, give them the pericope cited above and ask them to find the chapter division. In other words, they rely on the rather random chapter and verse divisions, of which John’s First Century audience would have been completely unaware. But for you, O LORD, do I wait; it is you, O Lord my God, who will answer. _____ The famous Big Ben chimes are the most … And(kai) the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh.

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