Business registration form / SSM (Form 9, Form 24 & Form 49) 2. Attention for sole proprietor business type (Personal / Enterprise / Partnership) that if your SSM has expired you need to renew your SSM certificate here. you can download their company profile from SSM with a fee. Like Quote Reply. Complete your order and the certificate will be sent in digital copy (softcopy) to your email. Patut juga diingatkan bahawa syarikat sendirian berhad tidak dibenarkan mengeluarkan iklan untuk mempelawa orang ramai membeli sahamnya. unless you are doing a search on other company. views TS keong_boy: Nov 6 2013, 05:11 PM, updated 8y ago. Changes of particulars are also made in Form 49. SSM e-Info Services is an Internet based service to provide search and purchase of registered company (ROC) and business (ROB) information online. Everybody can access this service with Internet connection using online payment such as Prepaid, Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard, AMEX). Head to SSM Head Office and submit the two forms. v. vi Borang 49 / Form 49 or Seksyen 58 / Section 58 Dokumen Penyata Pemegang-Pemegang Saham Syarikat / Statement of Shareholders Notification of change in the register of directors, manager and secretaries vi. You may provide us any bill under business name. Section 141(6) of the Act provides that the company shall lodge with the Registrar – (a) within one month after incorporation, a return in the prescribed form After that, complete the form “BORANG PNA 42” to register for a Company Trade Name and the form “BORANG A” to register your Company. Utility bill with name and address matching senangPay accountholder (Document must be clear, current bill within 3 months). This is an alternative to over the counter transactions. The Form numbers have been removed and they only refer to the specific section number in the Companies Act 2016. [Update: The Forms are now up on the SSM website.] Form Description Form Name Form Name; Application for Approval of Business Name: Form PNA.42: Guide & Sample of Completed Form: Registration of Business: Form A: Guide & Sample of Completed Form: Application for Renewal of Business Registration: Form A1: Guide & Sample of Completed Form Registration of changes in Business Particulars: Form B Card PM. Customer Service Email Penjualan saham hanya dibuat secara lisan iaitu kepada kenalan dan sahabat handai sahaja. Remember to bring along your Identity Card (IC) and RM70 for company registration fees and business info print-out. Need to get your SSM Documents complete with Certified True Copy (CTC)? Borang 49 - Butir-butir berkaitan dengan Pengarah, Pengurus & Setiausaha; Peringatan. A copy of Form 49 or SSM Form (Pemilik Peniaga Masa Kini) A copy of SST approval from customs (Optional) Registration Approval All done! Bank account statement (name and account number must be visible) 3. Show posts by ... from company secretary. Read more about CTC here. Begin selling now! Business Seller. Seller Zone. vii Borang 79 / Form 79 Senarai dan Butir-butir Pengarah Syarikat Asing / … Report Top. Where can obtain certified form 9, 24 and 49, Form 9, 24 and 49 . Some of the forms can be lodged through the electronic filing system while the other forms will have to be printed out and then manually lodged over the counter. Previously for example, anyone who wished to incorporate a company in Malaysia would be required to submit Form 6, Form 48A and the M&A as per the outlines of the Companies Act 1965. Form 49 is used to giving the particulars of directors, managers and secretaries. Berkuatkuasa 9 November 2020 sehingga 31 Disember 2020, Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) memberikan pengecualian kompaun bagi kegagalan menyerah simpan dokumen berkanun syarikat mengikut tempoh masa yang ditetapkan di bawah Akta Syarikat 2016. IC of directors (front & back) 4. Head over to our Seller Zone to access our state-of-the-art amenities .
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