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Chinese language ßx Word frequency. Chinese word frequency list - News In the last post I analyzed 80 news articles from Taiwan over the period of 6 weeks, provided some basic statistics and tried to come up with a Chinese characters frequency list, by counting the occurrence of unique characters in these articles. Work with them. Chinese word frequency list - News In the last post I analyzed 80 news articles from Taiwan over the period of 6 weeks, provided some basic statistics and tried to come up with a Chinese characters frequency list, by counting the occurrence of unique characters in these articles. Who this book is for: This book is for beginners and intermediate learners of Mandarin who are self-motivated and willing to spend 15 to 20 minutes a day on learning vocabularies. Appendix:Mandarin Frequency lists/6001-7000. They are (1) Tsai's list of Chinese words, (2) IOME, and (3) Xcin. Appendix:Mandarin Frequency lists/8001-9000. Furthermore, you get information about the dominant PoS of the word (is it a noun, a verb, an adjective, or another word? 50 里 537795 30.518011775859 li3 inside/internal/interior, village/within/inside, Chinese mile/neighborhood/li, a Chinese unit of length = one-half kilometer/hometown 51 用 535480 30.794739879768 yong4 to use Subject: The list of characters is available from here. Chinese words by spoken frequency, 1 - 1,000 Frequency data taken from film subtitles by Qing Cai, Mark Brysbaert. The frequency lists (GB-encoded and in HMTL format) are generated by Jun Da and form part of his Chinese Text Computing website (link updated 11-10-00). : part, share, component, division, phase, place, piece, process, construction, engineering, engineering project, project, jade, crumpet, female, female person, Gill, bitch, chick, fair, squaw, womenfolk, adult female, doll, momma, wench, skirt, womankind, girl, jill, wife, broad, petticoat, sister, woman, bimbo, bird, jane, she, hen, hairpin, dame, women, multitude, citizen, quarter, Volk, hoi polloi, subject, people, nationals, masses, the people, mass, demotic, country, acre, terra, soil, premise, realm, territory, dirt, local god of the land, farming, earth, ground, kingdom, holding, agrarian, solid ground, benefice, esplees, tract, village god, glebe, terra firma, land, dry land, face up, stand up, face, look_out_on, confront, front, affront, envisage, accost, breast, unco, leak, intelligence, newsworthiness, witting, journalistic, information, journalism, courant, news, go, resume, keep_on, abide, come on, persist in, extend, run_on, run on, carry_on, stretch, sustain, pursue, keep going, continuance, get_along, get_on, remain, continue, keep_up, go ahead, keep up, come up, continuation, hold, carry, run, go_on, maintain, go on, bide, plow ahead, hold_on, piece, restart, deem, believe, credit, esteem, accredit, feel, trow, count, have faith in, guess, lippen, buy, be convinced of, hold, think, trust, accept, know, hone, believe_in, favour, believe in, hope, grow_into, change into, go, form, grow into, change state, develop into, turn to, fall, turn_into, be, turn, become, turn into, grow, run, get, underscore, spotlight, place emphasis on, point_up, highlight, point, point up, enforce, emphasise, urge, underline, overstress, give emphasis to, play up, keynote, insist, punctuate, accent, betone, foreground, emphasize, emphatic, stress, set off, overemphasize, accentuate, bring out, ism, organization, dispensation, regimen, machine, regulations, form, system, regime, organisation, economy, institutional, institution, importance, significance, denotation, purport, drift, signality, emptiness, meaning, construction, bearing, substance, import, effect, insignificancy, hang, signification, sense, course of instruction, lesson, course, course of lectures, course of study, curricular, class, curricula, syllabus, curriculum, program, need, requisition, demand, want, desiderative, requirement, call, lifetime, life, lifespan, human life, time of life, old man, father, papa, pappa, daddy, pa, begetter, pop, dada, dad, male parent, pater, pappy, pops, poppa, estate, manufacture, industry, domain, manufacturing, property, preside, be responsible for, see, entail, sponsor, be in charge of, blame, answer, undertake, liable, respond, grass roots, people-to-people, nongovernmental, among the people, folk, popular, chiefly, anear, about, near, just_about, most, well-nigh, almost, closely, practically, intimately, all but, nearly, just about, virtually, much, nigh, fraternity, sect, phalanx, collective, body, group, sodality, element, organisation, corporation, confession, college, establishment, brotherhood, community, organization, squad, union, administration, society, army, commonwealth, consort, company, lineup, combine, governance, clan, combination, fellowship, organizational, bloc, team, party, connection, family, brass, squadron, technology, tech, engineering science, applied science, science and technology, technological, engineering, it seems, quasi, apparently, seemingly, as if, thing, critter, crittur, zoic, anthropomorphism, animal, deer, animate being, beast, creature, burrow, sire, worker, fauna, brute, blower, phone call, headphone, earpiece, telephone, telephone_call, buzz, earphone, horn, telephone set, phone_call, telephony, phone, stance, treatment, demeanor, dealing, deportment, pose, behavior, manner, demeanour, way, bearing, attitude, air, behaviour, front, mien, conduct, mental attitude, approach, posture, address, position, bedside_manner, movement, gesture, comportment, presence, sort, proposition, task, pidgin, institution, undertaking, deed, facilities, life history, endeavour, endeavor, cause, career, project, action, enterprise, old, aged;of long standing, outdated, tough, overgrown, dark (of colors), oftentimes, ofttimes, commonly, ordinarily, oft, often, a great deal, normally, frequently, unremarkably, much, usually, graphic symbol, writing, pronunciation (of a word), form of a written character, receipt, printing type, script, name taken at the age of 20, courtesy name, wordage, character, grapheme, contract, scripts, symbolic representation, style of handwriting, word, view, pretence, objective, goal, purport, intention, bourn, object, motive, motivation, meaning, aim, end point, hent, target, scope, sense of purpose, errand, purposefulness, sake, function, end, purpose, quaesitum, intent, mood, formula, conditional, precondition, prerequisite, requisition, factor, qualification, requirement, stipulation, proviso, circumstances, provision, term, reservation, if, condition, loose, bloom, make longer, set ... free, let sb. The Chinese Internet corpus is a snapshot of the Chinese Web from 2005. : and, in addition, but, on the other hand, cinematography, moving_picture, pix, kinema, picture, film, movie, moving picture, flick, cinema, motion_picture, cinematic, celluloid, picture show, motion picture, flicker, ology, scientific, science, scientific knowledge, board, soviet, commission, committee, court, citizens committee, mission, delegacy, deputation, delegation, council, open, open up, reclaim (land), open out, come loose, start, begin, operate, turn on (light), run (business), hold (meeting/etc. The Frequency list of 6000 most common Korean words compiled by National Institute of Korean language is already available on TOPIK GUIDE in 6 parts – First Part, Second Part,Third Part, Fourth Part, Fifth Part and Sixth Part. The character frequency list is a very important part of Document Analysis in Chinese Toolbox 2012. > The 2000 Most Frequently Used Mandarin Chinese Nouns > The 2000 Most Frequently Used German Nouns > The 2980 Most Frequently Used German Nouns (With Plural) List of sentences, with audio on Anki, sorted by the average frequency of the words on them: > 5000 Spanish Sentences Sorted from Easiest to Hardest This Mandarin Chinese Word Frequency Dictionary is the first such dictionary with accurate PoS frequency for Chinese words. request, ask (a favor), engage, hire (teacher/etc. Here is a summary of what I got. Message 1: Chinese word frequency list Date: Sun, 31 Mar 2002 15:34:49 -0700 From: dhang Subject: Chinese word frequency list I posted a question about word frenquency list in Chinese more than a month ago. Ok! The Keyword List tool was then used to create a list of keywords by comparing the word list derived from the TCM Corpus with that of the BNC Written Corpus as a reference corpus. Furthermore, you get information about the dominant PoS of the word (is it a noun, a verb, an adjective, or another word? fill in, finish out, fulfil, practice, complete, finish, encompass, clear_up, top_off, cleave, top off, accomplishment, make out, effect, perfective, fulfill, go through, exercise, discharge, fill out, completion, end, run, bring ... to fruition, round_out, achieve, execute, round out, make, cap off, accomplish, practise, follow through, come, finalize, fulfilment, dispatch, bring ... class fellow, fellow student, condisciple, classmate, schoolmate, schoolfellow, form of address used in speaking to a student, correspondence, paper, document, bit, m.[general], , single item, letter, piece, department, potency, ability, acquisition, acquirement, capacity, performance, oomph, sufficiency, energy, competence, accomplishment, size, might, faculty, hand, coequal, efficiency, inner resources, capability, giftie, attainment, capableness, zip, skill, competency, power, breath, god, head, anima, days, organism, blood, life, living thing, skin, longevity, being, vital, life form, synod, moot, conference, board, convocation, soviet, congress, talks, indaba, negotiation, junta, group discussion, convention, meeting place, session, council, rendezvous, colloquy, coming together, powwow, seance, meeting, forum, consultation, roll-up, get-together, assembly, civil, crowd, masses, populace, rank_and_file, the masses, the masses of the people, the populace, demos, mob, multitude, plebs, commons, the common people, the people, million, public, proposition, pie, shebang, thing, affair, occasions, undertaking, concern, question, business, schmear, matter, volume, document, style of calligraphy, book, script, letter, mood, circumstance, fact, factual, reality, verity, case, deed, sooth, troth, actuality, truth, matter, matter of fact, tissue, nerve, weave, organization, organized system, more than the correct/required number, much/far more, love, like, be fond of, be keen on, cherish, be apt to, cognate, relational, interrelate, associated, be interrelated, relevant, related, be mutually related, come into being, produce, engender, emerge, solve, resolve, settle, dispose of, finish off, receive (honors, have, receive, acknowledge, sweep up, espouse, etc. ), undergo, get to grips, take, adapt, acceptance, thole, tell, notify, inform, be expert in, know, sense, be aware of, administration, notification, administer, be in charge of, realize, unconscious process, mechanism, process, act, round, course, functional, niche, function, competence, capacity, anatomy, generalized verb of doing with specific meaning determined by its object, strike, hit, fight, construct, forge, mix, water, H2O, liquid, bubble, a general term for rivers, lakes, seas, etc., Shiu, waters, aqueous, Aquarius, river, Surname, blister, drink, eau, aqua, child (adult address to child), little boy, children, little boy/girl, girl, little girl, little boy or girl, child, make difficulties, take to task, put ... into a difficult position, disagreeable, make difficult, unpleasant, hard, difficult, troublesome, blame, tell, preach, notify, impart, inform, represent, apprize, send word, share, advise, give notice, apprise, assure, let know, subject_matter, content, cognitive content, internal, contents, mental object, meat, substance, matter, lining, hearthstone, background, fireside, establishment, household, hearth, domestic, hearthside, menage, home, family unit, family, house, parental, parents, father and mother, folks, description, bewrite, direct, describe, pencil, draw, paint, inscribe, write, depiction, write_out, throw_off, depict, address, author, screeve, word, compose, man, wight, human_being, human, human race, mankind, individual, human species, Homo_sapiens, populace, creature, hominid, world, mortality, microcosm, humans, humanitarianism, humanity, humanness, human beings/species, people, species, humankind, human beings, public, mortal, pick up, invest, hire, buy, purchase, put_down, trade, get, go_into, get_in, debouch, get in, go into, move into, come_into, pass, step_in, lapse, get_into, set in, go in, get into, kick in, penetrate, intromission, pierce, come_in, come in, enter, entry, sink, impenetrate, to discuss, to take something up with someone, to talk about, writing, musical composition, whole kit and caboodle, works (of literature, artwork, kit and caboodle, product, whole works, creation, full treatment, kit and boodle, whole kit and boodle, works (of literature/art), composition, thing, piece of music, workpiece, output, art), written material, opus, whole shebang, whole caboodle, production, whole kit, piece, workmanship, wo, circumstance, trimness, event, trim, instance, state of affairs, case, circumstances, status, situation, condition, resource, natural resources, mine, resources, origin, causation, reason, wherefore, causal, breeder, spore, cause, causal agent, whence, causal agency, occasion, root, subject, causality, why, starter. Standard introduction This word frequency list is based on the 400+ million word Corpus of Contemporary American 认为. Download PDF and All Audios . long and narrow, filet, m.[general], , article, strip, assize, twig, ingot, slip, decide, resolve, make up one's mind, determine, see, be exposed to, become visible, call on, refer to, meet with, appear to be, appear, vide, catch sight of, meet, day, period, a period in one's life, epoch, present time, historical period, time, chapter, period in one's life, modern times, historic period, contemporary world, times, era, modern world, age. Upcoming releases of Chinese Toolbox will provide even greater integration of character frequency lists, especially in the Search window. ), Please... section, country, area, latitude, zone, terrain, parts, locality, sector, province, prefecture, region, district, faubourg, mechanics, know-how, prowess, science, Minerva, superior skill, art, competence, technology, craft, craftsmanship, skill, education, technique, artistry, engineering, technological, equipment, technical, never, noway, don't want, don't (do sth. seriously, value, invite, greet, take in, receive, welcome, gratulate, embrace, salute, kid, tyke, encumbrance, kinchin, youngster, wean, small fry, chick, juvenile, imp, urchin, minor, nestling, prattler, tike, kiddie, tot, fry, bud, mammet, pinafore, nipper, enfant, mite, bairn, chicken, shaver, child, chit, kiddy, infant, tiddler, sprig, demonstrate, argue, exhibit, prove, display, show, illustrate, manifest, demonstration, announce, stamp, unroll, witness, write, give, evince, dangle, betray, bespeak, say, profess, develop, indicate, signal, flaunt, read, register, manifestation, speak, reveal, evidence, tell, shew, proclaim, discover, stage, bear, establish, record, prognosticate, betoken, note, signalize, male, man, chap, mankind, buck, bastard, gentleman, jack, gent, men, blighter, cuss, hombre, lad, adult male, groom, husband, bimbo, dog, fellow, mon, menfolk, fella, forbear, preclude, refrain_from, forebear, escape, help, elude, leapfrog, refrain from, stave_off, evite, shun, obviate, avoid, evade, waive, help oneself, ward_off, ward, miss, avert, ward off, balk, refrain, fall under, be part of, pertain, appertain, belong, relegate, fall into, belong_to, fall_under, reside, belong to, attach, voice, vocal, language, huskiness, vox, vocalization, audio, noise, sonic, tone, sound, phone, audio frequency, tenet, principle, hang, system, ticket, creed, philosophy, school of thought, evangel, ism, gospel, masonry, maxim, doctrine, -ism, can only, have no choice but, to be forced to, relish, appetite, zestfulness, dish, cup of tea, pastime, hobby, interest, gusto, bag, avocation, zest, Shan, jebel, pike, mountain, whitethorn, hump, anything resembling a mountain, gable, kop, chimney, hill, Surname, mount, come back, get_back, recur, revisit, come, return, be back, come_back, head, principal, captain, chair, director, head teacher, chief, chairman, school principal, everyday, daily, alway, often, a great deal, frequently, sempre, much, regularly, constantly, evermore, day-to-day, receive, accept, endure, suffer, be subjected to, cogitation, mentation, imagery, imaging, lunatic_fringe, mental imagery, idea, thinking, imagination, ideology, thought, pensee, ideological, head, hair (style), top/end of sth., chief, in the last analysis, at long last, at last, lastly, ultimately, all things considered, out, on the whole, at_last, eventually, in the final analysis, finally, locality, the place (named/mentioned/etc. Including zhuyin and word frequency information for most entries. You might have heard that 80 % of normal language use is made up of only 20 % of the words (or some variation of this). Background Word frequency is the most important variable in language research. Chinese text with highlighted high-frequency words. Browse the Latest New HSK Word Lists If you just want to take a look at the words without downloading anything, you can view the HSK 1-6 Words and HSK 1-6 Characters here. particle: used when informing sb. Message 1: Chinese word frequency list Date: Sun, 31 Mar 2002 15:34:49 -0700 From: dhang Subject: Chinese word frequency list I posted a question about word frenquency list in Chinese more than a month ago. The full list is available in PDF eBook format -- $19.95 for the 5,000 word list, $29.95 for 10,000 words, and $39.95 for the full 20,000 word list (nearly 2,000 pages). Below is the list of A level Chinese vocabulary words. : all, totality, whole, everything. You can also access the complete list on a single webpage in plain text form. The Keyword List tool was then used to create a list of keywords by comparing the word list derived from the TCM Corpus with … 認為. Learn high frequency word list chinese mandarin with free interactive flashcards. Choose from 500 different sets of high frequency word list chinese mandarin flashcards on Quizlet. Here are some questions that many students never even consider: 1. Introduction In the past posts I was trying to analyze the frequency of words and characters based on the data that I sampled over the period of 6 weeks from 4 section of Taiwanese news (please see the Character frequency analysis, Word frequency analysis and Character prediction analysis articles for more information). Tsai's list of Chinese words. However, despite the growing interest in the Chinese language, there are only a few sources of word frequency measures available to researchers, and the quality is less than what researchers in other languages are used to. OCLC: 969802 Xian dai Han yu zi pin tong ji biao = Xiandai Hanyu zipin tongji biao / Guo jia yu yan wen zi gong zuo wei yuan hui, Guo jiao piao zhun ju bian. ), divide into, reveal, in_chorus, together, in all, in the same place, holus-bolus, altogether, in company, employee, personnel, reason, force, staff, cause, elicit, beget, causation, give rise to, incite, pique, engender, bring_on, trigger, fire, compel, kick_up, superindividual, draw, spawn, invite, touch_off, occasion, lead, bring_about, procure, touch off, raise, enkindle, give, poke, produce, capture, generate, stir, arouse, excite, put forward, provoke, breed, bring, conjure up, grip, create, kindle, tempt, set_up, interest, give rise, enga, occupy, have, receive, aught, hold back, keep, keep back, owe, retain, own, possess, possession, hold, seize, take, acquire, corral, hold on, fact, event, page, incidental, go, case, job, natural event, timing, proceedings, social occasion, happening, occurrence, matter, occasion, incident, shebang, affair, chapter, concernment, graduate_school, research institute, school, laboratory, graduate school, institute, linguistic communication, lingual, language, idiom, tongue, oral communication, speech, perspicuity, lingo, contumely, Fortran, parole, natural language, spoken language, linguistic process, serious, significant, acute, critical, severe, grave, spiel, recital, relation, scam, rede, plot, yarn, narration, story, fiction, tale, history, legend, narrative, ology, academic, systematic learning, science, learning, installation, set, device, appointment, plant, fixing, system, appliance, fixture, fitting, accommodation, fitment, finishing, unit, furnishings, materiel, contrivance, paraphernalia, facilities, rig, equipage, setout, facility, fixings, equipment, indeed, really, honestly, in fact, as a matter of fact, extend to, find, fulfil, compass, encompass, extend, gain, answer, achievement, succeed, fulfill, live_up_to, attainment, strain, bring_up, achieve, get to, touch, strive, make, accomplish, progress to, come, hit, come_out, obtain, reach, attain, clock_up, suffice, do, get, arrive_at, constitution, configuration, framing, structural, design, underframe, framework, construction, structure, schematism, economy, fabric, mechanics, composition, machinery, contexture, texture, constellation, fable, ordonnance, skeleton, organization, frame, architecture, chemistry, make, inhabit, cease, stay, visit, shack, dwell, stop, people, live, reside, populate, dig, sustain, hold out, bear;support, back, stand by, fare, stand, base, constellation, footstall, pedestal, m.[general], , customer, Aquarius, seating, plinth, place, seat, scantily, simply, alone, merely, barely, only, but, just, be worth, merit, pay, rate, behove, worthwhile, worth, worthy, deserve, call_for, command, academic, literate, pandit, letters, litterateur, learned person, literati, philomath, pundit, academician, faculty member, scholar, bookman, clerk, student, scholarly person, man of letters, man of learning, speleologist, doctor, clerisy, initiate, swami, punditry, savant, learned man, sophist, intercourse, commutation, transportation, communication, commuting, traffic, traffic_light, liaison man, communications, dealings, liaison, staged, period, phase angle, stage, gradation, level, peg, grade, remove, phase, leg, step, TV, box, iconoscope, video, television set, teevee, orthicon, huckster, TV set, radiovision, television, telecasting, airwave, telly, venter, materfamilias, mother, mither, sultana, maternal, female parent, mater, particle: used to persuade someone to do something; used to emphasize the obvious, journalist, writer, correspondent, newspaperwoman, newspaperman, gazetteer, newswriter, reporter, pressman, newshound, newsman, newsperson, force per unit area, P, strain, overwhelming force, pressure sensation, burdensomeness, oppressiveness, pressure, onerousness, stress, compulsion, constraint, muscle, lading, dare, make bold, have courage to, be sure, have confidence to, venture, have the confidence to, be certain, public facility, college, courtyard, designation for certain government offices and pub, hospital, clinic, branch of government, university, institutes, compound, abbey, academy, institute, yard, educational institution, faculty, possibly, peradventure, conceivably, assumedly, mayhap, doubtless, ablings, perhaps, perchance, potentially, probably, maybe, presumably, ablins, just, workforce, hands, work force, folk, people, they, the people, men, manpower, common people, I'm afraid, dread, funk, I suppose, be afraid of, fear, soma, system, physical structure, body, health, carcase, corpus, frame, person, somatic, organic structure, personage, latitude, rate, degree, point, measure, way, grade, gree, pitch, cut, length, plane, stage, level, extent, scale, notch, lear, know-how, understanding, ken, instruction, science, sophistication, consciousness, light, awareness, cognizance, knowledge, lore, mastery, know, cognition, acquaintanceship, mind, intellect, knowingness, equipment, internal structure of an organization, motion, gadget, instrumentality, institute, organ, mechanism, gear, representation, mechanics, machinery, apparatus, establishment, institution, means, organization, agency, setup, delegacy, outfit, theatrical role, character, persona, part, function, office, fictional character, actor, fictitious character, personage, role, repair, background, picture, state (of affairs), state of affairs, status, gear, scene, setting, scope, condition, state, circumstance, trimness, context, showing, trim, factor, condition/state (of affairs), situation, shoes, consideration, place, guru, pundit, adept, expertise, professional person, specializer, specialist, proficient, whiz, oner, expert, swami, savant, dab, professional, authority, stunner, technician, amuse oneself, treat lightly, have fun, resort to, enjoy, appreciate, play, toy, trifle with, employ, disport, shoot, amuse onself, operation, execution, result, effect, background, sound effects, purpose, point, background signal, fruitage, outcome, force, punch, totally, together, in all, in company, altogether, lift a ban/etc., be turned on, be in operation, neighborship, neighborhood, precinct, vicinity, neighbourhood, parent, father, pere, Pa, begetter, governor, abba, male parent, pater, guv, finances, monetary resource, expenses, expense, expenditure, pecuniary resource, fund, outlay, funds, outgo, cash in hand, in one case, , one time, formerly, syne, at one time, of all time, once, ever, will, be willing, please, wish, like, care, attach importance to, take sth.

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