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Hiker dies on Siyeh Pass Trail in Glacier National Park. From the trailhead at Siyeh Bend, the first 200 yards of the trail wrap along Siyeh Creek before turning right, into the forest. There are occasional creeks, rocks, and roots so keep your eyes open. This route is a favorite grizzly hangout, especially in August when the berries are ripe, so be sure to loudly make your presence known along the trail so they can move out of the way. Siyeh Bend to Siyeh Pass Remember that the trail does not actually cross Siyeh Pass. As you climb, enjoy ever improving views of Mt. How can I improve GNPTG? A short ways in it disappears into the forest and begins ascending. Siyeh Pass Trail (St. Mary) Another one of the hikes in Glacier best completed one-way using the park’s shuttle service. Glacier National Park Travel Guide: An Insider's View of Glacier. To the west, Reynolds (9,125-ft.), Piegan and Pollack Mountains form a stunning backdrop for Preston Park’s gorgeous meadows and krummholz. The trail for Siyeh Pass begins at Siyeh Bend 1, about three miles east of Logan Pass on the Going-to-the-Sun Road.There are a couple of wide shoulders along either side of the road for parking, which can collectively accommodate maybe a couple dozen cars. The east side shuttle runs from the St. Mary Visitor Center to Logan Pass. The lower slopes of Matahpi Peak (9,365-ft.), to the east, form the backdrop for a pretty creek spanned by a wooden bridge at 2.3 miles. The trail starts at the Siyeh Bend, the sharp hairpin turn east of Logan Pass. Soon the thick forest gives way to intermittent meadows with partially obscured views of Piegan Mountain across the valley. At 2.9 miles the trail passes to the north of a tarn and then makes a brief jog to the north before resuming its easterly course. Continue roughly one mile until the trail runs into the Continental Divide Trail (Piegan Pass Trail). This is one of the prettiest alpine meadows in the park, and is a perfect spot for lunch. Got some feedback? Soon views open to Siyeh Pass, the saddle on the ridge at the east end of the valley. The Piegan Pass trail to the right (south) drops downs to the Going-to-the-Sun Road. Siyeh & Piegan Pass: 13.4 miles round trip. Follow the road for 32.8 miles to Siyeh Bend, a prominent hairpin curve on the road, 2.8 miles down the east side of the divide from Logan Pass. You’ll pass through dense forest along this part of the hike which limits the scenery, but don’t despair; you’ll be rewarded later with some spectacular vistas. Glacier National Park Shuttle Bus: The Glacier National Park Shuttle bus, which operates from the beginning of July through the first week of September (check current schedule on the park’s website:, runs in two sections. Reach the junction with the Piegan Pass trail at 1.1 miles. The Siyeh Pass trail ascends beautiful Preston Park on easy grades, passing through stands of subalpine larch, dwarf firs and stunted pines interspersed with lovely meadows dotted with wildflowers. About 1 mile from the trailhead, you’ll arrive at a split in the trail… Hike #2: Siyeh Pass Trail Glacier National Park Montana. ), reaching an elevation of 8,000 feet. Siyeh rising above the north side of the valley and Matahpi Peak to the south. The Piegan/Siyeh Pass trailhead is located on the northeast side of the curve to the east of where Siyeh Creek flow under the road. Siyeh Pass trail is a stretch goal for us. Otherwise both creeks are easily crossed on rocks without getting your feet wet. At 4.2 miles the trail travels above and to the south of Siyeh Pass (7,750-ft.), the grassy saddle on the ridge between Mt. The trail begins at Siyeh Bend, where hikers can park their cars and head out onto the trail. The Siyeh Bend trailhead is 2.2 miles east of Logan Passon the Going-To-The-Sun Road. At the head of the valley a steep trail ascends the northern slopes of Matahpi Peak (9,365-ft.) toward Siyeh Pass, a grassy saddle on the ridge running between Mt. Piegan Pass: Class 2 and 3 with care in route finding. On the west side the buses run from Apgar Visitor Center to Logan Pass. The trail suddenly turns … Along the way enjoy wonderful views of Mt. Limited parking is available at pullouts on the east and west sides of the road on either side of the sharp curve. Snow may linger on the slopes of Matahpi Peak well into the summer, requiring the use of crampons to safely traverse the steep slopes leading to the Baring/Bounder Creek Divide. The trail head, (pictured above) begins at Siyeh Bend on the Going to the Sun Road. Turn right to continue on the Going-to-the-Sun Road. Another popular option is to continue over the Divide on a trail that drops steeply down the Baring Creek Valley to the Sunrift Gorge trailhead on the Going-to-the-Sun Road, losing 3,340-ft. It comes out about 10 miles later at Sunrift Gorge where you can catch a shuttle. Bear left on the Piegan Pass trail toward Piegan Pass and the Siyeh Pass trail junction. This is a beautiful high elevation day hike with mind-blowing views of Mt. The best way to begin this hike is to leave your car at Sunrift Gorge and take the shuttle to Siyeh Pass before your hike to ensure you get to your vehicle in time. The trail is in the trees for the first several miles. Siyeh Pass Trail Junction (Mile 2.7) The trail continues north for about another 1.5 miles until you encounter the Siyeh Pass Trail junction. A knife-edge ridge rises above the divide to the east. From just east of Piegan Pass, ascend a goat trail toward the saddle east of Cataract Mountain. A moderately steep climb through spruce-fir forest leads to a junction offering hikers the option to visit Siyeh Pass (7,750-ft.) or Piegan Pass (7,570-ft.). At a little over 2.5 miles in, the Siyeh Pass Trail breaks off to the west and heads up Preston Park. Basecamp(s) Information: If you want to return via the Baring Creek Valley to Sunrift Gorge at Going-to-the-Sun Road, this is a spectacular hike that I highly recommend. Glacier National Park, near St Mary in Glacier Natl Park, MT. The trail opens up a bit as you near the Siyeh Pass Trail junction, which is 2.4 miles from the trailhead. It’s a gorgeous spot and is a destination in itself. It’s also a prime grizzly bear habitat so be sure to take the proper precautions, which include making a lot of noise and carrying pepper spray (learn how to prevent a grizzly bear attack, in case you bump into one). The Beginning Section of Siyeh Pass Trail. Siyeh Pass Hiking Trail in St. Mary, Glacier National Park, MT - A scenic ascent of beautiful Preston Park and then a steep climb up pretty meadows and talus slopes leads to Siyeh Pass and the Baring/Boulder Divide, where stunning views unfold to the Sexton Glacier, Matahpi Peak, the Baring and Boulder Creek Valleys and beyond. St Mary / Lake McDonald, Region Information: You’ll be able to spot your destination, Siyeh Pass, on the saddle between Matahpi Peak and Mount Siyeh to the north, which is one of the highest passes in Glacier National Park. The open area provides your first views of the Going-to-the-Sun Mountain (9,642-ft.) rising above the trees to the right (east/southeast). Siyeh Bend is stop 6 on the east side shuttle going up from St. Mary and the first stop going down from Logan Pass. Remember that grizzlies would just as soon avoid humans. Continue following the trail as it ascends switchbacks up steep talus slopes toward the Baring/Boulder Creek Divide. The trail follows a route above and to the south of the pass and then switchbacks up Matahpi’s steep talus slopes to the Baring Creek/Boulder Divide. Le sentier longe un lac et sa difficulté est évaluée comme difficile. At 0.1 miles the trail turns right, curving to the southeast as it begins a moderately steep traverse through stunted pines and then thick spruce-fir forest, rock-hopping across a series of small creeks along the way. Mt. There are a few classic day hikes in Glacier National Park and Siyeh Pass is definitely high on that list. Take the switchbacks to the top of the pass along the slopes of Matahpi Peak. Siyeh Pass Hiking Detail - Hiking Trail in St. Mary, Glacier National Park, MT - A scenic ascent of beautiful Preston Park and then a steep climb up pretty meadows and talus slopes leads to Siyeh Pass and the Baring/Boulder Divide, where stunning views unfold to the Sexton Glacier, Matahpi Peak, the Baring and Boulder Creek Valleys and beyond. The trail starts out at a gentle incline through dense forest. [July 28, 2020] – On Monday, July 27 at 4:45 pm Glacier National Park received a report that a man had collapsed and was unresponsive on the Siyeh Pass trail, approximately one mile from the trailhead at Siyeh Bend. See the Siyeh Bend to Sunrift Gorge trail description for more information. Siyeh Pass in Glacier National Park actually traverses the pass between Mount Siyeh and Going-to-the-Sun Mountain, circling Going-to-the-Sun Mountain in the process. LIke many of the trails found throughout Glacier National Park, Siyeh Pass trail takes hikers through beautiful meadows and forests, complete with top-of-the-world views. All Rights Reserved. Siyeh Pass Trail: The Ascent. To the left (west) Piegan Mountain (9,220-ft.) looms above the trail. With stunning views of waterfalls, glaciers, and peaks plus a trail through meadows and forests, this is definitely a worthwhile hike in Glacier National Park. Siyeh Pass in Glacier National Park is a fantastic through hike. Siyeh and Matahpi Peak. learn how to prevent a grizzly bear attack, Trail Highlights – Gorgeous alpine scenery, stunning mountain views, wildflowers, plentiful wildlife. Going-to-the-Sun rises to the south of Matahpi Peak. You are actually starting on what is known as the Siyeh Bend Cut-off trail that climbs to meet the Piegan Pass trail. Matahpi Peak soars overhead. Limited parking is available at pullouts on the east and west sides of the road on either side of the sharp curve. For the best views continue over the divide for a short distance. Go left here to stay on the Siyeh Bend Trail. The bells were removed during World War II, so sorry, you missed your chance to hear them echoing across the vast mountain peaks and valleys! Route was from low to high starting at Baring Creek (Sunrift Gorge) to Siyeh Bend (Piegan Pass trailhead). Once you get there, you’ll be rewarded with a mind-blowing panorama of Siyeh Peak, Goat Mountain to the east and the Boulder Creek drainage to the northeast. Follow the trail through trees for about 2.5 miles, then break off and head up to Preston Park. A brown sign, labeled Piegan Pass, marks the spot. A few switchbacks facilitate the ascent. The trailhead for Siyeh and Piegan Pass trails is located on the north side of the Siyeh Bend curve just east of where Siyeh Creek flows under the road. Siyeh Pass Trail est un sentier de point à point de 9.7 miles très fréquenté situé près de Siyeh Bend, Montana. This could be a one way trail, starting at Siyeh Bend and ending at Sunrift Gorge, but we made it a round trip hike, turning back somewhere near the highest point. You can also start at the Piegan Pass trailhead at Jackson Glacier Overlook, but this is a longer, steeper hike, so we’re going to take the Siyeh Bend route. Siyeh Pass, Glacier NP I have hiked the Siyeh Pass trail in Glacier a couple of times, the second of which (1988) was to propose to my girlfriend (unfortunately, now ex-wife) at the highest altitude along that trail. Hikers are Jack and Greg and myself. A vantage point a short distance down the south side of the Divide offers fine views of the Sexton Glacier on the southeastern flanks of Matahpi Peak. As the forest thins out, the views only get better. Total round trip distance to hike to both Siyeh and Piegan Pass is 13.4 miles. Shoutout to Mother Nature for providing this sunset at the end of this hike. You’ll also see Piegan Mountain to the west and Heavy Runner Mountain to the southwest. I have hiked the Siyeh Pass trail in Glacier a couple of times, the second of which (1988) was to propose to my girlfriend (unfortunately, now ex-wife) at the highest altitude along that trail. If you’re one of the first on the trail, be sure to make noise to let the bears know you’re coming! Return home toGlacier National Park Travel Guide. There are occasional creeks, rocks, and roots so keep your eyes open. and last updated 2020-07-29 17:46:09-04. The trail is one of the highest maintained trails in Glacier Park (and my favorite! The Piegan/Siyeh Pass trailhead is located on the northeast side of the curve to the east of where Siyeh Creek flow under the road. At 1.1 miles you’ll arrive at the Piegan Pass Trail. Wade or rock hop across the stream which drains a small lake cradled beneath the southern flanks of Mt. Siyeh, one of six peaks in Glacier that is over 10,000 feet high, dominates the view to the north. Siyeh (10,014-ft.) and Piegan Mountain (9,220-ft.). The pass enjoys terrific views of the jagged peaks along the Continental Divide and the Many Glaciers area. At 3.2 miles, the trail crosses Siyeh Creek and begins its ascent to Siyeh Pass. Just continue on the Siyeh Pass Trail as it descends sharply, switchbacking down the mountain over 3,400 feet to Sunrift Gorge. It seemed to be the trail most people were taking – you can make it a loop with a shuttle vehicle or by taking the park shuttle back up to Siyeh Bend (people often wait 3 hours or more to get back up to Siyeh Bend, so be forewarned). The trail starts out at a gentle incline through dense forest. After about a mile this stub trail connects with the Piegan Pass Trail which leads to the Siyeh Pass Trail. The scenic Siyeh Pass trail ascends beautiful Preston Park on easy grades, passing through stands of subalpine larch, dwarf firs and stunted pines interspersed with pretty meadows dotted with wildflower. Beyond the crossing the grade abates as the trail passes through stands of stunted trees and pretty meadows with fine views of Mt Siyeh (10,014-ft.) rising to the north, Piegan Mountain (9,220-ft.) to the west and Pollack Mountain (9,190-ft.) to the northwest. Most hikers turn around at the Divide, retracing their steps to the trailhead. The next mile or so is the most strenuous stretch of the hike as you ascend 700 feet over a series of switchbacks to the saddle that cradles Siyeh Pass. Outside of visitor contributions, he writes every single article based off of his unique experiences and knowledge of Glacier. Reach the Divide (8,110-ft.), marked by a large rock cairn, at 4.6 miles. You start out at the Piegan Pass trailhead. Two logs facilitate the first crossing during high water. Both are great destinations and can be combined for a long, memorable day hike. Soon views open to Sexton Glacier cradled in a bowl along the southeastern flanks of Matahpi Peak. 11.9 km black diamond singletrack trail. Turn right (east) at 2.6 miles on the Siyeh Pass trail. It’s a breathtaking valley carved out by glaciers, with lush alpine meadows strewn with wildflowers in summer. Glacier National Park employees responded from Going-to-the-Sun Road on foot. Two logs span a wide creek crossing at 1.0 mile. Little Chief Mountain (9,541-ft.) and Mahtotopa Mountain (8,672-ft.) tower above the south side of the lake. Le sentier offre plusieurs activités et sa meilleure utilisation est de mars à octobre. Siyeh, Going-to-the-Sun Mountain, Matahpi Peak, and St. Mary Lake. By: MTN News Posted at 4:53 PM, Jul 28, 2020 . SIYEH PASS HIKE Hiking Up to the Siyeh Pass Trail. Park at Siyeh Bend, and start on the Piegan Pass Trail (Siyeh Bend Trail). © From the trailhead at 5850', hike a short distance north along Siyeh Creek. Globe Trekkers is all about giving you The VIP and attention you deserve! The trail ends Sunrift Gorge parking, and a park shuttle can take hikers back to their cars at Siyeh Bend. Check out other Glacier National Park hiking trails, or head back to the hikes in the Logan Pass area. Check the current trail conditions before starting the hike. Learn more about me here. Reach a wide, rushing stream at 3.3 miles. At 1.4 miles the trail traverses a small meadow sprinkled with wildflowers. Siyeh. Siyeh Pass is 7.6 miles and will dump you back on Going-To-The-Sun Road where you can catch a shuttle. This is always a bonus because you get to see new sites and scenery all day long! Straight ahead Cataract Mountain (8,180-ft.) and Mount Siyeh (10,014-ft.) rise above the head of the valley. From St. Mary, MT: From the intersection of Highway 89 and the Going-to-the-Sun Road in St. Mary, drive west on the Going-to-the-Sun Road for 15.2 miles to Siyeh Bend, a prominent hairpin curve on the road, 2.8 miles east of Logan Pass. As soon avoid humans Matahpi Peak, glaciers, and is a fantastic through hike improving. Both are great destinations and can be combined for a long, day. Can catch a shuttle thick forest gives way to intermittent meadows with partially obscured views of.... The trek sentier longe un lac et sa meilleure utilisation est de mars à octobre et sa difficulté évaluée. 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