It is possible to Multiply or Divide any cell contents by any power of 10 using Custom Number Formats ! Reason ### displays a maximum of 3 digits after the decimal point. First make your cell vertical alignment to top + wrap text In a simple or single sum the round command works well but when I start using those rounded sums to get to a bottom line (Profit/Loss) or on a balance sheet, they can veer out of balance from actual final numbers more often than I like to see. I don't know why. However, I want to display the values scaled to an easier to read order of magitude. My aim is to make you awesome in Excel & Power BI. The Ctrl J must be added after the ,’s and before the %’s. Note that if you ever use that cell Another handy technique is to use the text function. Firstly i would like to thank you for the solution you provided. Is there a way to add 100 to only the number format? As a former CFO explained to me years ago, if the numbers don't add up it brings into question the validity of the report (as he chucked my report into the trash). Also try formatting an integer with 0.###"text"; you should get something like '1.text' rather than '1text'. Any suggestions as to what I'm doing wrong?? 2. This post will be very useful to Engineers like me who have to do a lot of electrical design calculations in excel. Possible solution so forth. there is something about the concept that makes me uneasy... i think it is reading this article after having finished the great series of articles on auditing and spreadsheet risk.... i recently stumbled on a software company that was addressing the rounding and or formatting creating incorrect sums (visible) issue. Well, there really is no way to solve it other than rounding to the nearest X. 89 is -ve 11 from 100 and 139 is +ve 39. Sir great work, you helped me alot. There are limits to what you can do with it, but for your specific example, a format like this might work: 0000" / (4837)" To learn more about custom number formatting see: Create or delete a custom number format - Excel - Excel Custom Formats: Numbers/Text Formats in Excel Spreadsheets Custom Number Formats (Multiply & Divide by any Power of 10) | - Learn Microsoft Exc... [...], okay idk what i did wrong, maybe my excel is being stupid but its not working . I do understand 0 and #. The problem i am facing is that once i applied this format , save and close the workbook. Thanks for this tip. Click OK Great trick, thanks a lot! I made a similar post yesterday morning that was lost with the server migration. millivolts mV, milliampere mA, milliwatt mW. Rely fully on LibO all number formats wrecked. I just want % sign to be shown along with the value. @Dhakkanz It has the same effect has rounding each individually but it leaves the individual items alone so you can keep accurate percentages. Are the 3 values in the same cell? It is very useful and clear. 2) If I make the cell format TEXT to correct for the scientific notation problem, the custom format options in Excel for text are extremely limited. The double quotes around k may indeed not be necessary in this case, but without knowing with certainty every single format code character, it is a good idea to quote any text characters just in case they get interpreted as format code. I have created custom format ##,##0.0,,, CTRL + J %% to display You may have to use a helper column to assist you. Experience has taught me that he was absolutely right. In a new cell, type "=" and click the first cell you want to multiply. One note or an Outlook competitor perhaps? - Calc does not accept the
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